7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

17 Feb

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There have been a few. It's always a surprise though.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Given enough time, Zombies can dig through anything except trader zones and bedrock. Dirt, rock, wood, flagstone, cobblestone, concrete, reinforced concrete, steel... It's all just more HP between you and them; But the end result is still finite and would need repairs to continue keeping zombies out.

16 Feb

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, I want to add about 3 more Faatal's so we can get @%$# done. Good programmers please apply.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is a new feral version that is on fire and glows more that will light you on fire. This one will be hard to see and probably sneak up on you but easier to kill and do less damage etc.

If we're not doing frequent dev streams, then there is no release in sight.

I doubt it. It would make more sense to get rid of stone crossbow bolts, it's a much more advanced weapon IMO.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

No because it works, and we are planning a client side interaction with Noah from the White River when you first spawn.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

It will raise your game stage by a certain amount so you get harder enemies there.

There isn't any new special infected coming any time soon.

Sometimes other stuff takes longer and things get pushed back or deleted. I updated the roadmap on a couple topics I don't think will make it.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by erikh5027: Thank you Shurenai
Just to clarify, we can always play the 19.whatever save AS the A19.whatever save, even after we begin a new journey on A20 when it drops.
Also, I am a little computer illiterate so please excuse me. From your understanding of what 'we' want, is renting a server our best option? Or is there a better alternative? Other than that, this is great information and I really appreciate this.
Correct. Your A19.x save will work even if you update to A20, and then backdate to A19.4 via the beta menu. The A19 save shouldn't even appear in the menu as selectable while updated to A20, so you wouldn't even be able to mistakenly load and corrupt it.

I'd recommend making backups ... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
When they were first introduced, Most traps could trigger them- Blade traps set at chest height would; blade traps at leg height wouldn't in most cases unless the zombie ragdolled in a funny way. Dart traps wouldn't trigger it from back, sides, top or bottom; but would from the front, shotgun turrets and smgs were dangerous to use against them unless you could guarantee they would only fire at the rear of them. Electric fence couldn't trigger it though. Even zombies could strike the detonator while swinging at other things.

However I've heard tell from others that in A19.x the demos no longer trigger from blade/dart/turret traps; only from player actions and possibly from junk turrets. So you'll have to wait for more input on that.. I haven't personally encountered demos in A19.x yet due to being occupied with other things.

Note that for player actions, ANY action can hit that button, even melee. So aim carefully.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
First, Private server functions as a host hosting- If you host a game via the private option ingame, Short of sharing the save to your friends when you log out, you'll have to continue hosting for them; And the server will only be active so long as you (or whoever has the save) is logged in. Anyone that has the save can host, though; So you could very much just zip up the save file (and the world file the first time around; but it only needs to be sent once unlike the save file) and send it to your friends and let them host while you're away. Save files can get pretty beefy in a long term game though; so, unless you're game to send upwards of 200mb-1gb+ each time you want to shift hosts, not a great option.

Dedicated server is as you might expect, You can 'Host' the server without actually being logged in, and anyone can connect. However I would recommend against hosting a dedicated server and playing the game itself on the same PC, as both are hardware intensive proces... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In fairness, It's likely that the 'it's never updated' stuff that the OP has heard is in reference to the Console port, which hasn't seen an update in years. However, that's due to the publisher of the port, Telltale games i think it was(?), going under. The Fun Pimps had to fight quite a bit to get the rights back, and don't plan on updating the console port until the game has reached a full release state as that will be much more tenable than attempting to manage two versions of the game on different platforms at the same time.

The main version of the game, the PC version, has not seen a lapse in development at all..The mildly lengthy time between patches is due to there having been a community poll for fast and frequent updates with little content, or slower less frequent updates that made significant changes. The community chose the latter by a landslide.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Forest, but more specifically near the border with the desert, because I want my oil shale. I miss the days when there were more biome-specific considerations like that to make your base location more important.

15 Feb

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Exp will have another update, so I just merged it to 19.4.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Personally I prefer forest. I just like the greenery. :P Wasteland is fugly, burnt lands is bleh, snow biome is alright though..but not my first choice and lumberjacks are annoying.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

The counter is probably correct, since the AwardKill func was calling AddScoreServer with 1 zombie for a vulture. It was the QuestEventManager that ignored vultures.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to General Discussions.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Most likely your security software is blocking the server pings to generate the list.

Also note that the Steam Server List will only display just under 5,000 servers. As I make this post there are currently 16,968 servers actively online.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I found the code. Added as a zombie kill. Thx

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please see the pinned thread in the Support/Bug Reports section for how to report an issue with the information necessary to get help.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Campfires are great. I use them liberally, at least until late game, even though the chance of lighting a zombie is pretty low which balances how cheap they are. But I’m surprised no one has mentioned molotov c*cktails. They’re hands down the best way light zombies on fire. And it doesn’t look like a flame turret is happening, so this may hold true in the future.