7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

08 Sep

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Even better: don’t call people names, period, because that is against the rules.

And don’t bump a five year old thread. Start a new one instead if you have something new to say on a subject.

And don’t report a post for spam, unless it’s spam.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Each unit of antibiotics works slowly over time to reduce your infection by a limited amount. After you use the antibiotics, if you open the character screen, you should see a “treated infection” buff listed if the antibiotics are working.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Radiation only does direct damage to your health. There are no long term effects.

I believe there are overhaul mods that have radiation poisoning. If you’re playing one of those instead of ‘vanilla’ 7DtD, let me know and I can move this to the Modding sub-forum, where people may have an answer for you.

07 Sep

06 Sep

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes; Enabling cheats in the world option, enabling creative mode, or enabling debug mode disables achievements for the current session.

05 Sep

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The actual blocks were removed. The texture iirc still exists in game; Paintable via the paintbrush and paint.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The notification says 'Moved or Deleted" for a reason. Unfortunately, we have no control over the notification's wording; It's a steam thing.

Glad you found your post though. :winter2019happyyul:
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is a cap to how much fall damage they can take. It has been this way for several years now.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You wouldn’t get that kind of result from a random map, any more than an old TV displaying static noise would happen to show the map of a country. Someone may have made a custom map to that effect, though.

For random map seeds with particular features, see the pinned thread in the Survivor Stories sub-forum. For custom maps someone may have made, I’d ask around on the Modding sub-forum. It’s non-ideal since you can’t go past a 32km square or whatever the limit is, but it also strikes me as the kind of thing somebody is bound to have tried.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You're getting XP because technically you are 'harvesting' the block. Checking the blocks.xml, I see the candle is technically made of "Mpaper", which is defined in materials.xml to give 2 XP. The devs could change it to a material that doesn't give any XP.

This may be a very low priority bug/exploit, but it doesn't hurt anything to call it out and make the devs aware of it. See the pinned thread for where and how to file a bug report, if you're interested in seeing this changed.

04 Sep

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
TLDR - "I don't like change"

Lucky for you TFP has chosen to leave all the old game versions available to you can be stuck in the past all you want.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by mulberryman:
Originally posted by The Undead Watcher: No it's really not, you can bring the schematics and books to the person that crafts/builds or you could also explore some, you aren't gonna build and cook 24/7.
And sometimes you gotta get your priorities straight, you wanna progress or sit at home doing nothing worth while? You can't really improves your skillset if you just sit around all day...
first of all, as i said before with assigned group roles the peopl...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
admos is correct, although tougher zombies would have to fall even farther than ~20 blocks to maximize their fall damage. The damage cap means you’d want to plan for what happens after they fall. You may actually want to provide them an escape route, so they don’t beat on the tower’s pillars instead.


For what it’s worth, what you describe is somewhat similar to this base I made, except I didn’t make a bridge. The zombies had no choice but to fall in (the wooden frames are retracted), and then they had to climb long, winding staircases built onto the outside of the tower to get u... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A recent thread on the subject.
Store page game screenshots edited?

03 Sep

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I’ve done a base that makes use of murder holes. I prefer Molotov c*cktails, but any grenade type should work.

I made 5x5 block platform resting on four pillars, about 4 blocks off the ground. The pillars are close to the center, with shapes and rotations chosen to form an X pattern with the center block open. The platform has a hole in the center with a hatch. I made four of these platforms in a square, connected by catwalks.

On horde night, I can run from one platform to the other, shooting down at anything attacking the pillars that aren’t directly under me. But when they do cluster directly under me, I can open the hatch and drop a pipe bomb or other explosive. So long as the pillar shapes are chosen with care (I used ramp incline blocks on their side, but you could go for something smaller like poles), each bomb you drop should hit every zombie attacking that quadrant of the base.

There’s enough redundancy with the pillars that you could lose one h... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It is worth remembering that many of us have played the game for hundreds or thousands of hours and already sucked the marrow out of these POIs in the process. Even if drop zombies and monster closets were all but eliminated, long time players could still reach a point where the POIs are ‘stale’ because they know all the places the zombies can spawn.

It would be possible to address that staleness - the predictability, lack of surprise, variety, replayability, whatever you want to call it - even under the existing system. Namely, the level designer can put in more zombie spawns than are actually used in any given playthrough. A room that only needs three zombies could have a sleeper volume with twenty different possible sleeper spawns. The standard the level designers actually use, last time I checked, is to only have one more spawn point than the minimum needed. So a room with three zombies will have four possible sleeper spawns.

The downside of course is it’s a... Read more

02 Sep

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The devs have talked about wandering sleeper zombies, and I have to imagine a fair number of bandits will inhabit POIs once we have those. So, much like there was a time when we all drove minibikes because that was the only vehicle (and we liked it!), this may well be a case where the overuse is an artifact of other ingredients being planned but not added yet.

01 Sep

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Teirdalin: I don't get what you're talking about, I did say that I love the feature.🤷

No one has disagreed, as it turns out. Just a couple are questioning why you'd wait the full two hours.