Yes, I want to add about 3 more Faatal's so we can get @%$# done. Good programmers please apply.
There is a new feral version that is on fire and glows more that will light you on fire. This one will be hard to see and probably sneak up on you but easier to kill and do less damage etc.
If we're not doing frequent dev streams, then there is no release in sight.
I doubt it. It would make more sense to get rid of stone crossbow bolts, it's a much more advanced weapon IMO.
No because it works, and we are planning a client side interaction with Noah from the White River when you first spawn.
It will raise your game stage by a certain amount so you get harder enemies there.
There isn't any new special infected coming any time soon.
Sometimes other stuff takes longer and things get pushed back or deleted. I updated the roadmap on a couple topics I don't think will make it.
Originally posted by erikh5027: Thank you ShurenaiCorrect. Your A19.x save will work even if you update to A20, and then backdate to A19.4 via the beta menu. The A19 save shouldn't even appear in the menu as selectable while updated to A20, so you wouldn't even be able to mistakenly load and corrupt it.
Just to clarify, we can always play the 19.whatever save AS the A19.whatever save, even after we begin a new journey on A20 when it drops.
Also, I am a little computer illiterate so please excuse me. From your understanding of what 'we' want, is renting a server our best option? Or is there a better alternative? Other than that, this is great information and I really appreciate this.
Exp will have another update, so I just merged it to 19.4.
The counter is probably correct, since the AwardKill func was calling AddScoreServer with 1 zombie for a vulture. It was the QuestEventManager that ignored vultures.
I found the code. Added as a zombie kill. Thx