7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

08 Oct

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Feel free to avail yourself of the Meeting Room and/or Servers sub-forums.

07 Oct

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

If it is not a new technology being developed by Unity using the built in render pipeline (old, so they won't), then it would be a no. Or some driver level feature that works outside the game.

06 Oct

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
And yet, tables, dressers, desks, and countertops are slightly too tall. Measuring the furniture in my house, all of these are well short of one meter in height. If TFP shrink them down, then objects placed on top of these surfaces would float in the air.

There’s always going to be some rounding up or down to fit the voxels. The game’s come a long way from the blockiness of A1, but so long as every shape occupies an entire voxel, we’ll see this sort of thing for the sake of aligning the interface between voxels.

05 Oct

04 Oct

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Horde night is centered purely upon the player- The zombies want You- And only You. They'll destroy anything between them and you.

So what most people do is have a home base where they store everything, and then a horde base that they do all the fighting in so there's no risk to their stuff.

03 Oct

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In that specific situation, they should generally choose to beat on the door.

Doors are considered to be half HP by zombies to represent it possibly being Open OR Closed.

So, the door you have has 21k/2=10.5k hp as far as the zombies are concerned. Meanwhile, your wall has 10kHP per block, If it's at least 3 tall, then they will have to destroy 2 blocks to break through, meaning the wall's HP is 20k to make an entrance.

Since 10.5k<20k, they pick door.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BGratz: What if i set the Frequency to 7 Days and change it to 10 Days on day 8
Will the next be on
day 10, 17 or 18 ?

Ask me that since yesterday but had no time to test it
Last I remember, If frequency is changed, it should move the next horde date to +; So for the example it should be on day 18(Day 8+10 Freq)

You can easily verify this though, just load a save and check the console- One of the outputs it spits post load is the projected date of the next horde night. Check the initial date, exit game and change the value, then load in and see what it changed to.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Glad you figured it out, OP.

For sake of clarity for anyone who finds this thread in the future, Blood Moon Frequency determines the time between bloodmoons- Not the time until the first blood moon.

So the OP set the frequency to 21 days, and got their horde on day 21; And then expected the second on the 28th (7 days later); But with a frequency of 21, the second horde will appear on day 42.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Every single weapon in the game, including bare fists, has a longer reach than zombies. Some of them only narrowly beat their reach (like bare fists), but you should always be outranging zombies.

Perhaps you're swinging too early? If you're positive you're not swinging too early to connect, then it could be some kind of desync between the visuals and the mechanics of the game

02 Oct

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Stupid question: is your armor in good repair? I find it's easy to let armor go to zero durability since, unlike items on your toolbar, their durability isn't always on screen.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We already sacrifice one of the 15 threads that could be on the front page, in order to keep the rules pinned to the top. I appreciate you wanting to know the rules but we don’t need another thread for this.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Trunks_Budo: To all those who want to defend TFP because you have literally nothing better to do than simp for them: I'm a waste of your time and energy. My certainty that I'm right means I'm not going to entertain your opinion, I'm literally just going to ignore it. So post if you want, but you're literally just going to waste your time. I don't believe in fanboy-dev circle jerking. TFP don't need you to defend them, because they are the aggressors, and they have built their own legacy of assaulting playstyles and nerfing whatever they perceive as a "wrong way" to play the game. I see a tree, I call it a tree. I see petty behaviour, I call it petty behaviour. I don't care for anybody else's opinion on the matter.
To be frank, I respect your right to post this wall of text- But this last bit tells me you are NOT seeking a healthy discussion on this topic. So I'm going to lock this. People are... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Frame shapes are the basic building frames. If you're looking for the variety of different shapes, like ramps, corners, etc, Hold the frame shapes and hold R(or whatever your reload key is) to bring up the radial wheel, select the Shape Menu (icon with 3 basic shapes on it) from the wheel, and enjoy the 1300~ shapes to build with. And keep an eye out for that shape menu icon on things in your inventory, anything with that icon has a shape menu.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Corrosion:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: It may be hard to diagnose from the description, but one thing that stands out is how the dogs will go to you while the bipedal zombies won't. As I recall, dogs can fit through one-voxel-high gaps while most humanoid zombies will need two voxels of space. When people mention pathing problems with stairs, I always advise them to check the clearance. Do the zombies have plenty of head room above them for your whole path in?
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01 Oct

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If by Tier 6 you basically mean like a Tier 5 but bigger, then I don’t see the appeal. Tier 5 POIs are already straining the limit of what one can do with the systems in place. You have to do the POI in one sitting. The intended path can only be so encouraged, and the good stuff can only be so protected, since the world is 100% destructible. The POI can only be so large, to fit into the RWG tile system. And so on.

Plus, they take so much dev time to create. I would rather put that time into randomizing the layouts of existing POIs. I don’t like treating POIs like courses that you memorize and play over and over to refine your efficiency. These POIs are almost one-shots for me. I purposefully ignore some of them so I have something new to see in future playthroughs. If I truly didn’t know what to expect every time I walked through a door though, then they’d have much better replay value, without having to ‘break the rules’ with invulnerable blocks or what have you.

... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Medallions: Its just stairs to a 3 x 3 with a door thats wide open. I just made stairs to a door on a roof so they can come up on the roof so the fight would be there. But no zombies would come up. I had maybe 4 all together that wondered up and i killed them but all the rest just stayed down on the ground beating the building i was in. The beware of dogs trailer with mines around fence. They had a perfect set of stairs to easily walk up and come onto the roof with me but they only saw the building i was in as the enemy. Dogs were just really aggressive and just ran straight for me but the others just wanted the stairs and building. Had to just shoot them while they were on the ground. They just dont act right to where th...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That red colored writing is not random. It tells you, in technical terms, what the problem is. I'm moving this to the Support & Bug Reports sub-forum. Please read the pinned thread here on how to report an issue for further instructions.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It may be hard to diagnose from the description, but one thing that stands out is how the dogs will go to you while the bipedal zombies won't. As I recall, dogs can fit through one-voxel-high gaps while most humanoid zombies will need two voxels of space. When people mention pathing problems with stairs, I always advise them to check the clearance. Do the zombies have plenty of head room above them for your whole path in?