7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

21 Nov

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Zeinath:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: If there is a land claim block or a bedroll in the POI, you cannot start a quest there.

When the quests are generated at the traders, is there a check for specific lots for Bedrolls/Land Claims, or does the presence of those items just keep you from activating an accepted quest's ? when you get to it? I'm hoping for the former, lol... not major, but a bit of a time saver not having to travel to a quest just to find out yo...
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20 Nov

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by -=3D=- Duckumz 31:
Originally posted by CatPerson: What quality do you have the preview set for?
The higher quality one can take a lot longer/eat up a lot more RAM etc just like the very early A20 versions. Although 20.6 should default to a lower quality one that isn't very intensive I think.

So dunno.
Its on highest so probably that mixed with the larger towns/cities mod. Kinda crazy still though, you would imagine 16 cores/32 threads it would be alot fa...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ShadedMJ: Course, having said that, maybe letting players build but also provide the sound effect of the land claim block to give them an idea that they are building on a potential POI.
If there is a land claim block or a bedroll in the POI, you cannot start a quest there.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A warning when you have a quest and build there before the reset sounds like it’d be helpful. I wouldn’t want to prohibit building until the quest is over, though. Maybe you want to make a crude staircase to get over a fence. Maybe you want to plug a hole so zombies don’t come in from outside. There are lots of reasons a player may want to build something during their dungeon crawl.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by DemonScout: Was going to report, but they're process basically is a long, cumbersome process when you are not a programmer.

Cumbersome but necessary. People make reports like, “I tried to start a game but there was some red text on the screen please fix,” which is like calling your mechanic to say, “my car makes a funny noise,” and expecting that’s enough to go on.

19 Nov

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Does the Quality 3 pickaxe have mods on it, and the Quality 4 pickaxe not have mods on it?
Every equipped mod increases main stats for the weapon by 15~%; In the case of pickaxe, that'd be block damage.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BGratz: 4x4, chopper,... is midgame

Endgame is when tons of Demolisher zombies show up and you loot nearly only T3 Q6 Items. At that time you should feel like superman.

You mean the right, but by saying endgame you mean hardly the half of midgame, a point where most people stop playing or start a new game (only 9% of player have the gamestage 200 archivement)

What a silly objection. The 4x4 and chopper are also in the late game or endgame if you play that far. They’re still relevant when you’re getting Demolishers and high quality loot.

@OP We know some form of overarching story is planned, and I think it’s safe to assume it will tie into some more unique quests. ...
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Vanilla, personally. I try mods from time to time, and I dont mind a few cosmetic or minor mods in my playthrough.

But the overhauls to me are just... Excessive, I guess. Trying to make the game into so many things it really isn't. People complain about Vanilla being grindy, then run on over to the overhauls where the grind is magnified and go "Yeah this is perfect!" and it confuses me a little :winter2019neutralyul:

But to each their own- As long as everyone's having a good time with the game, modded or not, more power to them. :winter2019happyyul:
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No hate on the idea, but in terms of lore… a bicycle seems way easier to maintain, than trying to keep a thousand pound animal alive in the zombie apocalypse. In terms of gameplay, cars are hard to get by design. And there are already alternatives to fill the gap before you can get a car (again, bikes). So sure, some people like horses, but just as some people want to see particular guns or melee weapons they like, I don’t see as there’s an operational role for them. That slot is filled.

18 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

A21 weather should be the same. It was just a bug fix so it looks the same on server and clients.

17 Nov

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Keep in mind that by the time A21 is released, you’ll have the opportunity via the betas tab to set your game to e.g. stay on A20 if you prefer. Abandoning your ongoing saved game to play the new build is a choice.

16 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

There was an issue with one of the weather values not syncing across the network, which was fixed several months ago (a21).

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, it would be possible.

15 Nov

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by RasaNova: It does seem that there is some sort accuracy hit/miss mechanic happening, a lot more with primitive bow than others. But it could just be glitchy. Either way bows were buffed in A20 and imo are better now than they've been in years.
There is. Same ray accuracy type used with bullets, and they have a drop based on weight and velocity.

Once you learn to adjust for it, the bow/crossbow is nearly as accurate as a rifle. Combined with sneaking boosts, you can 1-shot all but a few entities.

14 Nov

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Johnny Boy:
Originally posted by BGratz:
Paint like in Paint. Take a brush and Paint and make the surface look as you want
Dang. Where was that in the loading screen hints?? Had no idea, that's a game changer. I'll checl it out myself in a while but does it have a lot of options for textures?
Every texture you've seen on a block shape in the game world is available iirc.

13 Nov

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BGratz: To place a potatoe on a grill or in a fire should be possible, even for a terrible cook. Sorry but thats immersion breaking nonsense.

one possible sollution, rename the Recipe to "Backed Potatoe deluxe" and add a free recipe "Burned Potatoe" with 20% less food points
Yeah, Except for a terrible cook you get something burnt and inedible...or not cooked that is basically still just a potato.

Further, The knowledge to "throw it on a grill and cook it" is knowledge from someone who knows how to/that they can make a baked potato in the first place

To a non cook, it sounds more like this: "You can cook a potato? What? I've been eating them this way(raw) my whole life!" ...
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BGratz: i am not against the skill system at all. But the last 4-6 weeks i got the silencer only 3 times
Once at the trader at day one, once around week 3 and once after i refreshed the trader over 100 Times.

I never used the magnum all that time because i had the T3 44er much earlyer, same about the lever rifle, I allways end up with the mining, Harvesting and trading skills. And its still a joke that i can build automatic turrets but i cant bake a potatoe.

Later i jump like superman on roofs and onehit nearly everything, not that this would be necessary since zombies need 20 Hits to kill me.

Anyway, i am busy to fix this with a mod, what is not really easy because of too much depencies....
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BGratz:
Originally posted by Mardoin69: The idea behind the skill system is that players will need to make a choice between one build style or another......although in the end you can eventually max everything. But, in earlier game, each players character build will be somewhat unique based on their playstyle. If we could just max everything we deemed 'important' early on in the game, it would make it rather boring. Some people really enjoy the challenge of building our character to ...
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