7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

19 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Here’s one place you could look.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I can think of multiple areas of emphasis that could help.

Most of all, I would lay low at night (consider From the Shadows). As you progress, you’d want to update your self assessment of what you can and can’t handle. Be aware of your surroundings, not just in terms of where the zombies are, but to where you could retreat if needed, especially since you can’t duck into an easier biome for some relief (consider Parkour, Rule 1: Cardio). Lastly, it might not make much difference in the first week, but theoretically the loot bonus in that biome could make looting more lucrative than other activities like mining or harvesting (consider Lucky Looter).

18 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There are two type of rocket for the rocket launcher, one of which is designed to do high block damage. You may (or may not) find it more effective than dynamite. If that’s still not enough, and you don’t care about cheating, then you could search for instructions to obtain the “Super Digger” dev tool.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by .♥~*°("_")°*~♥.: I think it's posssible but that will crash the game who will need to calculate to don't give the same name for each street in the all map...
That will need a database of +500 streets names...
& like we can share waypoint, it's useless to orient players...

You know, I was thinking about that. The street names wouldn't have to be unique. Around where I live, names like Maple Street, Washington Boulevard, 1st Avenue etc. are so common, you can find them in virtually every town. You can't agree to meet someone at Main Street without knowing which town. So you could employ a common naming scheme. For instance, east-west streets are 1st Avenue, 2nd Avenue, 3rd Avenue, and north-south ... Read more

17 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That would be lovely, and much of the programming groundwork has been laid. We have signs that can display arbitrary, dynamic text, and we have an algorithm to generate place names (for worlds). In fact as I recall, the towns in random worlds are already given names, even if it’s only under the hood. Even if it’s nonsense words like Cuxitini Avenue, it is neat to me to see names and places that no one else has seen before.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Pingus Crack Pipe: I can't imagine they would just leave it how it is, at this rate the zombie's will start to look more human than the player character's lol

I hear you. However, it’s very plausible that the solution will be… no more character creation. It’s plausible that things like eyebrows have been broken for years because in the end, choosing your eyebrows won’t be a thing the game supports anyway.

I believe it was Madmole on the official forum who talked about how you barely see your character anyway: that what you see is mostly the character’s clothes/armor. So the smarter use of resources, the logic goes, is to make the clothes/armor look good.

I’ve advocated for keeping the ... Read more

16 Aug

    Hated on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello Everyone!

We have another stable patch for Alpha 20.
With the overwhelming majority of the team working full steam on A21, we took some time to merge fixes and changes to A20 for your enjoyment.

Due to Microsoft requirements, custom prefabs can no longer be saved directly to the game folder.
They will be saved to the User Defined Folder (UDF).
This default location is:


To avoid having to re-save each POI one at a time in the prefab editor, all POI's currently located in...

\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Prefabs

...should be manually moved to the UDF.

The UDF can be declared in the game launcher as a command line parameter.
Add the following to the command line:





The UD... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Everyone!

We have another stable patch for Alpha 20.

With the overwhelming majority of the team working full steam on A21, we took some time to merge fixes and changes to A20 for your enjoyment.

Due to Microsoft requirements, custom prefabs can no longer be saved directly to the game folder.
They will be saved to the User Defined Folder (UDF).
This default location is:


To avoid having to re-save each POI one at a time in the prefab editor, all POI's currently located in...

\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Prefabs

...should be manually moved to the UDF.

The UDF can be declared in the game launcher as a command line parameter.
Add the following to the command line:



Read more
    on News - Thread - Direct

Hello Everyone!


We have another stable patch for Alpha 20. 

With the overwhelming majority of the team working full steam on A21, we took some time to merge fixes and changes to A20 for your enjoyment.



Due to Microsoft requirements, custom prefabs can no longer be saved directly to the game folder.
They will be saved to the User Defined Folder (UDF).
This default location is:


To avoid having to re-save each POI one at a time in the prefab editor, all POI's currently located in...

\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Prefabs

...should be manually moved to the UDF.

The UDF can be declared in the game launcher as a command line parameter.
Add the following to the command line:





Read more

15 Aug

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Howlune: Pimps have been killing the performance update after update, and now the game can only handle maybe 30 people before falling apart where it used to hold 50 without a sweat. They also bricked the server browser and it's such a mess that servers bypass filters anyways.
I ran a popular pvp server for almost 2 years and had to shut down after they released 20.4, just as many other big servers ended up doing at the same time.
Sorry to be a downer, just thought id share the situation for anyone else curious.
Considering it's never supported more than 8 people, 30 is practically a miracle.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The game is a 1-8 player Coop game. The only servers you're going to find with dozens of players on are PVP servers, maybe; And even then, the performance of such overloaded servers isnt the greatest.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We've never had confirmation that the changes would significantly effect coop play to begin with. Just a lot of people making HUGE assumptions about developers who are developing a system for a coop game

14 Aug

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
First, you have a 50% chance to get a seed back per crop harvested.

With 1 point in LoTL you will, on average, gain more back than you spend recreating seeds. A bad harvest can set you back, though.

With 2 points, you will much more easily maintain forward momentum.

With 3 points, you ALWAYS get a return on the planting even if 0% of the crops give a seed back.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
  • You can't get meat from dogs anyway, unless you meant wolves. All dogs are zombies.
  • Use pipe weapons in the early game in cases where you can't come by 'real' guns.
  • If you actually want to attract zombies, the standard method is to build up activity until you get screamers, which call in hordes if they see you. This works any time of day.
  • You can also attract more zombies by enabling feral sense, which will make zombies detect you more easily.
  • Biome affects horde size. Since Diersville is in the green forest, you'll get the weakest Blood Moon hordes there. Gravestowne would have the strongest hordes, since it's in the wasteland.

13 Aug

    Hated on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone!
Today we have a small update patch for Alpha 20.6.

We wish all of you a great weekend!

A20.6 b9

  • Auto ping all found servers once

  • Non-XBL players were not shown being blocked when communication was globally blocked by XBL privacy settings
  • News screen scroll makes a sound even if you are on the first or last page
  • Voice chat not always properly disabled
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.