7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

21 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It could be changed, but we would have to spend time to look at the issue involves with flipping it back and where you appear coming out and if we even like it that way.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The miners helmet is just a helmet; Needs the flashlight mod on it to use it as a light.

It does most often spawn with a light in it- But rarely it will spawn without a light, and any crafted copies will not come with a light.

19 Dec

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BGratz: Not sure if its still possible, but a wolf eating you before you could make your first stoneaxe was,...not so nice
Possible? Yes. Likely? No.

There is, and has been, a safe zone set around your spawn point when you make a new character- No zombies or hostile-capable animals will spawn in this zone for 12 hours.

The sticker here is that if you go too far from spawn, Or enter a POI far enough to spawn zombies, the spawn protection will end.

So, Yes, If you spawn in and just meander in one specific direction without really doing your tutorial (which is basically always doable within 25 blocks of where you spawn), you can exit this spawn protection and end up being attacked be... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
RNG spawns. Pay attention to your surroundings. For the most part they only spawn at night that early into the game also; So be extra careful at night, and when heading out the following day.

It's important to note here that you can now have a gun and a chunk of ammo day 1 too- Recommend making that a priority craft. Just takes some pipes, glue, and wood.

18 Dec

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you browse the Support/Bug Reports sub-forum, you can get a sense of what issues people have been having. The pinned “how to report an issue” thread there has a link to the A20 known issues document, so you can see how unique your issue(s) may be.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, but I may change that tomorrow.

It is possible, but the particle alignment looks best on horizontal surfaces. There is currently an issue with particles sometimes colliding with moving colliders and stopping in the air.

Yes, they were fine. The changes were to make the number of repair kits needed to be different and reasonable for each type of vehicle.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Vehicles would take the same damage as a20. Those blocks have a damage multiplier that increases it for the block, but not the vehicle.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Have you tried hatches? They’re 1x1 but that’s what I use and it works pretty well in combination with catwalks.

17 Dec

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Shurenai:
Originally posted by DeathCaller 1 · 9 · 8 · 6: bring back the horrific 7 Days... Alpha 19 and 20 were really bad! Sorry to say that, but please bring back the true Horror the true 7 Days it´s gettings worse and worser with each update to be honestly, I hope Alpha 21 will change also much in the boring gameplay!!!
The true horror? Of what version? I can't think of a single version where there was any significant horror value to it- Except back when I was a newb...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Possible fix for restoring a corrupted save:

If that doesn't work, then probably not.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by DeathCaller 1 · 9 · 8 · 6: bring back the horrific 7 Days... Alpha 19 and 20 were really bad! Sorry to say that, but please bring back the true Horror the true 7 Days it´s gettings worse and worser with each update to be honestly, I hope Alpha 21 will change also much in the boring gameplay!!!
The true horror? Of what version? I can't think of a single version where there was any significant horror value to it- Except back when I was a newbie, before I learned all the intricacies of the game, and even a single zombie was a scary threat to face.

That kind of horror can't come back- Your mind adapts, and you can't go back to when you were a newb. Even the scariest games in the world stop being scary a... Read more
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have a few big vehicle changes coming in A21. Killing the weaker zombies and animals or smashing through weaker blocks in one hit is now possible, but your vehicle will take significant damage and each repair kit will only restore a portion of the vehicle health. The higher health a vehicle has, the more kits you would need.

I enjoy working on particle effects and just today made the blood splatter and got it hooked into the hit velocity, so it flies around. Satisfying seeing blood on the street or wall after you nailed a zombie. Is a variation of the corpse eating blood splatter effect I added several months ago to make that look more like they are actually tearing into the corpse. Zombies be hungry.

Added: Vehicles are repaired a fixed amount by repair kits and each level of Grease Monkey adds 10% (of max vehicle health)

Changed: Increased vehicle block, terrain and entity damage given and received by var...

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    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

We make builds almost every weekday evening. Our internal and external testers play those every day. They are no different than what we would release to the public. It is just a matter of, are the features working the way we want and the nasty bugs fixed for release to the public?

Content lock has not happened as there are things we are adding that are still in progress. We don't really do a 100% content lock anyway. Something could be added a month or week before experimental if it fit in with our plans.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Correct. Not happening in December.

16 Dec

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I see. It's true that previewing a map means generating the whole thing now. I'm having trouble imagining what corners it could cut to make a preview faster.

Speaking for myself, for a preview to be worth examining I would want to know where the different biomes are, where the roads are, where there are mountains or other changes to the height map, where the water is, where all the POIs and by extension the cities/towns are... and that's kind of everything. I believe the low-level randomness like which model of trash pile spawns is seeded by the name of the saved game, so that's not at generation time. Perhaps some steps could be done at a low resolution, like 1 'pixel' per chunk, for the sake of the preview.

We have a thread in the Survivor Stories sub-forum if you'd like to peruse seeds others have found with particular qualities.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
So... optimize the map generation to not take so long? I get it, but a lot of effort has already been spent doing just that. It's likely the low hanging fruit has already been picked. Perhaps you'd enjoy one of the pregenerated maps that come with the game.

15 Dec

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Smells of untruth? You can find lots of examples of clothing combinations that unfortunately clip into each other. Those visual bugs have been piling up, because they’ll become moot in the event the whole clothing and armor system is overhauled. It also explains why the player character art has (arguably) lagged behind in quality compared to other art that’s been brought up to higher standards: no point in polishing something that would still get redone anyway.

As of now, the dev diary on the official forum lists “new iron armor” and “new commando military armor” as confirmed A21 features, while “armor” writ large is listed under the “roadmap to gold and beyond.”

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I don’t know. It’s probably a quick and dirty calculation since it would need to check this constantly. But I would push back against Jost Amman’s insinuation that knowing is gaming the game. Since, as the OP points out, our intuitive sense of what is “indoors” probably doesn’t exactly apply, it’s reasonable to deduce the actual algorithm.

If it’s a ray cast up to the sky like the game uses for rain and plants, then you can be “indoors” with an unfinished or destroyed roof and not get the benefit. Or it the game uses a more sophisticated flood fill algorithm (unlikely), then the perk could not work if a door is left open or a window is broken. If “indoors” just means within the bounds of a POI, then it would be pretty broken when you consider all the space outside the building part of a POI. Or if it’s the same algorithm that determines whether to darken the screen (a feature which I hate, but I digress), then you might not get the benefit in a very large room, even if i... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by LDS-Boden: I got a question I passed host to my server to my brother. I had to download same map and saves and it all works only if I'm on my brothers steam account and he is on my steam account. Can I flip this somehow?

That sounds like a separate issue. Please start a new thread if you need assistance instead of resurrecting this very old, not entirely related one.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Granted it's not in all caps. But, Still, A core premise of your complaint here is that Early Access IS supposed to be, or guaranteed to be, a temporary time period. Which is wrong.

Plenty of other wrong information in the post too- There's 30~+ employees at TFP now.

And, Steam literally sells the game as-is. Devs literally aren't even allowed by the early access rules to try and sell users on future promises- Users themselves are told to buy the game ONLY if they are happy with the game, as it is, At the time of purchase.

Originally posted by Store Page Early access blurb: Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development.
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