7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

31 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I know this has been in other games previously as well, but I'm thinking of how it's handled in No One Survived in particular. The more your cleanliness goes down, the more detectable you are by enemies. Affects both stealth, and just walking around.

Would be interesting to see it paired with the original smell system if that ever returns.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tech: I have 3700+ hours in the game and all but like 12 of them are solo. I have never and will never like the system where the "timer clock" keeps ticking even when I am not playing. So if I log off for sleep and work but some guy who plays 14 hours a day stays on I come back to days and days in game gone and mobs are harder + get slapped with a horde night.
If you weren't aware, mob and horde difficulty haven't been tied to the game day for a few years now. It's based on your own personal gamestage.

30 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I used to play a fair amount of PvP in this game, but the last few years it hasn't been all that great.

Lately I play pretty much solely on servers with 2-3 other friends. If I'm playing solo it's usually either testing mods or trying to replicate bugs.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by STDRandom Lead: you hit them with something. doesnt matter what but most either punch them or use the stone axe.

just realized i might have been trolled. 234 hours into the game for op. HIghly unlikely they never figured out basics.
Also highly possible that their 234 hours came, yknow, 7 years ago or something in like Alpha 10... Back when you pressed E to harvest, not smacked the crop. :winter2019happyyul:
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
100% PVE, Mostly solo, occasionally play with my sister.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The OP's question is answered. Commentary about how you didn't like the style in which someone else's response was written etc. doesn't answer OP's question and is off topic. Locking thread.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm a weirdo, I basically don't. Only time I visit other biomes is when looting/questing, or when I want to use one of those other biomes as a starting biome which is rare.

I plant my roots, And near those roots I stay.. I don't feel it to be as absolutely imperative to rush the higher tier biomes for loots as other players seem to.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Marshall:
Originally posted by Yuri: Oh, So I think I'll keep playing normal, thanks :D
i think you would be better off just shelving this game. by the time youve made any meaningful progress a update with be out breaking your save file, followed by another update and another.
you see where im going with this right?
And at no point are you forced to update if you don't want to. Want to continue your A20 save? Opt into A20.7 in the beta menu and you'll n... Read more

29 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Just a fair warning, The game's general difficulty, of zombies you encounter in general/in POI's/on horde nights is based on your player level- The higher your level the higher your gamestage and the more difficult/more numerous zombies you'll encounter.

So power leveling is perhaps a bit counter-intuitively a detriment to the player unless they know what they're doing- Which as a new player, you don't. Same thing for increasing exp gain via the save settings; 300% exp will certainly make you gain levels 3x faster, but it means difficulty ramps up 3x faster too and that can catch you off guard for sure.

This isn't to say you shouldn't powerlevel at all ever. Just, keep the above in mind and level in moderation.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kelphir_86: this action had been blogged on TT/YT and various game sites. Well done!

Just make sure the camera was turned on for TT/YT and that you posted the link correctly on those various game sites. User error can get in the way sometimes. ;-)
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Wasn't erased. Was moved to the correct forum section.

The message from steam states that the post was moved or deleted.
Note the first item in the two options provided.
Then go and look at your post history.

Well Done!
Using Steam Forums 101
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I can see someone doesn't read the Pined threads before they post.

28 May

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ShadedMJ:
Originally posted by Good4u: ever wonder what this game would be like with kaiju roaming the biomes destroying buildings?
As others have said, this is a bad idea.

It'd be better implemented as weather_effect:tornado.

I agree, because a tornado or similar can just move chaotically and exist anywhere regardless of what’s in the way. A character would have to path its giant body around obstacles. This would work better in a game where the world geometry is known ahead of time.

Also thematically, if they were unwilling to keep foot-long hornets, I can’t imagine they’ll go for giant monsters.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Just to clartify something since I don't see it mentioned, the 'Heat Map' is not TEMPERATURE heat (and has since been renamed Activity Map because a surprising number of people don't understand that.)

A heat map is a way of visualizing activity- For example, On a keyboard it would show how often a specific key is hit, and how infrequently others are hit via colors.
In this pic for example, E is by far and away the most hit key, it's "red hot".

What the zombies are tracking via that Activity Map is You.

They're tracking where You, The Survivor, Are doing things. You're making all this activity in this small condensed area, and it lures them to you. ... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Gards: ...
Anyway i'm not going back until UE5 is running 7days.
Why on earth would you want for the game to be worse than it is now?
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Scrap time for every item is based on the total numerical material gained from scrapping it. Iirc it's 0.75 or 1.0 second per material gained? Might've changed, been awhile.
So, For your gun, It returns..what, 3 weapon parts? So the scrap time is 2.25-3 seconds.
For a brass item that gives 250 brass, it's 187.5-250 seconds.

It CAN be changed by either increasing the material return or increasing the time per material gained- But, in the first case that'd make any gun you find worth megabucks because you can scrap it and get a hundred gun parts.. In the latter case, in order to not have your gun scrap in a few seconds you make most things that you DO want to scrap take WAY WAY WAY longer to scrap.

Like, You multiply scrap time by 5 so your guns take 15-20 seconds to scrap, ample time to notice? Now your brass items take 20+ minutes Per Individual Item In the Stack. Imagine like 2-3 hours for a stack of brass radiators. Eesh.

Of note,... Read more
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You won the moment you loaded the game from your library. You can win daily!

27 May

26 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
For testing ragdoll physics and animations.