First, as a Moderator, I'm going to strongly request that you remove the opening of this post. You're welcome to share your views all you like- But encouraging review bombing is against the forum rules, and encouraging purchase-bombing is also problematic.
However, I do want to respond to this thread as a user too; So rather than just deleting it, I will leave my reply below and give you a little while to comply with the request before removing the thread as a whole if necessary.
Honestly, while being overly-conservative, you(or the reviewer) did nail a lot of beats.
However you(or the reviewer) overlooked a few relatively important things. One, Noone has said they need more
money to complete the game. More time, yes; But not more money.
Second, Regardless of how much they have made in profit, it does not change the fact that they are in fact a small company- You can air quote that all you want, but it will not change. If TFP makes ...
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