7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

14 Sep

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Also: If you're in DM and press F3 it displays the name of the POI that you are in.


Originally posted by Akkiruk

Ooh very interesting that the dangly bit off her nips is her eye does that mean the new eye for her and the crawler viscera will have the physics as well soon?

Yack physics would be amazing <3 Yack being the crawler, ofc.


Originally posted by p4ck3ts3nd3r

Those eyes remind me of tassels...

NOW you're thinking like a pro, packy.

13 Sep


Originally posted by listen_to_itNbreathe

Do you not have any real women in your life? Even in zombie form all you care about is tits? Could we maybe just get a finished game instead?

Thanks, but I am the only woman in my life.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Claim blocks and bed rolls should prevent a POI from being selected as a quest location- However this only holds true so long as they remain in the area.

Should you recieve a quest for your home POI you can always just abandon it; but it should prevent you from interacting with the exclamation mark if there is a land claim or bedroll within the area.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by zers_da_great:
Originally posted by jkl_best: have you tried joining via invite?
I would but idk how 2 invite people :T:T:T:T:T:T:T:T

Open the Steam overlay with shift-tab, locate the user in your friends list, right click on them and invite to game from the menu.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Since you're coming from A16, and still used to zombies dropping loot, I want to point out one thing just in case you missed it... you have to spend skill points manually. No matter how much you level up, you won't improve any skills until you spend the skill points. Sorry if this is stating the obvious, but it was a huge change from A16 that might catch a returning player off guard.

Faith in Humanity award. I am suitably amused.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That sucks. We have a pinned thread in the Bug/Crash Reports sub-forum with instructions if you want to report the crash. For getting your stuff back, you can open the console with F1, enter cm to enable the creative menu, then close the console and open the creative menu with U. I know it's not the same, but you can grab anything you lost.
    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

So everyone who's responsible for their own bugs should sit idle and wait for the 1-2 devs that can fix performance?

TBH performance is top priority. We're going to be working directly with Unity staff to optimize the game.


Originally posted by BigDaddyRex

I can't take my eyes off her breasts.

She can't either.


Originally posted by HappyHateBot

Yeah, that is the fear. Designing a new physics interaction for just one thing is never feasible, after all. And once something like that gets out into the dev toolkit, it's only a short time before experiments happen.

Horrible, squishy experiments.


Originally posted by HappyHateBot

Is this because this is a safe, cute test of the jiggle engine before you add it to more horrifying things we don't want? Because that's the first thing I thought of.

Then I imagined it. And now I can't sleep at night, for the terror that awaits and looms with it's thick, greasy bulk...

There was no cute, safe test. Things went from zero to balls deep in a single video.

And before you ask, I'm making sure I'm allowed to share it before I actually do.


Originally posted by DrumSamu

Why would you use coal as fuel

Back in 15 or so, it used to be much more efficient still. Like, 10 times wood efficient. It all changed when they brought in the first round of biome-specific mining and nitrate caves.


Originally posted by x0diak

Remember, there was a person who spent time at work designing, coding and testing this animation and I can guarantee you the entire time was laughing about getting paid to do it.

We all saw things during this process. Dark, dark things.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by WhitWHit: That seems like a complete over exaggeration, clearly. Listen, I shouldn't have to console command "sa" then copy save files and rinse and repeat this process several times just to make sure the game doesn't stuff up.
This is no exaggeration.
Depending on the size of your map, and how much you explore and build, a "save" can be anywhere between 5 and 30GB of data on your drive. 30GB is the minimum recommended free space that the client will reserve for one when you start it.

As this is a voxel game, the client is constantly reading and writing data from a number of files in the save. It's not doing something periodically. You cannot copy out the files while it's running without risking... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Saves are quite large. Do you have 30-50GB of free space on your C: drive for just a couple of saves? 200-300GB free for several?

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well, stupid stuff needs to be fixed because it makes the game look stupid. /shrug

12 Sep

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by mONONOke_____: i heard this many times.
i have 6 forges, 3 concrete mixer, 2 chem stations and 2 workbenches.
they are not all running all the time. but often many of them when i am out.
i never see any damage when i am back.
A couple of things.
1. Because you are out.
2. They don't build heat if they aren't running.
3. Heat isn't shared across chunk boundaries. If you have a forge in one chunk, and the forge sitting directly next to it is in another chunk, you can turn both of them on and it is only calculated as one forge because each is in a different chunk. A chunk is 16x16 blocks.