7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

06 Jan

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
One way is that you can both find the same public server and join it. Then become allies and find each other on the map.

Another way is for him to do whatever new user qualifications he needs to do to be able to add you as a friend on Steam and then either you or him start a game and the other join by selecting "Join game..." from the friend icon menu dropdown.

If neither of you have extremely powerful machines then I suggest the first option. Plus, you don't have to wait to be friends on Steam to do it.

05 Jan

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Jimmy James: I get it, and it's neat they allow modding. They've turned off digging before at various stages though and I suspect it'd be trivial to add it as an option back in. There's no balancing to be done with adding an off default game option though, see for example disabling blood moons entirely.

I got my money's worth I guess. I'll go try and find a mod and see if it's worth the trouble.

It's bad design for a sandbox game not to account for and allow players to play how they want. Give people voxel terrain and they will want to live underground. Pick any of the big survival games, except valheim, which doesnt allow for much in the way of settings changes, and you can edit settings to allow for an...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by HitlerWasTheDarkSoulsOfThe40s:
Originally posted by Jimmy James: Bummer. Thanks. I ultimately just want a safe spot that I can explore from.

I know there's lots of ways to deal with it and you can make the game easy as hell but more options would be nice.
if you're looking for options, you're playing the wrong game. TFP doesn't like people playing outside their questionable vision
TFP literally rewrote huge swathes of the game so people could play o... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by briancourt2: I always enjoy these threads.
Something else that is always interesting. Guys come out and complain with all of this whining and throw only random half-baked system specs out there.

Then later you find out they're doing something hugely dumb like running a 3090 on a first-gen Ryzen. Either that or they're running on a pre-built system from Best Buy with awesome specs, but it's never been correctly configured, and it's loaded with bloatware slowing it down.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tahnval:
Originally posted by JimmyIowa:

No problem. The forge confuses many newcomers. I'm used to it, but I guess a tutorial or better interface would help.

I think it confuses many newcomers because the process makes no sense and it's using the wrong word. Smelting is a chemical reaction to reduce metal compounds in ore to pure (ish) metal. None of the things "smelted" in 7DTD can be smelted. The whole meaning of the word simply doesn't apply. The ...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Dig up clay soil from the ground, Melt clay soil in the forge. "Clay" is the 'molten' form of clay soil, and is only used in forge recipes in the forge.

04 Jan

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It may seem like that, but A17 took 1.5 years and A20 was about 1.4 years.

Hopefully we will be less than those with A21.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 Yes, they have a view angle, distance and it uses ray casts to check for obstacles.

2 Smell is different code, that looked at distance and inventory items. It is disabled, but some of the code is still in there. Heat map is different as it tracks general activity in an area and then spawns a scout/screamer.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Feral sense is an extension of a feature. Seeing and hearing. No smelling involved.

03 Jan

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The detection system will listen to whoever made it- If one of your friends made it, and set it to respond to 'Allies', and you aren't an ally, then yeah, it won't open.

When you place, for example, a motion sensor, in it's interface there are four options- "Target Self", "Target Allies", "Target Strangers", and "Target Zombies". Since your friend didn't enable "Target Strangers", It can't target you- Despite being partied before, you're not in a party now.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Dewguru: Making things more grindy hurts the game imo. We all play for different things though.

The more recent changes that eased up on the punishing health and stamina changes made the game more fun. I'll try out the newest build, but at this point, it'd be nice to see them stop tweaking some things and simply progress on this supposed story. Otherwise, we'll be in R50 and still no end in sight.

And if you look at other similar games in the genre, is "I wish it was harder to find potable water" really a thing?
To the last line, No...but, "I wish there was some actual challenge to survival" is.

Currently, there is no challenge- Within the first day, if you know what you're doing,... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Heck of a blanket statement.

Not a single thing? Nothing? At all? Not the decorations, not the added world gen options, not the new POIs, Nor the environmental hazards? Not the water update? The spear changes? Electrical changes?

Like, I can understand thinking certain things aren't going to pan out well.. But.. :winter2019neutralyul:

At the end of the day, you can opt into A20.6 when A21 comes out- Play blisffully here forever more as your favored version. Or mod, or whatever. But I'd personally suggest you at least give playing with the changes a try before blanket deciding it's the worst thing in the history of ever.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Rad zombies aren't really a 'special' zombie. They're a higher difficult variant of the basic zombies. Basic->Feral->Irradiated.

Late game will essentially be mostly irradiated and bombers. But they stop scaling after awhile, while you can build your base better and continue to get better gear. If you can find the rad remover mod you can equip it to a weapon to nullify irradiated zombie HP regen.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Amins: The real thing that doesn't make sense is how you always find usable paper in toilets. A soaked, ♥♥♥♥-stained piece of paper isn't exactly the thing I want to be using in a cigar.
All paper is made equal in an apocalypse :winter2019joyfultearsyul:
I always presumed we were getting the paper from the (nonvisible) toilet paper holder near the toilet, not from the toilet itself. Easier to just make it one lootable object instead of 2, in this case.

Similarly, I figured we were getting the pistol either from the tank, or from the alcove-like spot under/behind the toilet.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please discuss mods in the Modding sub-forum. Thread moved.

02 Jan

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tahnval: TFP chose to force every player to use Epic online services. They also chose to not mention that fact on the Steam page for the game, which is deceptive.

You could probably get a refund through Steam's processes:

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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A strategy to withstand the horde through brute force, i.e. the HP of your walls and traps > the damage from the zombies, is in my view one of the toughest to pull off in the long term.

The progression curve on Blood Moon zombies is actually pretty forgiving, which means it could work fine for the first few weeks. But it’s likely to come closer and closer to the failure point, which typically looks like zombies breaching one or two blocks, and after that the rest of your walls and spikes don’t matter. All the zombies will pile in through the breach/weakest point. This is why making a larger base quickly reaches a point of diminishing returns. The attacker only needs to get it right once.*

So I’d encourage more finesse. When zombies stack up they do more damage than the sum of their hits. Solution: think of ways to space zombies out so they don’t stack up as much. They prefer to go around obstacles when possible, so you can funnel them.

Moreover, if I we... Read more

01 Jan

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by d_d_c_95: tahnval i think that is exact launcher i tryed to use maby i did somethign wrong but i hit install an over haul darkness falls and comp started freaking out saying my one drive (w/e that is ) is full despite me checking my hard drive and still having i think 45ish gigs left free
If that's all you have free, you should definitely do some cleanup. Especially if it's an SSD.

To install DF, you will need most of that space. Base client is a bit over 13GB, and when you add DF that's almost 20GB. You will typically get an error when you have less than 30GB free space. In your case, you would only have 25GB free space after the installation.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Pff- Hahaha. Sorry, but that's..wow. I'm going to have to test that now.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kauldric:
Originally posted by Shurenai: Somehow I don't think a trader is going to be amenable to someone strolling into their compound and demanding money for a bunch of tasks they completed that the trader didn't even ask for.

Which is...kinda why they aren't more like proximity quests. A 'Quest' is a specified task you're undertaking with specific goals and a set reward for completing the task that the trader wanted you to do- How would you know what the trader wants wit...
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