7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

15 Jan

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Never feel guilty about pampering yourself. You deserve it!
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by aY227:
Originally posted by Tahnval: Here's my advice:

1) Divide the price you paid for the game by the number of hours of fun you got out of it.
2) Compare that with the cost per fun-hour for other forms of entertainment.
3) Stop complaining.

So free to play games are the best ones?
If all you care about is money spent per hour of enjoyment, and don't care about literally anything else, then yes, f2p games would be best in tha... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Las: Games like these are never designed to have an end game and I personally don't want it to have one. The only real end game is strictly up to the player, their personal expectations and preference, and settings.

Some, like myself, can only play it up to about day 30, or long enough to earn ~40 skill points before they start feeling invincible and the game becomes too easy. Others like to build massive fortresses and will play day 100+ and well past max out levels. The real end game for the masses seems to lie anywhere in-between these two ranges.
Yap. Even when the game has a story mode, it's not going to be an 'end' to the game. It's a sandbox; Completing the story will just leave you in the sa... Read more
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Toxic water is a solution I've thought would work, but it means no drinking from lakes and maybe swimming causes health loss, so not as nice to players.
Or radioactive...

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
So, here's the thing. 'The entire team' is relative.

As a fairly dumbed down breakdown, There are actually several different subsets of worker within the team.
For example,
You've got artists.
You've got modelers.
You've got sound designers
You've got level designers
You've got general coders
You've got an AI specialist.
etc, etc, etc.

When you Start to develop a new version, Everyone is working on the update. But, Some aspects of the design will often get finished ahead of schedule, typically by necessity- For example, Artists and Modelers will typically have to finish their job at speed so that the level designer can use that stuff to level design. Their job finished, the artist and modeler now has nothing to do.

So, To streamline the workflow, you actually have those jobs that need to be done first work on the NEXT version while the rest of the team is finalizing things for the current version.
IE, Sound/level des... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That kind of defeats the sandbox style.

A story is coming. Probably won't see and end. End game is basically when you get bored and start a new map.

14 Jan

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's supposed to be challenging. The last few Alpha builds haven't been so much, but they're getting back to that.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Newt: I haven't followed the devs much, but I know which gun range one of them frequents...
Shoot Smart, in Fort Worth, TX. The Alliance location on I-35 headed southbound, just coming into Fort Worth.
It really got me when I happened upon the gunrange in the snow biome, because I used to do IT for them. The prefab is almost totally complete, except the server closet is missing as well as the hallway that runs down the right side of the range, in the main building.
I especially liked the fact that the gunsmith shop was included.

Anyone else seen recognizable locations (aside from red mesa aka black mesa)?
This wouldn't surprise me as their main office is in Dallas.
There are also other buildings that mimic actual buildings in the games real-world location.

Originally posted by ...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Zamber: Steam 100 top played.
40th at this moment with 25000 players.
Its dead like undead...
IIRC it's been in the top 50 for most the past five or six years straight.

Actively developed too, with regular communication from staff of changes coming to the next build.

Can't get anymore undead than that.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Since this comes down to player choice/preference, I’ll move it to General Discussions.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by pApA^LeGBa: From experience i suggest still renting a server. It´s not expensive and you don´t need the host to be able to play. Backups are easier aswell.

pApA and I have been at odds lately so I want to jump on this to say he is absolutely right!

<3 <3 <3

Dedicated server is so much better than hosting a game on one computer even if it is top end. Get a server for a month or two and play together with your friends privately.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I mean, really, shooting it with a gun also wouldn't set it off either. Soo... I think all things being said, having the ability to set mines off from a distance > not having that ability arrow or otherwise.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

13 Jan

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I don’t know, but on PC it’s F1 if that helps narrow it down.

12 Jan

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Comirnaty: All I know is a i7-7700k is not good enough for the game, and I don't think there's a CPU out there that is even twice as fast for single threaded performance as this old CPU.
Have one with a 1070 8GB GPU, 16GB DDR4, and SSD's in RAID. It has zero issues getting a solid 60-90FPS.

Some of my previous reports.
... Read more

11 Jan

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ElDudorino:
Originally posted by STDRandom Lead: lol it is voxel based. dlss wouldnt help at all. get more ram and more cores or play with lower settings.
Um are you sure more cores would help? Usually per-core performance is what you want for gaming, not more cores- especially when a game is not masterfully programmed.
99% of games are bound to a single core. 7 Days will utilize multiple cores, but the primary process is still tied to a single core and curr... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It probably couldn't happen anyway because the author used a hacking mod system instead of one of the supported mod systems to inject the mod code into the client. Not to mention that it's buggy as hell.

They should have used Harmony for it instead of BepInEx. The latter is for games that don't support modding natively. 7 Days has full modding support with existing developed platforms. It probably wouldn't cause as many issues with the client if they had done it properly.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I thought there was a demo version of PZ but I couldn't find it on their store page. I know I played a demo version years ago. Is it there and I just couldn't see it or was it discontinued?

Just so you know Project Zomboid has been in Early Access for 9 YEARS so beware. ;)