7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

19 Feb

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unity released 2020.2.5 today, which actually fixed some weird profiler UI behavior and a profler error, both of which I was getting, so good job Unity!

It is potentially a lot of programming changes and the programmer who will probably be doing it is working on a lot of RWG changes.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by seven:
Originally posted by crmarlow2874: Once clay soil is smelted it can't be extracted

Actually, you can "craft" all the smelted materials out of the forge. That is how you can unload a forge before moving it. For clay, just look for Clay Soil in Resources tab of the forge.

To the OP, Anything asking for 'Clay' and not 'Clay Soil' is something that must be crafted in the forge UI, rather than by hand or anywhere else, as it uses the m... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Welcome to seed based RNG. Neither world inherently provides more or less of anything than the other. It's the same lootable object in both cases, with the same loot list.... The only thing different is the RNG seed you're on.

You're experiencing an apparent increase in certain things now; Which means you're pretty likely to find a horrific lack of something you need/want in the future.

Rabbits and chickens would likewise have been common in Navezgane.....however that's always 'at first', as you can depopulate an area pretty quickly nd then have to range further and further away from 'home' to hunt, and it can start seemingly like theres none at all.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

How about: Optimized terrain updating

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

My favorite feature so far is the fact I can switch the editor to release mode, which produces optimized assembly code, but I can still run the profiler on it. That means I get the same timings I would get with a full build, which takes my PC about 6 minutes to make, so I don't. I've been spending a lot of time optimizing and cleanup up lately, so a very nice feature.

I just finished this one, which is a big win:

Optimized terrain control textures to not update with every mesh update.

Those peaked at 2ms spikes on my PC, on several frames, when new chunks load, adding to

18 Feb

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I am testing Unity 2020.2 currently. Only needed 3 code changes. Seems fine and is supposed to have some performance improvements. Feels a bit faster. 2020.3 (LTS) is supposed to be out soon, so A20 should end up being on that.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Max supported player count is 8 players.
Max stable limit on average server-grade hardware is going to be 20 players.
Max stable limit on extremely high-end server hardware is going to be 30 players.

OP's hardware is towards the lower-end. It's capable, but with the lower clock speeds they're going to struggle. I would put the bottom-end at a 3-3.5Ghz system with a minimum of 6 cores.
Another consideration is the drives. Most of those older systems are going to come with a pair of SAS drives, usually 10,000 RPM, but some higher. Those aren't going to be quite fast enough for supporting more than about 6 players until the game is optimized more. You will want to add in the cost of purchasing some SSD's for running the servers save data on.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Other Barry: Y'know...typical zombie behaviour...

Well, at least you didn’t call for “realistic” zombie behavior, as some have done. :cozybrawlhalla1:

Any time you have a game where your enemies need to navigate a fully destructible, 3D, sandbox world, you’re pretty much going to wind up with AI similar to what you see 7DtD. Otherwise, it’s too easy to have some situation, some topological conditions that are trivial for the player to create, which the AI can’t handle. The only way out of having smart enemies is if each zombie is cheap enough, performance wise, to send in dozens of ex... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Zombies have jumped for a long, long time now; They just need to be presented the opportunity to.

And they do not register traps as anything more than a block in the world- If you obstruct the path with traps, they will make a path some place else.

EG: Don't build wood/iron spikes 2+ high above ground level, only build them 1 high, or better yet sink them into the ground- They perceive 2 high spikes to be as solid a wall as if it were two normal blocks.

Further, Zombies navigate by block HP and time taken- The path of least overall resistance is the one they will typically take.

Traps of all kinds are viewed as blocks with HP values, just like building blocks- Iron spikes for example have i think 350hp(?) times 5 layers for a total of 1750hp; So a 2 tall 'wall' of iron spikes would not only equivalent to a cobblestone wall, but in fact more durable than a cobblestone wall.. So if you build yourself a square wall of cobblestone blocks(or worse... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Macdallan: I want the old learn and improve by doing system back. I don't like this perk garbage.
Not to derail this thread into yet another Old vs New argument, I do feel a need to address this in part: Even at the start when the original skill system with LBD elements in it was implemented, it still required you to spend perk points; Every point gained in LBD would confer some very minor benefits, and every 20 would unlock a rank in the associated perk for you to then buy (EG: Leveling pistols by shooting things a bunch would then unlock a rank of Gunslinger at 20/40/60/80/100.) And even aside from that, all of the skills not directly associated with the LBD skills were themselves perks to buy.

It... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Shurenai:
Originally posted by El Pollo Loco: I know this is possibly impossible due to how long it takes but I've always wondered. Let's say we did, what would happen if we accepted a quest, flew to the spot and started it. Would the regenerated house collapse because there would be no ground to spawn on?
Dunno that anyone has tried it, But, were you, theoretically, able to do what you posit, then no, it would not collapse. At least to my understanding, When a POI is reset for a quest, it resets the entire chunk it's in from bedrock to sky. So all the stone and dirt would reappear alongside the building.

That’s what I would expect to ... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by FT: For some reason the official forum wouldn't let me use my account (they had some Steam sign-in type thingy).

Official forum accounts were decoupled from Steam accounts some time ago. We can assist you in recovering or creating an account, if needed.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I’m not aware of such a time-based mechanic, and I have to wonder if this time limit is intentional.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by El Pollo Loco: I know this is possibly impossible due to how long it takes but I've always wondered. Let's say we did, what would happen if we accepted a quest, flew to the spot and started it. Would the regenerated house collapse because there would be no ground to spawn on?
Dunno that anyone has tried it, But, were you, theoretically, able to do what you posit, then no, it would not collapse. At least to my understanding, When a POI is reset for a quest, it resets the entire chunk it's in from bedrock to sky. So all the stone and dirt would reappear alongside the building.

17 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by FT:
Originally posted by Ming: Also worth pointing out that since you already own the game the 2 pack does nothing for you. Its literally 1 key for your steam id and one key that you can gift.
Can you use the 2pack to gift two different friends, or does one copy automatically go to you as un-giftable?
One copy is automatically assigned to the purchasing account; And you can't purchase the 2 pack if you own the game. It's to lessen/prevent key re-selling, acc... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In my testing, It's been 'when they die after not being directly damaged for a period of time'. If you stab a zombie once, then let it bleed out for 30 seconds knowing the bleed will do enough damage to kill, you don't get exp as you haven't actually hit the zombie for 30 seconds. Not sure on what the period of time is, but, I've always gotten exp if I continue to engage the zombie along the way rather than just frolicking away knowing it was a dead zombie anyway; Even when it dies to the DoT rather than a direct hit.

Not sure exactly how long it can be before you don't get exp for it though; But i'd imagine not much more than 5-10 seconds.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
http://prntscr.com/zvgmeo Seems fine on my end too.

That you're specifying 'USD' leads me to expect that you're from another country that uses rubles or some other currency and are converting the value to USD to ask about it here; In which case it's an issue steam sometimes has with alternative currencies, and I'm afraid you won't find aid here in this forum. You'd have to go to steam support about it.
    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm biased, but I think the new pipe weapons and loot/progression will add a ton. Greatly enhanced random gen will be great too, as well as a million other things.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
'A fair trade' to remove something wholesale from one tree and give to the other for nothing in return? Ehhh.

Fortitude indeed is proficient at Gathering foods; But that does not a master chef make. In fact, a person with great fortitude instead would be much better at just surviving off of what he gathers with little additional preparation.

Strength on the other hand, It can take well planned and calculated meals that leverage the benefits of everything going into it to form strong and healthy muscles, and to subsequently maintain them for any length of time. Lots of protein, Lots of nutrients; Meaning you need to compact all of that into an edible quantity of daily food intake...Ergo, You'd likely pick up methods of cooking quite quickly.

It could be argued till we're blue in the face though. Fortitude has plenty going for it, as does strength- moving one perk tot he other is not an equivalent exchange unless the other also moves a perk.

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