7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

01 Mar

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

These are the planned vehicle mods:

Fuel Saver - Works

Off Road Headlights - Works

Super Charger - Works

Expanded Seat - TODO

Reserve Fuel Tank - Working on today

None of them are fully done, since they still need icons, schematics and put in loot lists.

Drone should be in a20.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Your player with poor aim could take up a position where they can shoot the zombies in the back. That’s one of the key advantages to playing multiplayer in my view: not every zombie is coming for you in particular, and you can take advantage of that. In single player, it takes a more involved base design to get zombies to turn their backs to you.
    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

The ones that also cover hiding the body.

28 Feb

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I wouldn’t say the inability to sleep makes the game “hardcore.” On the contrary, this unusual superpower where the player never has to sleep makes the game easier by giving you more time to do stuff.

OP suggests making it so if you lose sleep, you “lose points.” It’s unclear what that means, but it would only make the game harder.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Shurenai: I think horde nights are Monday. Worst day of the week. Weekends over, and the hell of hard work begins. :P

It's really interesting to me that multiple people think of horde night as being a Monday. For me, it's more like you spend all week planning for the event. The hard work, if that's what it is, goes into all the planning and preparations you make beforehand - the 'daily grind' to earn resources and secure your future. Then the Blood Moon is the culmination of the previous days: the big party, the big show or the big game if you like. A time to eschew routine, let loose and expend a lot. All things that are more synonymous with the weekend.

That's the natural fit for me, but... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Turret ammo = rapid fire but weak shots
Shells = slower fire with shotgun spread
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
They’re supposed to always be aware of where all the blocks are and how strong they are. But they’re only supposed to be aware of where the players are when A) it’s horde night; or B) they actually hear or see you. So while one could say that they have X-ray vision of a sort, don’t think that it’s pointless to stay hidden and quiet.

27 Feb

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please read the Pinned thread on how to report an issue and follow the instructions.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
To answer your question, you should use the Support & Bug Reports sub-forum If you’re filing it here on Steam. However, the official forum at 7daystodie.com is the best place to insure TFP see your bug report.

I appreciate you not wanting to clutter the forum, but nobody knows from reading the title “how come” what issue is going to be discussed in this thread. “How come” is too generic: a catch-all for all questions about the game, when we have a Questions & Answers sub-forum for that.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by castov11:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: A cursory look at our Servers sub-forum suggests such vanilla PvP servers do exist.
I've had trouble finding them? But thanks I'll look again.

Not to show favoritism, but this is the first one I saw.
... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
More details would be needed to troubleshoot the issue. like logs from both the client and the server. Going to move this thread over to the support section. Check the pinned topic on how to report an issue for instructions on providing logs via Pastebin.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Arctic Ice Fox: Me and my friend had the same "bug" its the whole weight system. Crop plots are bad at supporting weight (dont know the numbers off the top of my head) and sometimes when the game reloads a chunk something goes weird and they fall in. We found that by putting wood/concrete/cobble plates below the crop plots it fixed the problem entirely.

Wait, so what did you have before that fix? A ceiling composed solely of farm plot blocks?
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A cursory look at our Servers sub-forum suggests such vanilla PvP servers do exist.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Distance to the server will make a difference in time to download, as will the size of the map. Then you've got other variables with network connections and security software.

26 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I mean, There's certainly a lot of people convinced that you need a cheese base to fight the hordes. But you definitely do not Need one to fight the horde. You can make just about any kind of base you want, really; All that is important is that whatever method you choose, you avoid allowing the zombies to bunch up in one place all attacking the same object(s) in a small area.

Many people have particular issues with the Demolisher who if not handled properly can do his namesake and demolish a decent area when he explodes; But again, you do not NEED a cheese base to fight him. Cheese bases certainly make it easier, to the point of being hilariously easy even, but, not even close to a necessity.

You can, if you want, and with the right knowhow of the game mechanics and items to use, just stand outside and fight the zombies fist to face without ever even building a horde base. Which in itself kindof speaks to the fact that a cheese base is not necessity, imo.... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ryu Oki: For the sake of not cluttering the forums with more little threads I am going to necro this one while it's still fresh for a whole new issue that the title can be recycled for:

This is the third time I have been sent to this POI via the quest system. The (!) is there the whole time, till I get close. You can see the distance in the screen shot, as well as know it's relatively valid by the games date/time. Why does it disappear when I get close enough to try and activate? I've exited the game for now, maybe it will fix itself when I reload. But it continues to send me to this same POI for some reason, even though there is a whole town behind me. Perhaps RNG needs some more work? This is a tier 3 ...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Supergoober:
Originally posted by -=O=-^Fightinc*ck: I always seem to buy a crucible... and the find the schematic 2 min later....=/

This. +1 Ugh, happens so many times with schematics in general.
The desire sensor is real, Heehee. And it likes to play cruel pranks upon the player. :winter2019joyfultearsyul:
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Currently the biome layout is semi-fixed; There will always be forest in the middle with other biomes ringing it; though the size of each can change and the order of biomes around the outside can differ.