7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

27 Aug


Originally posted by [deleted]


Actually that is incorrect.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's absolutely okay if you don't like stealth.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ming: Bandits, hopefully in a20 is what I think they are aiming for.
This is correct. Barring any extreme issues, I believe we will start seeing Bandits and Survivors in a20. Might even get some story as well, but personally I don't think that will come until a21/beta.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I said a long time ago that you have to play each new update as if it's the very first time. You can't go into it expecting the same experience you have in a previous incomplete/broken version.

TFP are working towards a final goal. How the game plays for those that purchase it after release. Playing towards playstyle in old versions is just nostalgia.

26 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by mONONOke_____:
Originally posted by jacques: yeah i miss seeing a wandering horde every day.

y, what do u mean with this?
not enough zombies outside?
not enough wandering hordes?
so, u agree or disagree or trolling or whatever?
want to play easy or more difficult - ironic or sarcasm is for noobs only.

just say: "i am new - i dont want more zombies" ....or
i am experienced: "i would like to have 3 wandering hordes each day".
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BloodyRain2k:
Originally posted by PBandjellyfish: Before driving i equip the knife then use it to kill vultures when they harass you, hop out and move backwards then when they get in your face stab them quickly a few times with LMB, i rarely get hit.
Smacking them with a sledge is waaaaay better, you can play "Vulture Homerun" :D

I find that vultures are one of the few weaknesses of the sledgehammer. The wind-up time is so long, it makes timing your ... Read more
    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Come on everyone knows a smiley face means its a joke.

When we get bandit patrols hopefully "roamers" will fall out of that tech.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by I can't spell: My concern is that it seems like they completely re-write the AI from scratch with each Alpha instead of incrementally improving it through small tweaks over time and rigorous situational testing. That code is probably the most important code within the entire game IMO.

There was a big change in A17 to A* pathfinding, after they hired a dedicated AI programmer. That was necessary to make it possible for zombies to reach you no matter where you are. That’s not going to be rewritten now. AI changes after that are basically layering niceties and special cases on top of that foundation, such as zombies occasionally doing something more random so they don’t all file in the same way l... Read more
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

People underestimate zombie hearing. They detect you more by hearing than seeing. We do not have audio occlusion, so walls do not block sounds.

With zero light and maximum stealth perks, they will always see/hear at some minimum distance like 1m.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I would not call stealth broken. It has rules and they work. Now the player understanding those rules is another thing.


No you can't run around in daylight or with a light and be stealthy. That is what the meter is for. More light, higher meter. Stay in the shadows.

No you can't make a lot of noise and be stealthy. That is what the meter is for. More noise, higher meter.

The higher the meter, the longer the range they may see or hear you. It is a threshold.

No you can't stand outside a sleeper volume and make a bunch of noise and expect them to react, because we don't want the whole POI awake because you shot your gun. For performance reasons, the sleepers are not even spawned in volumes you are not close to.

Trash on the ground may make noise when you step on it, so don't or destroy it, which also may make some noise.

There are no magic spots on sl...

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    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct


    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Why bother we took out digging?

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

That was supposed to happen with the design but fell through the cracks.

Should just insta eat and not be able to equip food, like every other game. Its been on the list to redo food items but keeps getting pushed back because dozens of new weapons we added takes time to animate and model.

That is called a pipe bomb.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Uh, did you miss me calling it "Excessive" already?

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

It forces variety of tactics which is a good thing. There will still be plenty of zeds to melee and you can still melee the gasser just make sure you have some kind of gas protection on or move in and out quickly from the toxic gas cloud.

So when bandits come you will mod them out too? Because melee will not be an option against a guy with an M60 raining hell down on you.

He's been farting since Alpha 1, burping etc. Nobody ever noticed?

Of course you will be able to. All I was saying is it might not be the best strat to melee with one without protection. Just like fighting a wight with fists on day 1 is a bad idea.

Preparation is king. You will need radiation protection from radiation zones and radiation zombies, gas masks against gassers, etc. There will be probably be gas mods for helmets you will just need to have one installed.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Let down: Of course buried quests could be made harder by being inside of dangerous pois. Or being inside mine fields.

Like there could be a floor of a skyscraper with a garden and the loot is buried somewhere there near the top. Then once you get it, zombies rush in.

Higher tier buried quest could also require killing all the zombies that spawn or require digging up multi chests hidden in the same large poi.

Buried quests could gain multi waves, like every time the dig circle shrinks a couple times it could trigger a zombie wave.

There could be a constant zombie spawn like a trickle of them. Such as screamers

It can be in the wasteland with zombie bears protecting the dig spot...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Boss: No more buried supplies above tier 3? That's... why? Feels like I wasted perks.
Because there's not really a good way to make a buried supply quest harder. Higher tier fetch/clear quests are in progressively larger buildings filled with progressively more dangerous enemies.... Buried supply quests still have you digging in the dirt. As Rasa says, The buried supply quests can still appear from T1/T2; But there is not a T3 buried supplies, or a T4 buried supplies, or a T5 buried supplies...Because it's not more difficult, if anything its more time consuming and more boring since its just even more digging- when many already think we have to dig too much just for T2.

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Originally posted by narukamiyu

The other guy says F6, you say F8. Who do I trust??

It's F8.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Pure RNG. Sometimes youll never see them, Sometimes its all you see. Above Tier 3 there are no more buried supplies quests though.