7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

26 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This has been asked recently.

Not only would changing game engines add an extra 4-5 years of development, but it would be for the worse because UE5 is not capable of doing what Unity can with Voxels.

25 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by The Only Jeff: Anyone else struggling to get into this game till A21 releases? Feels like im just wasting my time for it to get wiped. I'm literally checking it daily wishing when i i get home from work they will have some update lol.
As an internal tester I really cannot comment on the struggle, however I did recently start playing a20 again just to get a better feel for the changes. And to be perfectly honest, I can see where some changes to mechanics like the magazines will take a little getting used to. However other mechanics like the glass jars, and skill changes are not noticeable. Then you have things like the network improvements and interactions with the other entities/NPC's which are almost night/day improvements. (Note that I prefer melee/stealth and use firearms secondary.)

Since we are probably a couple of weeks from a new build dropping, I would go ahead and pla... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, Love the anticipation! I get the feeling too, ehehe. I can't spare you from ALL the agonizing, But I can spare you six days a week- If you don't wanna check daily, Just check every friday. Whenever the Streamer Weekend event goes live, it'll be a friday- There'll definitely be an announcement/news/etc for you to find on a friday 'cause of that. And once that event goes live, the following monday will be the experimental release- And if you want stable, 1-2 months from that.

24 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Well this method only works when fighting a human enemy that fears being harmed in the attack. Braindead Zeds are another story entirely.

I also agree with Jost in too many movie tropes portraying this, rather than it being an actual combat technique.

23 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by onanonehand8: For those of you that might not be aware, several alphas ago a youtuber made a video blowing up the Pop-n-Pills Hospital in Navesgane.

He did so by filling the hospital full of 55 gallon fuel tanks and setting them off with dynamite.

It took his system to a crawl, no it crashed his computer. Voxel destruction in large quantities is a very bad thing.
That used to be one of my steps for benchmarking RAM utilization of the client and server when I was testing builds. It shouldn't crash the computer though.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by StingJnr: I think they will rework all the weapons in alpha 22 or 23. The weapons are fine but they want to add skins to they game so they can make money off skins for guns and character outfits.
Source? TFP have been very vocal about despising micro-transactions like this. I am pretty certain you are just making this up.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There will be an experimental release on an upcoming Monday. It will not be this coming Monday though. Soonest would be two weeks from yesterday for experimental but it could be longer before they feel it is ready.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Cpt. Save A Hoe:
Originally posted by Shurenai: -snip-
That's disappointing, imo.
That's reasonable. Everyone's got their subjective feelings on the subject and you're welcome to your opinion. :winter2019happyyul:
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Not likely to be any new weapons added any time soon. The devs think adding a bunch of near-identical stat sticks to each weapon type is a waste of time- For example, You aren't likely to get 100 different Assault Rifle type weapons, because fundamentally speaking, they're all essentially the same gun but with minor modifications that can be better represented with the addition of weapon mods.

So, You're not going to see
SIG P320 Compact
SIG P365
SIG P226
S&W Shield EZ 9MM
CZ 75 TS Czechmate
as individual pistols in the vanilla game. The devs are going to stick with the three tier system- Primitive, Iron Tier, Steel Tier. Continuing the pistol example, that's a Pipe Pistol, a Pistol, and an SMG.

The devs see little value in 'Sidegrades' as Snuffy puts it, Specifically in the addition of a bunch of sidegrades that are only visually different with next to nothing to differentiate them from the othe... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It isn't an option on the PC. Never has been.

22 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Game is CPU bound, and that is your really weak link. On an older Ryzen like that, you will have good luck disabling EAC and limiting the game to only four physical cores. You'll also want to set your resolution lower to like 720p. Higher resolution will require a better CPU.

If you plan to upgrade, I would recommend at least mid-high range 3rd-gen Ryzen or better. I was getting nice FPS with my R9 3900X and just a 1060 6GB. Also don't skimp on the motherboard. Stay away from the bottom-end B-series.

Also sharing these links, as they contain some useful information.

... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by crmarlow2874: Will the new console version be available when alpha 21 is officially released? I haven't heard anything else since they showed some gameplay on the first dev stream.
Latest message from the link I shared above:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: April 2023
In the first Dev stream for Alpha 21, Rick and Joel showed A21 footage running on a PS5 to highlight the fact that they are developing the new console version concurrently with PC along wit...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The existing console version unfortunately will never be updated. The publisher, Telltale Games, went under and one of their last-ditch get-out-of-bankruptcy-quick moves was to officially release the console version of the game in the hopes of getting a bit of extra cash inflow.

Unfortunately, it didn't help them- They still went bankrupt. And doubly unfortunately, Both the Microsoft Store and Sony Playstation store prohibit officially released games from releasing updates that would break save compatibility with any existing saves... And, most unfortunately, every major version of 7DTD since breaks save compatibility from the version before it.

So, they literally can't update the console version to the current version, the console store rules say no.. As such, they're focusing on a re-release that will be in-line with the PC version, but not likely to be available on PS4- Instead it'll likely be PS5/XBONE.

Bit more info here:
... Read more

21 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Zombie World War doesn't need a lot of CPU. 7 Days does.

Time to clean our the dust in your PC.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
0%. Tires on the ground are just the rubber bit now that turns into scrap plastics, no chance of getting a whole working tire from it.

20 May

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have the list of must fixes every alpha. It has been trending down. Currently at 30 tickets across 15 different people, but that is not 2 per person as some people, like programmers, tend to get more of the bugs. I have 7, of which 3 appear to be the same issue, but that is a non trivial issue with stray floating terrain possibly caused by a terrain corruption bug fix I did last week.

19 May

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Closing thread as the OP's question has been answered and users were going off topic. If anyone wants to raise an objection to a user's name, they should go to the user's profile and report it, rather than derailing the thread.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ⚜ JOST AMMAN ⚜: No. And it's highly unlikely... unless your friend somehow has inside sources.
If he had inside sources, he wouldn't be saying it's going to be released this evening. At best it would be coming on Monday. But it isn't because there is no Streamer Weekend running right now.

Going to shut this one down because we already have a release date discussion thread, and don't need another.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It depends. We are often main thread CPU bottlenecked.

I think FSR would most benefit heavy rendering situations, like running at higher resolutions with higher settings on weaker GPUs.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Eh, 10 minutes. I'm all for checking things.

I've been working will a developer of another FSR solution, but we have bad motion blur with animated plants that needs to be worked out, so it is on hold for A21.

I'll check than one out sometime...

Thanks for the info.

Exactly. In no way, shape or form was the team committed to any date. We simply have guesses.