7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

10 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sledge turret is one of those things that you either know how to use and it's hilariously overpowered, or you don't and it's awful.

Both the sledge and junk turret are not really 'early game' weapons unless you find them by chance, They're the only weapon in their class and each serves a different purpose for a person specced into the turret skill line.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Several possibilities.. Having 'Cheats' enabled will prevent achievement progress, as will enabling Debug Mode or Creative mode at any time during gameplay.

Some achievements are currently just straight up broken though.
    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sometimes zombies are intentionally dumb and can't figure out their way around an obstacle. 😃

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Not sure why people always assume it was deleted when the first word is moved.
Lack of reading comprehension?
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
*Sighs* The post was moved...To the modding subforum where it belongs. Not deleted.

You can see this by viewing your Post History via the buttons along the right hand side of the forum -->

Here is a link to your post for your convenience.

In the future, Please check your Post History before re-making posts like this. The notification you receive when a post is moved states "This item was moved or deleted."
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If there really is such a thing, A drawbridge that goes up when a motion sensor sees a zombie is the first thing that comes to mind.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tux:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: As a reminder to those whose posts were deleted, unsolicited critiques on writing or post quality are against the rules.

just a curious question, what does unsolicited critiques on writing or post quality '
I assume that would mean on how something is said, not meaning 'disagree with and here is why' which would be a critiques. anyway, not clear what that means
It would be stuff like:
User 1: "I... Read more

09 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Horde night is scaled to your progress in the game, also known as Game Stage. Your first horde night will typically be pretty easy, almost always ending before midnight. It gets progressively harder throughout the game.

Gamestage is a function of Player Level, and days since last death.

Basically, because of your chosen method of coping of taking an existing building and fortifying it, you didn't really gain any levels; nor did you have many days alive since it was the first horde night..So you get a really weak horde to compensate.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Wildlife will despawn eventually, yes; but they respawn eventually to.

Loot is different in the current version of PC compared to the version on consoles. If I'm right, on the consoles it's still the case that every zombie corpse is lootable, but may or may not contain things? These looted zombie corpses were typically empty, with about 10% actualy having something, 5% of that being useless junk, 4% of which were things of dubious use, and 1% things of actual use.

Well on PC it was changed so that zombies have like, a 4% chance to drop a yellow loot bag which is guaranteed to have some things of use in it.

So, if I'm right, then, technically, yes, the drop rate lowered from 100% to 4%, but, overall, you'll get more useful things out of it without spending half of your game day checking empty corpses. Just listen for the chime indicating a bag dropped and you can get on with your day otherwise.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It likely does, but was created in an earlier alpha than the one you're currently playing, and so is not shown in game.

Go to "C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds" (Also accessible by searching for '%appdata%' in windows and selecting 'Roaming')
and delete the worlds there that don't belong to a save you want to keep.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Well, regardless of what the problem is, you should at least attempt to describe it here in this post...Else you'll likely not get many people biting to offer their help as it could easily turn out to be way over their head, Or way too much effort to even begin helping to fix.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Known issue with Occlusion. Disable occlusion.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Steve. He says it is mostly done, but probably a few bugs lurking as is typical in new stuff, but I've not looked at it recently. He actually has a new task improving dismemberment features that one of our artists asked for.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by scorgh: crater creator. was that meant for me?
It was not meant for you... It was meant for some other people who broke the rules and to warn them and others away from breaking the same rule.

Here, so you can see the messages that were here but have been removed; Each dark blue line is one message that has been deleted from the thread-- Names omitted intentionally as the people in question have already been warned appropriately.
(To be clear, Crater's name on each of the deleted messages is due to Crater being the one that deleted it; The full line would read... Read more
    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think the order is the order they are listed on the placeholder block that you craft.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You'll find servers for this game are solidly divided into PvP and PvE camps. Your lone wolf style would lend itself better to PvP naturally. However, you might enjoy a hybrid approach, where you venture out to do your own thing during the week, but come back to a communal base to team up for horde night (contributing your fair share of resources in the process).

If you're looking for a better idea of what specific servers are on offer, see the Servers sub-forum.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not yet, but we do have some stuff in the works.

I've been doing a lot of cleanup in the chunk system, so some moderate gains there and fixed some mesh/material leaks, but there is plenty more to do. Today I worked on improving the chunk mesh LOD update (really just hides meshes). Chunk decals/models now dither out, so I can reduce the ranges they get hidden at while having no popping.

Yesterday I added the xml for the burnt feral zombie, which has the flames. He is tougher and faster than the normal one.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Long ago, there were more zombies milling about in the city. Now they’re overwhelmingly tied up in the POIs, so it’s become a nonissue.

The one downside I can think of is, because your base is close to several POIs, you may never be far enough away from them for long enough for their loot to respawn. So you may be hurting yourself by having the closest buildings permanently depleted of loot.

Given the advantage a close trader provides - both in terms of goods for sale, and the ability for their quests to reset a POI, thus overriding the loot respawn timer - I think it’s well worth it.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I’ve been making the ladder extend above ground level, and putting a wall behind it to either side so zombies can’t simply walk onto the ladder from the ground. I’m still tweaking it though.