They are a combination that goes together to meet a general performance target. Moving any setting lower from a preset is not bad and should simply increase performance.
That should not be the case, but I'm curious to see how it runs for you.
They are a combination that goes together to meet a general performance target. Moving any setting lower from a preset is not bad and should simply increase performance.
That should not be the case, but I'm curious to see how it runs for you.
I have the same CPU as Lathan, a 3070 TI GPU and play at the lower resolution of 1440p, yet I put no settings on Ultra. I want a smoother higher frame rate, so I use High, which nets me 80-100+ FPS most of the time. There is a big difference between being out in the forest with not much around you vs in a city with buildings all around you, so I pick settings for the more demanding locations.
Originally posted by VR_Donut: The issue is that they get rid of nice and working mechanics for some doubtful reasons.Not doubtful at all.
Originally posted by Slootsy:Read moreOriginally posted by Shurenai: Can't != Won't/Haven't.Bro give people the option to take the performance hit that's not your problem if they would rather have accessibility over max fps give them that choice.
There is an FOV command, though... Literally FOV #. But FOV's higher than 85 cause major performance hits so values above that are blocked off by default; Even via the command. You need a mod to force it higher.
A very selfish look on FOV ho...
Originally posted by Slootsy:Can't != Won't/Haven't.Originally posted by James: Not unless you can contact a sever admin and ask if they can add it to their server list.The game has been in alpha for how long? and they still can't add a console command for fov? how embarrassing
His fix seems fine. The new hang was a decoration threading issue, which I think I fixed. We also found another error with getting an animated block update while the world is downloading, which I added a fix for.
They are hitting the servers HARD to find bugs, so some of these may not even happen in normal play.
Yeah, well they already got the server to hang. Not sure if it is another issue with water, something else or the world being a bit old and abused. Testing continues...
He submitted a fix, so hopefully it is fixed in testing.
Things are looking pretty good at this point bug wise. Most of the current must fixes can be done during experimental. We only have one major bug that needs to be fixed before experimental, which causes the server to hang from what appears to be POI resets triggering water updates. The water sim programmer is working on that one. Granted we may find other nasty bugs as the testers continue testing.
That is not new to A21. A20 has the same chance (I don't remember the exact numbers), although it is a lot easier to get your vehicle to the destroyed state in A21.
The solution is not to trash your vehicle, and if you do, then repair it. Like lots of things in the game, it will be open to tweaking based on long term play and not knee jerk reactions.
Originally posted by Freak: how would zombies have the brain to try to run silently? they don't even have the brain to find the door to a bunker with a tunnel.Instinct. Even dumb AF animals have the brain to run silently.
Originally posted by JoeSloeMoe:Read moreOriginally posted by LORD_K: I don't remember this in previous versions as I could only play up to vs.14 on old hardware, now it's been fine with slightly better hardware.Yeah, back in the day the odour of meat would attract zombies. Anyone know why it was removed? Am wondering if the calculations add too much cpu usage or maybe it was just not the direc...
And I thought of something simpler, but it seems interesting to attract zombies by the bad odor :)) .
Originally posted by SylenThunder: I know this has been in other games previously as well, but I'm thinking of how it's handled in No One Survived in particular. The more your cleanliness goes down, the more detectable you are by enemies. Affects both stealth, and just walking around.Personally I think it would rather have an opposite effect- Zombies would not be as easily able to recognize your location by scent if you're unclean, but Animals would.
Would be interesting to see it paired with the original smell system if that ever returns.