7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

12 Sep

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Faerador: I could swear there were once mod slots available for vehicles, which would have allowed you to throw a dye in there to change color. Did the Pimps remove them at some point?
Planned feature for a20.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Teratus: In earlier builds of the game zombie footsteps were louder.

I preferred this myself not just because it made them easier to hear coming but it significantly added to the dread when I had to bunker down for the night and a horde would wander past my hide spot because I could never tell how close they were just by the footstep sounds which made every single movement or action a risk to take lol

The quieter footsteps greatly diminished this experience.

I found it annoying for precisely that reason, that the zombie sounded like it was RIGHT BEHIND YOU no matter the actual distance. There are only two senses you, the user in front of the screen, can use in this game: sight and sou... Read more

Originally posted by Boesesjoghurt

3 - Huge improvement to ladder usage


14 - Improved AI ladder use


* Still constantly falls off ladder and breaks leg*


Alpha 19 B-4 Experimental is out! The build has many great fixes, balance improvements. Here are the forum B-4 Release Notes.

B4 Forum Release Notes[community.7daystodie.com]

This is how you access the A19 Experimental build:

Right click on the game in steam
  1. Click on properties
  2. Click the “betas” tab
  3. The drop down menu will have latest_experimental available <— you want THAT
  4. Select that and wait for the game to download.

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/251570/announcements/detail/5264101341771820652]here[/url].

Originally posted by ntoff

A few more that I am waiting for: 1. The Auger sounds are super annoying and too loud

I'm using the mod / method someone posted on here a while ago to lower the auger sound and change it to the "pick hitting material x" sounds. Auger is 200000% more pleasant to use.


The auger sound will be fixed once there is new framework in place for its change to happen.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Some folks are just angry that big mama wasn't the test subject for it.

  1. We found Tim the Toolman Taylor's toolbelt and gave it to players allowing you to carry 10 instead of 8 slots
  2. A fix for the robotic turret freezing games and servers when destroying a block as collateral damage
  3. Huge improvement to ladder usage
  4. Some new and shiny zombies, one of them with hair physics!
  5. Added
  6. Player side stepping while on ladders
  7. Players falling onto ladders will be slowed until they reach a reasonable speed to attach
  8. Support defining POI zones in Prefab Editor
  9. Set entity rigid body drag to .25 when spawned with 0
  10. Death ragdoll physics set max velocities lower
  11. 20 Slot Toolbelt for Prefab Editor
  12. New Stripper, Utility, and Business zombies
  13. Changed
  14. Improved AI ladder use
  15. Ladder type blocks to only be climbable when vertical
  16. Increased player horizontal move speed on ladders and ...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A19.1 b4
We found Tim the Toolman Taylor's toolbelt and gave it to players allowing you to carry 10 instead of 8 slots
A fix for the robotic turret freezing games and servers when destroying a block as collateral damage
Huge improvement to ladder usage
Some new and shiny zombies, one of them with hair physics!

  • Player side stepping while on ladders
  • Players falling onto ladders will be slowed until they reach a reasonable speed to attach
  • Support defining POI zones in Prefab Editor
  • Set entity rigid body drag to .25 when spawned with 0
  • Death ragdoll physics set max velocities lower
  • 20 Slot Toolbelt for Prefab Editor
  • New Stripper, Utility, and Business zombies

  • Improved AI ladder use
  • Ladder type blocks to only be climbable when vertical
  • Incre...
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    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can view the changelog and the best place to report bugs in the following forum post: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/21597-a191-b4-experimental/?tab=comments#comment-396357

If you want to continue your A19 b180 savegame, please make a backup, in case there is an incompatibility issue we did not find yet.

In the event of the forum going down you can also find the changelog in the following pastebin link: https://pastebin.com/5T5jdQEL

11 Sep

    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Everyone!
This weekend we have A19.1 b4 for you to have fun with.

If you want to continue your A19 b180 savegame, please make a backup, in case there is an incompatibility issue we did not find yet.

A19.1 has:

We found Tim the Toolman Taylor's toolbelt and gave it to players allowing you to carry 10 instead of 8 slots

A fix for the robotic turret freezing games and servers when destroying a block as collateral damage

Huge improvement to ladder usage

Some new and shiny zombies, one of them with hair physics!


Player sid

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well, that's false. Armor does not increase the stamina used on cutting trees.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by zybourne: No, we mustn’t mention this. The devs will just put even more empty jars in loot as a way to counteract complaints.

But I’ve heard it’s a game limitation, with how campfires and cooking recipes work.
It's a limitation with crafting recipes from the ground up, not just cooking. Recipes cannot output more than one result. So either you get the Corn Bread, Or you get the glass jar.

There are workarounds, the common sense mod for example makes it so you get the glass jar back when you eat it, similar to getting an empty bottle from drinking, or an empty can from eating canned food.

But the devs just don't consider it to be worth the trouble to go change those things at this ... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
1: ROTTEN meat is not the same thing as INFECTED meat. Zombies are infected/zombieized, Their meat is not safe in the slightest. The zombified animals give rotten meat because the virus doesn't affect them in quite the same way as it does to humans due to being a mutated strain.

2: Well, Fine...Lets make the crops so that you gain a few hundred seeds for an ear of corn, And also introduce needing to manage soil quality, the need to constantly water them throughout the day, the need to keep them de-weeded, The need to keep the vermin out, the need to keep the pests and insects from it, the need to monitor it for crop rot and other crop killing fungi, the need to replant after every harvest, extend the growth time out to 70-80+ days (The shortest growing crop we have access to is in the ballpark of 70-80~ days growth before harvest) the need to....... Get the point?

Yeah. It's a game, It costs 5 crops to make one seed because that one seed is completely absolutel... Read more

10 Sep

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by WWDragon:
Originally posted by Emperor Cheesius Secundus: Dude, I have ADD and even I don't know what the hell your train of thought looks like. Probably spaghetti. Please explain what you're saying.
pretty sure he was responding to my comment.

And if that's the case... no it wasn't free. it was a huge pain in the ass to survive long enough for me to get that... so the healing itself SHOULD be free!
There is NO basic regeneration in the game and there is no ...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Karma:
Originally posted by KellyR: Even numbers are the devil. You don't want them :D

What I'd personally like is the ability to craft those PoI metal doors that are painted blue, and don't look like they were stolen from a Mad Max set...

I mostly agree...but every now and then my base design would benefit (if only esthetically) from my above suggestions ;)

I wholly agree with being able to craft those blue double doors.

I miss the funct...
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09 Sep

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Either enable cheats before loading into the save which will open access to the creative menu via the U key; Or hit F1 to open the console and type CM which will do the same thing. You may also want to use DM as that will enable other options like Q for god mode and such.