It increases the spawn counts and game stage. It also enables extra spawn locations if present in the volumes.
No news.
It increases the spawn counts and game stage. It also enables extra spawn locations if present in the volumes.
No news.
No, the AI is far from being done. There are no new bandits animations yet. They are using a combination of player and zombie anims, but player anims don't have root motion, so movement was hacked together and not great which leaves plenty of anim work to do.
We have talked about death penalties, but there are no changes in A21. I'd prefer a simple you are 1% infected on res.
Originally posted by Shockwave:A game is an activity engaged in for ones diversion or amusement. To play, to have fun.Originally posted by Seftak: So in this sense you would say Minecraft, Wurm Online / Unlimited, Animal Crossing, Green Hell and every other open world, sandbox and/or survival games are not games?I fyou can't lose and there is no story to play through it is not a game.
Originally posted by Desert Rat: You seem to be taking this all very personally, and I'm not sure why other than maybe it's lonely in the basement and you have nothing better to do. My original point was a very simple one, and you have created this convoluted straw man argument in an attempt to counter what I said. Makes no sense to me, but hey, your reality is your own and you're welcome to it. Perhaps you work for TFP, or you are related to someone who works for TFP, or maybe you worship someone who works for TFP, I don't know. At any rate, my original comment was not an attack, merely an expression of my thoughts and opinions. I regret that you took it so badly and became defensive. Go have a pudding pop or something, maybe you will feel b...Read more
Originally posted by Desert Rat: I don't have a problem with people who want to see everything that's being worked on and what will be in future releases. I applaud all the hard work that the designers and devs are doing, but people seem to have missed (or ignored) the point of my comment.
A21 actually uses less RAM from optimizations, which was needed for console and those changes are ongoing. We have also been using more props for items and those can stream their textures, so potentially better on VRAM or at least more flexible use of VRAM.
I would go for higher clocks, but both would improve performance.