7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

18 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by UnwarylCaution:
Originally posted by ElDudorino: Um, that's EXACTLY how survival games work.

As survival games advance, tougher enemies, longer missions, etc, You reach a point where ammo, guns, and everything else are infinite. Survival games need to be at least captivating from the first day. Not the " it gets better after day 20."
Basically every single survival game starts out hard and gradually gets easier, though...

Minecraft? Rough star... Read more

17 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tahnval: I do find it a bit weird that you can eat a whole wolf per day and still be hungry and drink a dozen bottles of water per day and still be thirsty, but I think the system works well enough as it is.

Maybe that's how we can recover from serious injuries, even a broken leg, within hours of gameworld time. We have highly mutated metabolisms that result in massively accelerated healing at the cost of massively increased use of food and drink. We're the first trolls!

Be right back, off to build a t(r)oll bridge to wait under :)
To be honest, Yes, essentially this is exactly the problem. Try just sitting at home in your base for a day and see how much you eat or drink- It's something yo... Read more

16 Feb

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I believe there are mods that allow crafting more decor items. You could ask around in the Modding sub-forum, either here on Steam or on the official forum at community.7daystodie.com.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is why you don't use Insider builds for games you care about.

Go back to stable, and you will not have this issue.

15 Feb

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The official forum is a good place to go. We welcome questions about mods here on Steam, too, but please ask them in the Modding sub-forum. That's where people interested in mods will be to read & reply to your thread. I'll close this one.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If there is no perimeter requirements then you can leave and return with picks and nothing bad should happen. If there is a perimeter you must stay inside of then the quest will fail if you leave.

FYI, if you set up about eight frames on the outline circle of the region and then watch which frames the circle pulls away from as you reach each milestone you can pretty easily hone in on its location. It should never take hours to find the chest.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It was mentioned on the official forum some time ago that there were two new types of quests but no details were shared. I can say that one of them is a new favorite of mine.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A21 has many more POIS hooked up for generator missions so hopefully you’ll get closer missions going forward.

14 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Any electrically powered traps. Meaning dart traps, blade traps, gun turrets, electric fences, etc.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Maybe, but that does not make it look better all by itself. Players like myself still want to point in any direction while on the ladder, so you will see what exactly? My gun pointed away from the ladder with my torso twisted backwards? Zombies need to be able to attack in any direction yet still be hanging on the ladder somehow. There is no good solution for the direction issue, which is why some games lock feet/hands/camera while climbing, which always feels like garbage, just so it looks nice.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm not sure. I would like to see the quests restricted somewhat and pushed out farther but I am not a big quester and others on the team have their own opinions.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Don't forget to take glancing blows into account as well. If your hit isn't 100% on target, the damage is reduced.

13 Feb

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Shax: I am in my 40's and gaming since i was 5 years old on my old Amiga 500 in the 80's, we are not talking about magical fantasy themed potion drinking where it is normal that potions magically disappears. On the one hand the devs were talking about being so realistic as possible and on the other hand nothing make any sense.

Of course you know that even in those fantasy games the disappearing jar from drinking a potions wasn't actually part of the magic system or spell that was cast to get rid of glass-based clutter. So referencing it as magic because it was from a game that was magical has no bearing.

We both know that in all games--whether based in reality or fantasy, whether sci fi themed ... Read more
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Nothing is creating jars. There are no jars other than as an icon in your inventory just like almost every other game in existence that has potions. The potion bottle shows in your inventory but never in the actual gameplay. You hit a button to drink your potion and the icon showing the bottle disappears from your inventory.

As a gamer in my fifties, I’ve come to expect this in games since the time I was about 12 years old. Nobody is going to be confused. It will take veteran users of this game all of about 3 minutes to adapt and new players will instantly understand if they’ve ever in their lives played a game with potions and drinks.

12 Feb

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Because desert canyons are arguably the most famous thing about Arizona, where the game takes place? Because it’s more interesting, from a visual and gameplay standpoint, than flat terrain? When I generate a random world, I turn cracks up to the max, because it’s one of the few ways the terrain actually matters.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Las:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: There are ways to recover a save from a crash. It's Pinned in the Support section of the forums.

As for auto-save, you have to understand that this isn't like the 2D games you're used to.

Most games only occasionally save little bits of information on your character and small code of your progress. 7 Days is actively reading and writing world and character data live while you are progressing and making changes. It's much more...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There are ways to recover a save from a crash. It's Pinned in the Support section of the forums.

As for auto-save, you have to understand that this isn't like the 2D games you're used to.

Most games only occasionally save little bits of information on your character and small code of your progress. 7 Days is actively reading and writing world and character data live while you are progressing and making changes. It's much more effecient to do it this way due to the 3D Voxel nature of the game, and the sheer size of the save data.

Most games your largest save file is around 150MB. For 7 Days just the map can be 900MB+. Your save data for a single game can become upwards of 12GB. There is a reason that a minimum of 30GB drive space is required in the minimum specifications.

11 Feb

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm using .18 for testing now and our console devs need a fix in .17 for an occlusion bug and since they are parallel developing, we try to stay on the same version, hence the stop at .18 or .19 if that drops soon. Release wise it will come down to how fast bugs get fixed, which depends on when we stop finding major bugs.