7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

04 Sep

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In the long run you can max out all 5 with points to spare. The max level is 300 and you currently need around 278 points to max every stat and skill.

03 Sep

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'd just like to note that Iron armor already has more damage reduction and effect resistance than Military of equal quality last i checked. Light armor sacrifices in those categories in return for less movement/stamina penalty reductions compared to heavy armor.

Just 'cause it's harder to get steel armor doesn't mean you should just avoid heavy armor till you can get steel. :) It's a game of tradeoffs- Do you want to take less damage and get crits less often, Or do you want maximum mobility and not have such a hit to stamina regen?
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have talked about similar features. Don't know when or if we would do that.

I've not heard anyone mention utility vehicles.

They don't and may never. I like and use that player advantage.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

These should be all the ladder related changed:
Fixed AI could not jump while on a ladder.
Fixed AI obstacle check was disabled on ladder if not climbing.
Improved AI ladder use (Use direct motion. Slow animation. Don't face if up or down motion. GetMoveToLocation, FindSupportingBlockPos, CanNavigatePath and zombie fall anims handle elevators).
Added path navigate can advance if near line of travel.

Changed ladder type blocks to only be climbable when vertical.

Fixed AI pathing not making horizontal ladder connections.
Fixed AI pathing making unneeded inside drop connections.
Fixed AI jumping from the top of ladders when blocked but no head room.

Fixed player jumping to a ladder block after having used a ladder would not attach unless jump was still pressed after entering the ladder block.
Fixed player or AI moving down from air to a ladder would fall 1m.
Fixed player moving down...

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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ad Massive: They used to have an opening and shutting eye mechanic with the stealth option as well as the "visibility" meter... I'm unsure why that part was turned off.
It made it WAY too easy to know when you were and weren't detected, essentially. There may have been other reasons but that is one of the chief issues.

There was no 'did it see me?', Only 'it didn't' or 'it did'

You'd be surprised at how often a zombie hasn't actually found your location now but you go charging at it thinking it did. :) Most often they're attracted to the sounds you make, but if you make a loud sound then sneak away quietly, they'll go to where the sound was made and then not know where you are; It's only whe... Read more
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

DLSS would be interesting to try. We are planning a Unity update soon, but Unity does not support it yet.

Love a new video card! I am hoping to get a 3070 or 3080 by end of year. Possibly AMD has cool new tech coming soon.

Yes, an alert zombie by any source can not be sneak attacked.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There's a number of traps already... The issue is that you're thinking in metas. Even if there were a thousand different traps for variety, It wouldn't matter because blade traps are the meta. And if it weren't blade traps, it'd be something else- There's always a meta, There's never not a meta. There's always that one thing or combo of things that is just a tiny bit better and is latched onto and leveraged for all it's worth.

That said, I don't necessarily disagree with the idea of more traps... Just that the reasoning provided is kindof iffy, imo. Saying "I want more variety" and "right now the meta is blade traps" is kinda..semi-contradictory.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You might start with reading most of the active threads.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The detection meter is hybridized between sound and light. It doesn't just represent one or the other. Just because you're standing under a lamp with 100 on the meter doesn't mean something will see you even if you're in a closed off room- It just means that, if something were to get line of sight on you, they would see you easily; And that you can't really tell how much noise you're making.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TheChoccoBiccy09:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: Stop trying to use a cheat engine to play a game. You'll have less trouble that way.
Can you explain how the OP is using a cheat engine? I just think calling out someone for using a cheat engine is a big claim is all
The sole reason people have been asking this question, is because they are trying to use a cheat engine that "sees" the game as 32-bit when it needs to be 64-bit in...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Stop trying to use a cheat engine to play a game. You'll have less trouble that way.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
7DTD has not had a 32 bit option since A15- It has to be 64 bit now in order to function as it requires much more ram than 32 bit can allow for.

There is no setting for 64 bit because it is always 64 bit.

02 Sep

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by bumbaclad:
Originally posted by Shurenai: While it sucks for you to have experienced that, What exactly lead to you making the assumptive conclusion that when you pick up your forge it would retain all of it's contents?

I would assume they would just be collected in my inventory; I think that is a very reasonable assumption.
Mm..So you want the very molten and melted down liquid components that you took time melting into the forge to just spontaneously... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
While it sucks for you to have experienced that, What exactly lead to you making the assumptive conclusion that when you pick up your forge it would retain all of it's contents?

It's absolute gold when you can get it to happen with a stone axe. Reminds me of this


    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think it was day 102 we found it on one of our games last night. Have been getting lucky breaking stuff down and looting though, so we had enough to manage the important things.

I think loot is set to something like 67% on that server. (Why 67, I do not know. That's just what it is.)
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I’m thinking when I get that far, I should just keep two ranged weapons on my belt for horde night: one with HP bullets for most zombies, and a second one with AP rounds for demolishers and other armored zombies. I know you can change ammo types on the same weapon, but I think it’ll be less cumbersome in the heat of battle to switch belt slots. Then one may also be able to load out the mods/skills/perks that make each weapon the best at what they do.

I really like the layered model in this game, with different attacks prompting different counterattacks, as opposed to there being one best weapon or ammo that handles everything without parallel.

01 Sep

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Teresa:
Originally posted by LordAbortion: I'm guessing it is to mimic popular inventory mods that players have used.

The functionality for the bag sorting was in the vanilla game files for a long time. They were just "turned on" in a19.

The "popular inventory mods" just turned on the functionality that the fun pimps had not turned on yet. TFP were not copying those mods lol.

Modders do great things for us, and create s...
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    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well it sounds like one, but what he said is true now that I think about it. The game play is good, gathering what you need in the opposite biome but the drink choice is not intuitive. It would be better if it was some hot spicy thing that kept you warm.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Harvesting is always Block damage; Power attack damage is added on top of normal damage. So you'll do Block damage with left click or Block damage + Power attack damage on right click, at least as i understand it.