7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

08 Mar

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

The idea is more mods than there are slots so there is some choice.

Seems to me that is just a balance thing, and 20 is OCD if you as me, I have 2-3 max and build some large bases. They could simply smelt much faster so we don't need late game ones. We've talked about an industrial forge, but with some simplifications coming I don't see a need for it.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I love games with heavy character customization, but unfortunately we can't add 2 years of scope for this. We can always go there in future products.
No more vehicles are planned, but I'm sure a modders will do it.

Vehicle mods should be about wrapped up. We'll reveal them later unless Faatal already spilled the beans.
Drone is getting closer I'm confident it will make it this time.

Yes at some point.

So much for holding back info

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Pipe weapons are easy early game craft so you can start specializing right away. They will share ammo with existing weapons of their class which will drop in scaled quantities.

It's looking really sweet. Allan and Alloc have done most of the work there AFAIK and Rick designed it based on our numerous discussions, but others have contributed for sure. It is going to change building in a big way and make this the best building system of all time IMO.

We are planning a biome difficulty that scales so if you want more xp faster, you can go to the harder biomes.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

I tried but by now that ship has sailed.

It was a lot worse before. =P

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for your efforts, they are much appreciated!

07 Mar

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by vgifford: How much did it cost them to get the console rights back? Missed that expense.
Honestly, I don't know. But, given how much a lawyer costs on average and how long it took to re-secure the rights....Likely a lot. Millions, easily. And that's before guessing whether or not there was a settlement where they had to pay through the nose to buy the rights back after the court forced the other company to return it or whatever.

Hell, Keeping a lawyer or law firm on retainer for problems likely is an additional expense they've had to bear over the years, taking even more money out of the pot.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
First, as a Moderator, I'm going to strongly request that you remove the opening of this post. You're welcome to share your views all you like- But encouraging review bombing is against the forum rules, and encouraging purchase-bombing is also problematic.

However, I do want to respond to this thread as a user too; So rather than just deleting it, I will leave my reply below and give you a little while to comply with the request before removing the thread as a whole if necessary.

Honestly, while being overly-conservative, you(or the reviewer) did nail a lot of beats.

However you(or the reviewer) overlooked a few relatively important things. One, Noone has said they need more money to complete the game. More time, yes; But not more money.

Second, Regardless of how much they have made in profit, it does not change the fact that they are in fact a small company- You can air quote that all you want, but it will not change. If TFP makes ... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Stationary guns! *Pew-pews paper, pencils, and other assorted stationary at zombies* :winter2019joyfultearsyul:

Joke aside, I'd be down for a mounted manually controlled gun.

06 Mar

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Way back when I was running my own 7D server I had a Russian admin - while all of Russia was blocked.

I guess it's like with every other nationality. Not all individuals are the same. =P

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is 8m in XZ for them to start spawning. Don't know what you mean by calculated in.

05 Mar

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That is very odd, and definitely some kind of bug. But I've never heard of such a bug before, so....I got nothin. You'd be best to refer to the pinned threads, and likely to seek support on the main forum instead of here as you're more likely to get substantial help on such an odd issue there.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Must be a SteelSeries RGB keyboard. Support for those was added into the game. This is covered in the patch notes.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I can't speak to disabling it. But from the description, the bar over the F keys is likely a representation of your Experience bar; While the greener one across QWERTY is likely your Current Health.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, and yes, in that order.

No, When lootable containers respawn they do not replace whatever the current contents are- Instead the loot respawn timer freezes at 0 and waits for the container to be emptied before respawning it's contents. Short of a bug, It is impossible for the system to overwrite existing contents.

Yes, You must remain 7-15(Noone is exactly sure how far) blocks away from a container or it will never respawn. Every time you enter that 7-15~ block range of a lootable container, the loot respawn timer will reset to the start. This is why the bird nests on your primary avenue of travel basically never respawn.

I have seen claims that,Supposedly, leaving one item of any kind in the container to trigger the conditions in the first answer above (container wont respawn with items in it) will allow the timer to tick all the way down to 0 regardless of player proximity- Then when you come to loot, you take the item out, and loot th... Read more
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 How they will work has not been determined. Trigger traps will probably be the same, but at some point stealth may add a chance they don't trigger.

1b Sleepers work how they do for performance reasons. They don't spawn until you are near the sleeper volume. That has not changed in a20, but as the game gets more optimized, some of those rules may be relaxed.

2 Those spikes have no colliders, they are just cosmetic, so removing them won't change collisions,

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 We have talked about it. We have a shark model/anims, but don't know that it will ever get used. Maybe some bored day in the future looking for fun....

2 Mod, no, but we have a raft model and someday it would be nice to added it as a vehicle. I'd like to see a heavy water map eventually.

3 Can't think of any awesome, but my bar is high.

04 Mar

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well, I appreciate hearing about those because then I can put another mark on the chalk board. 😃

Bears or mountain lions are no joke - neither IRL nor in the game.