7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

04 Aug

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I have thought about doing brute force raycasts, but raycasts are not free and you would have to do hundreds or thousands of them and may still miss holes or things just out of range. If you built a big 10x10x10 or 20x20x20 room, but left off a wall are you inside? It would block some wind or rain, but you would still freeze if it was not fully enclosed. Say you built walls of center poles, columns or other partial block shapes, they would probably be seen as solid, yet they are full of holes and not really make you inside.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Placing a block about your head does not make you 'inside'. Imagine standing in a field in snow with a block above you. How are you inside?


Originally posted by Mkvarner

For anybody worried about savegames. Just make a copy of your game before you update and launch from the .exe file to play on the old version.

Alternatively, copy your 7 days folder to another location and play from the launcher there if you wish to keep playing your current game. This way, when exp drops it will update and you will retain a separate copy of the correct build for your game until you are done with it.

As always, if you're going to be playing on 177, clean out your saves, worlds and mods.




  • Office chair update
  • Writable Storage Box Insecure to match textures when Writable Storage Box is downgraded 
  • New gun fire effects for weapons that had been sharing with others 
  • Missing tooltip for buffArmSplintedTooltip 
  • Added new icons for new inventory management buttons 
  • Create digging animation for crawlers 
  • Rusted Metal Roof Material 
  • "gfx texlimit" console command 
  • Move items buttons for containers<>inventory 
  • Added remnant_house_13 


  • Optimized loot container texture sizes 
  • Optimized vehicle texture sizes 
  • Optimized non HD zombie textures 
  • Optimized animal texture sizes 
  • Optimized appliances texture sizes 
  • Optimized commercial texture sizes 
  • Optimized crafting texture sizes 
  • Optimized decor texture sizes 
  • Optimized door...
Read more External link →

Originally posted by redeamed

Anyone know what the loot bag despawn time is at now?

It's at least 20 minutes before they do


Bonus points if it landed on a campfire.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
B174-b177 Changelog

  • Office chair update
  • Writable Storage Box Insecure to match textures when Writable Storage Box is downgraded
  • New gun fire effects for weapons that had been sharing with others
  • Missing tooltip for buffArmSplintedTooltip
  • Added new icons for new inventory management buttons
  • Create digging animation for crawlers
  • Rusted Metal Roof Material
  • "gfx texlimit" console command
  • Move items buttons for containers<>inventory
  • Added remnant_house_13

  • Optimized loot container texture sizes
  • Optimized vehicle texture sizes
  • Optimized non HD zombie textures
  • Optimized animal texture sizes
  • Optimized appliances texture sizes
  • Optimized commercial texture sizes
  • ...
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    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

A19 b177 will come to EXP soon.

Here is what to expect:



Office chair update

Writable Storage Box Insecure to match textures when Writable Storage Box is downgraded

New gun fire effects for weapons that had been sharing with others

Missing tooltip for buffArmSplintedTooltip

Added new icons for new inventory management buttons

Create digging animation for crawlers

Rusted Metal Roof Material

"gfx texlimit" console command

Move items buttons for containers<>inventory

Added remnant

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Crater Creator:
Originally posted by ladyeternity:
It is not a zombie. When you carve it you get meat, not rotten flesh. Sure, it might be infected..but then it would drop tainted meat. I wish they would replace the dire wolves with a boss zombie. That would make more sense. I don't really care for an animal that does more damage, runs faster then a good portion of the high level zombies...and it appears at the start of the game. In a zombie game the dire wolf really doesn't ma...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ladyeternity:
Originally posted by SiEgE: It is not an animal. It is a zombified animal, like wights and radiated zombies, it is also mutated. That means, not only they are beefier than regular wolves(the same way humans are compared to zombies) but they are also SUPER beefy.
Basically, black wolves(Dire Wolves) are like mini-bosses. You should always look for them and never let them see you before you see them.
That is why it is always a good idea not to run forward blindly...
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    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

No worries. Was just curious. 😃

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

I was curious and looked at it but there is no way to input a gamestage so the output wouldn't have anything to do with ingame results.

There are fields for a mystery skill and player level, neither of which have any direct impact on the result.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I’ve been carrying a level 1 pistol with a single clip for emergencies (I’m only in week 2). A dire wolf running in without warning in the night qualified as an emergency. :lunar2019shockedpig: it took the whole clip to bring it down, and it was quite scary.
    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Banana rocket jumping. Just to keep people guessing where to find bananas.

Even if you say "Romero zombies" then those zombies are clever enough to ride a horse or fire a gun. All seen in Romero movies...

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

And then the screen fades to black as they suffocate....aha, oxygen tank to the rescue....land shark then swallows them whole.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Inside vs outside is a very vague concept in a voxel world made out of all kinds of odd shapes. Not easy to determine and not fast.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not easy. Chunks are many pieces of data distributed across different arrays in a type of compression and it is not simple. Then you have tons of code that says give me the block at xyz or set the block and now it is multiple blocks? Some hybrid? To be sane, it would need to remain a primary block at a location, but possibly a secondary block could be added for visuals, but I would not be doing separate heath and collision resolving for it or it just gets more complicated and slower.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm already done with those performance changes.

gfx st x are streaming commands and forceload is a Unity debug option that just makes streaming textures load, which would not help if a texture was slow because it is in system RAM.

Friday I actually disabled streaming when texture quality is less than Full, since both features are doing a similar reduction in textures and due to what seems to be a Unity bug were not working correctly with each other leading to blurrier streamed textures.

Testers found that some FPS drops were actually biome particles, so today I fixed that:

Fixed Particles in snow and desert cause major FPS drops (balanced sand, smoke and snow particle rates to a reduced max count of 150).
Changed "Water Particles" video quality option to "Particles", which now also decreases world particle count.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Someone literally said they want to be in their bunker and sit out horde night and the beauty of that is: You absolutely can!

Turn off horde nights and you can even play the game during that time and feel all smug about having outsmarted all those zombie fools with your superior game option skills! =P

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

In Minecraft you can't have everything without ever leaving your house and the attached mine.