7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

09 Sep

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
?? What do you mean no non-powered alternative? The vault door has a non powered, the vault hatch has a non powered, and the garage door has a non powered too.

v3 Vault Hatch is just a vault hatch that's been upgraded a few times.
    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can make them genuinely different items. Then the "previous tier" item is a tangible item and can be an ingredient.

Either that or code it the way you want it.

Or you make only "the tier mod" craftable. Then you install the T2 upgrade mod and it has that power, just not the colour.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Mod the items so that when used they kill the player and the armor does -1 HP per second. =P

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Long story short: It can get your game auto-banned in several countries. Not worth it.

08 Sep

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by shugo22:
Originally posted by Aesir: It's no different than any of the other top tier items in the other skill trees. You also need the schematic / book for steel armor, military armor, machete, steel club, steel knuckles, M60, tactical shotgun and the SMG to name the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

I'm not sure why the robotic turrets should be any different since they're the top tier in the intelligence skill tree.

I do understand your irritation and...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Pretty sure this is intended to be something that you only find in loot, or can craft once you obtain the rare schematic. Basically behind the same reasoning that you can't craft springs or other components, or any T6 items.
    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you do not have a base_set then your perc_add increases a value of 0 by 20 to 100%. Do the math...

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

There are talks of more T5's at some point. They will be developed in the multi player editor by a bunch of guys all at once to hopefully just get one done in a week with a team of guys.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I totally agree with this. Min maxing is natural, yet the most unnatural thing to do to your game and is assured to kill the fun after the first time or two. The fun is building a memorable character who HAS character. It is mostly pre RPG people who bought it for survival, zombies etc. The people now coming on board buying it for the RPG factors seem to love what is possible with the perk system and the role playing you can do. I'd call it a light RPG, but just like with building you can build a box to live in or a castle. You can choose not to role play, or do some very creative things with it, that = fun game play.
Styx's whole thing is role playing whether he knows it or not. He still min maxes, but he self imposes some things that make the game fun for him. The same can be done with role playing. Limiting what guns you use, deciding what food you are allergic to and can't eat, maybe you get too hot in heavy armor or it's itchy. Maybe you are claustrophobic, or need to h...

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    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

You are assuming we care that there is controversy. Some controversy is fine, it gives you guys something to do in between alphas.
We're constantly sprinting forward, caring about what a few guys on a forum say is like thinking about an ant you might have crushed half a mile back on your jog... no you don't think about that, you are looking forward, breathing hard, sweating and focused on the finish line. Sorry but some ants may or may not have got smashed in your jog, but the main thing is you completed your jog and reached the finish line.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

What? I love hearing farts, as long as they are close to someone else's face and not mine. It's smelling farts that nobody wants.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

If that amount doesn't endanger the base then no amount will so it would be pointless.

But yeah, of course you can increase that. (gamestages.xml)

07 Sep

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Well the simple bit of it is that they chose to hide the toolbar while you're in vehicles because the toolbar items are not usable while on a vehicle. These information bars are part of the toolbar.

It's not like there aren't a million UI mods you can use anyway.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you need to look while driving, the B menu screen still works fine.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The food/water bars were originally removed for various reasons, among them one of the bigger ones is that they take up a bunch of screen real estate for no real good reason- It's not something you need to know exactly how much you have at all times like stamina or health. It's served well enough by having the debuff indications and by the sfx that plays from time to time; and you were able to see exact values by checking your character sheet with B.

But people complained for months, so they finally re-included it; But, not wanting it to take a huge amount of real estate again and not wanting it to be intrusive, they put it along the bottom of the hotbar.

With that said, Are you driving 90% of the time or something, that you need to know how hungry/thirsty you are even while driving? You cant eat or drink while you're in the vehicle anyway, so why is it important to be able to see hunger/thirst at a glance? You need to get out of the vehicle to eat/drink a... Read more
    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah, I want one, too. That would be swell. 😃

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

And that is why we did not add another tool tier. It would amplify the overlap.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Actually, every type of cook can go that low.

In the end this is just a game, not a cooking simulation. 😃

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Materials are also used to determine what something can be scrapped into.

If someone uses rangedGun instead of rangedShotgun then they probably want it to display that way. /shrug

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by I can't spell:
Originally posted by Shurenai: New with A18/A19; It's not unlimited. Every craft will yield less and less experience until it gives none. Many larger crafting jobs yield XP like this; Compressing ore to stacks just gives a huge amount of exp due to using 6000 items to craft. Also works with wood, stone, and other compression recipes.

But gaining mass exp isn't necessarily a good thing- It could push your gamestage higher than what your equipement is prepared f...
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