7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

16 Sep


Originally posted by zyocuh

Is there an ETA for the drone that was previewed awhile back?



Changelog b5-b8


Ambulance, Mopower and working stiff service trucks


Removed simple rotations from POI decoration hubcapNoMine


Toolbelt slots 9&10 do not have localization

Exchanged Feral Hawaiian with old model

External link →
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A19.1 b5-b8

Ambulance, Mopower and working stiff service trucks

Removed simple rotations from POI decoration hubcapNoMine

Toolbelt slots 9&10 do not have localization
Exchanged Feral Hawaiian with old model
Alpha 19.1 B-8 Experimental is out!

Forum Release Notes![community.7daystodie.com]

This is how you access the A19.1 B8 Experimental build:

  1. Right click on the game in steam
  2. Click on properties
  3. Click the “betas” tab
  4. The drop down menu will have latest_experimental available <— you want THAT
  5. Select that and wait for the game to download.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/251570/announcements/detail/2882823483783055292]here[/url].
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I hadn’t really noticed, but if it’s irritating... it only takes a second to brake to a full stop before dismounting.
    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys!
Small correction patch coming up!

Changelog b5-b8


Ambulance, Mopower and working stiff service trucks


Removed simple rotations from POI decoration hubcapNoMine


Toolbelt slots 9&10 do not have localization

Exchanged Feral Hawaiian with old model

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Of note is that higher level weapons may sometimes have lower BASE stats, but after adding mods they result in higher total stats.

EG: Take a Q1 weapon with 30 damage, and a Q5 weapon with 25 damage.

Seems like Q1 is objectively better and does more damage right? But each mod equipped to an item increases the primary stats (Damage, typically) by 15% in addition to the mods effects.

A Q6 weapon can fit 4 mods, so that's a 60% increase in damage- This results in the Q6 weapon having 40 damage as well as the effects of 4 different mods which may increase damage further, or ammo capacity, or durability, or stability, etc. So while the Q1 may be the better choice if you have no mods to put on your weapon,

On top of that, weapon stats reflect the loaded ammo type- this is most easy to see with Bows. IF you take a bow loaded with iron arrows and compare it to an otherwise identical bow that is loaded with stone arrows, the listed damage on the one lo... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Mr Blue Playdoh:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: It is. If an LCB or bedroll is detected in the POI, it is not allowed to reset, and you'll need to trash the quest.
So it’s a bug then?
No, most likely the OP didn't have his LCB or bedroll in the POI area, but instead was just near it.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The staircases are a great idea. The important thing is that they have to form a clear path for the zombies. If one block of your stairs gets destroyed, it can mean all the zombies stop climbing the stairs and start trying to bring down the supports. So design the stairs in a way that zombies don't need to attack them, don't excessively damage the stairs yourself, either.

You don't want to go crazy with multiple layers of fences, because the number of blocks you need to cover to 'plug every hole' goes up with the square of the radius to your outer perimeter. Besides, as soon as they make the first breach, the rest of your fence loses most of its value. Or if you do go this route, use cheap traps like campfires and barbed wire, saving expensive traps like blade traps for the inner layer where you won't need so many of them.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Hovering_Death: Ooooh. Yeah, I see how that could happen =( You'd think the land-claim block would be coded to prevent mission conflicts like that.
It is. If an LCB or bedroll is detected in the POI, it is not allowed to reset, and you'll need to trash the quest.
    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Does the claim block cover it?

You can increase the size of it's area in the server config.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

And you'll probably more anonymous when using your local strip joint. =P

15 Sep

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Or, yknow, Search the world and find a working workbench. Or search the world and find a workbench recipe so you don't need the skill... Or just buy the workbench at the trader without any investment in better barter/daring adventurer, Neither is needed for the workbench to appear it just makes it appear a little sooner- it's pure RNG either way. You can have 5/5 barter and never see a workbench, you can have 0/5 and see a workbench every shop cycle.

And all in all, You do not NEED a workbench. You can craft most of the most useful items without it. Forge is the only real necessity; being able to craft forged iron and eventually steel, bullet parts, and various other things makes a huge difference in player survival.

Workbench though? It doesn't add too terribly much to a players capabilities imo. The most notable things that come to mind are VEhicles, which are nice but not Necessity, and electrical traps, which again are Nice, but not Necessity.

... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
An important set of questions for each of the people having the issue.

One, Did you at any time during the latest 7 days alter the Blood Moon Frequency or Blood Moon Range settings? Changing either one to a different value and loading in will cause the game to re-calculate the next blood moon from the current day- This includes setting it to 'Disabled' and later changing it back.

Two, Did either of you fiddle around with the Debug Mode's Time slider, and/or the set time command? Messing with the game time without knowing exactly what you're doing can very easily break blood moon timing in your save- Thankfully it is usually salvagable by doing what question one says; Setting the value to some other value in order to force the game to re-calculate the blood moon time.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Your best option is to just use the creative menu and trade an equal number of blocks of the material of your choice for centered half blocks to build with.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The tablesaw is cosmetic only now, it isnt used for any crafting. Players cannot currently craft centered half blocks in any way; And I don't believe we've been able to for quite awhile even when we could craft at the tablesaw.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've not seen that bug or heard anything about it. If testers can repro, they will make a ticket.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Random is random.

That a small number of people can not find a specific schematic in an undefined amount of attempts can be perfectly normal.