7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

18 May

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by madmole: Hi all!
We're very busy on Alpha 21 but I thought I would share the new crafting system and looting changes with you.

There are now tons of new skills that govern unlocking and the quality of items in the game.

A few examples of crafting skills are shotguns, pistols, cooking, armorer, medical, etc.

Perks no longer unlock recipes or govern crafting skills. Many perks are being reworked to add value where before the main value was a recipe unlock.

Books no longer unlock recipes. The ones that did unlock items are being reworked to do something else.

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    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
All of the things mentioned are working in the base game. The issue is with your install, mods, or save.
Verify integrity of the game, remove all mods, create a new save. Test.
Then add each of the items you removed till the game breaks again, if it doesn't then try your save again.
    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

We can consider it. Now that it requires great effort to reach the top skill level crafting Q6 doesn't feel so bad.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Right now there seems to be some unity between the three, so I can't tell which is the best. Like it's random enough you never know the best way to get the best weapon, just keep playing, looting and looking at traders, and craft when you can craft something better than what you found. The harder biomes have better loot so go to the wasteland for the best possible loot, if you dare.

Oh and I forgot to mention, but you can find the type of magazines you are after also by looting an appropriate type of crate. For example gun crates have gun magazines, pop n pills crates have medical magazines, mo power has tech mags, etc.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Learn by looting not LBD.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Well, the error indicates you put in 16000, not 16384?

But otherwise, I think the client currently has trouble with 16k worlds. Lie would be a bit of a strong word, As 16k worlds were supported in previous versions; Currently innaccurate though, yes. They reduced the default range of world sizes players can make to 12k (12288)
    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes. Sharp sticks magazine improves your spear skill.

Forge Ahead is back in the game too, with new art

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't know what that is.

Yes you move through the pipe shotgun skill pretty quickly. Each tier takes more magazines to move through.
We're removing any overlap. There is still the concept that a purple stone axe has 4 mod slots so it would arguably be better in that regard.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Early game on insane is tedious. Zombies on that difficulty are HP sponges against primitive weapons, and players have no armor to even slightly protect them so a single hit from a zombie is almost half their health.

Most people don't like that tediousness. I'm one of them. The difficulty as a whole is fine- But the early game is just boring having to hit any zombie 30 times meanwhile it only has to hit me 2-3 times to kill me. And the tediousness just compounds when there's multiple zombies at once, and the random ferals at night, the dogs/wolves/bears that even on a lower difficulty with better weapons can be a death sentence for many...

Lotta reasons peeps don't like Insane.
    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all!
We're very busy on Alpha 21 but I thought I would share the new crafting system and looting changes with you.
There are now tons of new skills that govern unlocking and the quality of items in the game.
A few examples of crafting skills are shotguns, pistols, cooking, armorer, medical, etc.
Perks no longer unlock recipes or govern crafting skills. Many perks are being reworked to add value where before the main value was a recipe unlock.
Books no longer unlock recipes. The ones that did unlock items are being reworked to do something else.

Crafting skill is improved by finding magazines in the game. Mailboxes, file cabinets, book shelves etc can all contain various magazines that improve your skill.
Perking into shotguns for example, increases the odds of finding shotgun magazines, shotgun parts, and shotguns in loot. This makes early specialization work, and you are no longer at the will of the...

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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
When you look at the Quests tab, what state is the quest in? How many quests are active? Also, are you using any mods, or have you used creative mode?

17 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Turn on Feral Sense in the save options if you haven't yet. There's actually usually a moderate to large amount of zombies just roaming around, but their senses are too weak to find you most of the time. Feral sense changes that and makes it so, if a zombie is nearby, it's pretty likely to notice you.

Also to note, slaying zombies in a given area can/will clear it of zombies for awhile. So, whatever is your most trodden path will definitely have fewer zombies than a place you haven't been yet.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, I've seen an artist making changes to other zombies.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Slayer Slayerson: I havent played 7days in a few years, does the drone help in direct combat in any way?
No. It's specifically a non-combatant that provides non combat benefits depending on what mods you equip it with. It can apply medical supplies to you, offer a light source, have a fairly sizable inventory to stow loot in, and a couple other things.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Make sure you're at the trader you accepted the quest from. If you accept a quest from Trader A, you must return to Trader A to turn it in.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I doubt it's this, but, Armor type perhaps? Are you in heavy when they're in light?
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kean: Thanks for all the replies the reason i asked do any of these recommendation change because certain weapons i feel are really gimicky such the stun baton or fists require consumables to be truly viable. while I tried spears mutliple times i find they are by far the weakest weapon in terms of status effects the apply to zombies or any sort of crowd control or anything in fact i found spears to have no redeming qualities other than improved range. i would consider gimmicky weapons not viable for insane due to constant demmand of external resources this is obviously excluding ammo need for ranged but im mainly talking about meele
Fist's aren't particularly gimicky. They don't Require use of external buffs,... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Keep it civil.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ripflex: There's been more Controller users in 7dtd on PC, I can see that happening more. That and the fact players ignore how full their inventory is, so broken glass could fall into the tool belt slot.

Annnd people just don't pay attention anymore.
I'm more amazed that people have empty space in their hot bar. Mines perpetually full of everything I need.

Axe, Pickaxe, Melee Weapon, Ranged Weapon, Wrench, Shovel, Knife, water, food, bandages and other medical supplies, ammo stack so i can tell my ammo at a glance without switching to my ranged weapon, wood frames for navigating the world, a construction tool..... There's only 10 slots and like 20 things I want to put in them.
    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Red Eagle LXIX: Not able to test it at the moment but this should do what you want.
Create a Mods folder in your game folder if you do not already have one.
Create a folder in that called donteatglass.
Create Config folder inside donteatglass folder
Create a file called Modinfo.xml inside 'donteatglass' folder with contents below
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