7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

02 Dec

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's not inherently bad. Though it is possible for you to have a bad experience.

The game is designed for co-op with up to 8 players. (Work is being done to support more, but that is all that is officially supported at this time.) Servers that exceed a player count of 20 are likely to have issues.

Some key points when joining a public server.
1. Pick a server with low ping. Anything over 70ms will cause you problems with hit lag, and sync issues over time that will prevent you from seeing changes as they happen or accessing containers.
2. Pick a server with options that fit your playstyle.
3. This is not a PvP game. Keep that in mind if you plan on trying out PvP servers. The game balance and mechanics are designed almost entirely around a pvE playstyle. This is not Rust, so don't expect it to be.
4. Day count is meaningless. It doesn't matter if you're level 1 and the server is on day 3486. The zombies and hordes will be scaled to your g... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by seven: You could also enter debug mode and then fly around which will reveal the map permanently. It would take a while. You can also run really fast in god mode which might be quicker than flying.
You can only reveal so much. After you reach the limit, it will start to "forget" the earliest uncovered data.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I would say that it is no longer worth rushing to 5/5 lucky looter like a maniac; But that Lucky Looter is in fact still beneficial in the long run. In the short run, not so much, which is why it's not worth rushing 5/5.

It's no longer the overpowered loot rain it once was.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm assuming you mean for your map? It's sorta possible when in debug mode; But it's also a temporary change, not permanant.

Enter debug mode, open your map screen, and in the top right of the panel should be a new little switch lookin thing that wasn't there before, from which you can access the debug map which has a few different viewing modes.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Brittanian:
Originally posted by Seftak: Put 8 people on a server, loot each one a couple diferent POIs each day, days 5 you basically learned every recipe. Terrible suggestion to share recipe like that.

If they are cooping, work together instead.
How is that a 'terrible suggestion'. Its a minor difference in opinion. All he and op want are a simple Quality of Life fix so that everyone doesn't have to do the exact same things. Some teams have players who only bu...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It could also be an issue with the data stream on the network. For example, if you're on WiFi, and your router doesn't have a lot of memory dedicated to the WiFi bandwidth, the horde might be enough to overload the data buffer and could cause you a high ping. The could either be on the host side, or on your side.
Similarly it could be caused by security software holding the data packets for scanning. Programs like Norton, McAffee, and EEST are really great at causing issues like this, so we always recommend that you exclude the client.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Crater Creator: I’m more hopeful that the trader protection can be reduced or eliminated, as it breaks the immersion of a 100% destructible world and is exploitable. But we agree that it could use improvement.
Yes, I've often wondered why it extends so far past the POI boundaries. I did open a bug report on this a while back, and I'm pretty sure it's being looked into.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Khissi: Well, when you turn loots to 200%, you'll get 2 of the same of each recipe you find. That may help. Talk to your server admin.
Yeah, this is usually the best option. The loot % is often misunderstood. What it does is change the stack size multiplier for loot items. It does not have much effect on the % chance of finding loot. So by setting it to 200%, every time you would find one recipe, you will now find two. And that stack of 2 eggs in a birdnest is now 4.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You and your friend will likely have a long trek at the start to meet up with each other on a large map. Be sure to be allies and in a party so you can track each other’s location, and make the most of the journey by noting interesting locations along the way.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I’m more hopeful that the trader protection can be reduced or eliminated, as it breaks the immersion of a 100% destructible world and is exploitable. But we agree that it could use improvement.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Your friend’s server is likely struggling to run everything during horde night. Their ping would stay low regardless, since it’s trivial for their machine to ping itself, but their performance may still suffer. Your options are to
  • beef up the server. Check the game’s system requirements, noting the added requirements for a server. Perhaps you have better specs than your friend so you should be the host, or perhaps one of you has a good separate machine for running a dedicated server. If not, many companies can provide a dedicated server for a monthly fee.
  • reduce the load on the server by reducing the number of (simultaneous) zombies on horde night. This needn’t change the total number of zombies you can get.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
As a survival game, food and water are supposed to be two of your biggest struggles at the start. As you progress, you get a handle on those needs and pivot to other needs, like dealing with increasingly dangerous zombies.

Now, the way the devs have implemented the progression on loot may be considered unorthodox. As you level up, you will eventually start finding better loot, which would include better food. This system is in progress and is slated to see further refinement, such as harder biomes and/or points of interest having better loot, all the time.

For now, I’d advise you to keep looting places that logically should have food in the hopes that you have better luck, and supplementing that with hunting, buying food from traders & vending machines, opening up more cooking recipes, and eventually farming your own food.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Game is primarily intended for 1-8 player co-op; with a slight skew towards 6 at most. This is NOT a game meant for huge amounts of players on a single server, and indeed the game cannot handle more than 8~ players in most environments. 8 is the maximum officially supported, 16 is the maximum allowed by the ingame menu; for people who have beefy rigs that can handle it.

So just you and a friend is perfectly okay. :)

01 Dec

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Jonnson:
Originally posted by Shurenai: Screenshots would help. Ideally from multiple angles. It's most likely though that there's a very thin pole somewhere holding it up though.

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    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

None of that should be set in stone yet. Once RWG changes are further along, we can see where memory use is at and fix what needs to be fixed.
Edit: Robert says 4k is still possible, so we will probably have that too.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The trader zone is, in effect, a land claim zone with infinite durability.

Your Land Claim dead zone in the settings is a value greater than 0; So there must be an amount of blocks between the edge of the trader zone, and the start of your zone to equal the dead zone value.

EG: A deadzone of 15 means there must be 15 blocks between the last unbreakable block of the trader, and the first block of your own claimed area.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by b-dub94: Does this game still use Unet? I have seen some performance boosts with disabling it? Couldnt find an option for it in the launcher though.

Many of the things you mentioned did seem to help smooth things out, thank you!

So, there is no tweaking or modding i could do to get this game to utilize more of my CPU?

I have a good cooler. Cool master but i forget what specific model it is. My comp idles around 30 and barely ever touches 80 even under heavy load.
No UNET and RakNet were dumped with the update to Unity 2017. Now Unity uses LiteNetLib, and disabling it will actually tank network performance because it adds a lot of data stream optimizations.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Dragonborn Operative: how is making things / players or ai slower on Barbed wire considered 'OP' ?
The issue wasn't that it slowed players or AI. It was, specifically, that the player could place it against a wall and the zombie would never actually walk into and thus damage, the barbed wire, yet were slowed because the effect is applied to the entire blockspace, that was an issue.

Players then doubled down on this by realizing they could set barbed wire at foot level, and some kind of partial block above it and make it so zombies would never, under any circumstance, cause any damage to the barbed wire due to collision boxes.

The slow isn't OP. The infinite slowing effect with no reso... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hyper-threading is disabled on that CPU, so you aren't likely to ever get it above 50%. If you aren't on a Z-series board, you probably aren't ever going to see the full potential of the turbo clocks either. If you don't have a good tower cooler, then it's just going to get thermal throttled also.

Turn off GSync for this title. It's not going to do you any good, and has been known to tank performance.

Your resolution should be no higher than 1080p, and I would recommend video settings similar to this....

I would also recommend trying with the exclusive fullscreen option from the launcher enabled.

Oh, and don't forget to set the power plan for both the OS and the GPU to Maximum performance. Would also be useful to lock FPS to 60 in the Nvi... Read more