And since they do want the the console and PC versions to be compatible and equivalent there won't be split screen for PC either.
Originally posted by 961414077: the project will be made with Unity 2023 beta version or later in HDRP
Originally posted by Driu420: i don't know how to enable itThis is a known issue with a large number of games if you are on the Insider build of Windows.
There are no hard dates. Console delays would typically be from failing submission, having to make changes, resubmit and waiting on approval. Almost all console games fail certification the first few times as there are tons of requirements to pass.
Originally posted by SiliconPenguin: ... they destroyed/wrenched the 'key box' that opens the locked doors. And that "turned" the doors into the regular, unlocked versions. ...This is an intentional game mechanic implemented as a workaround for a bug with some of the key boxes where they do not unlock the door when triggered like they are supposed to.
Pretty much any large game has its own engine on top of whatever game engine is being used. In the case of 7dtd you have entities, voxels, occlusion, AI, audio, dynamic music, networking, mod support, file/object/data management and many other things that are engine systems on top of Unity and could be used in other games. Blood Moons uses much of that, so it is 7dtd at its core.
Originally posted by Ripflex: It's a skill issue, I don't want to be that guy to say it but here it is. I play with my friend and he has the same issue regardless what game we play unless it has guns or ranged. He just can't melee in video games without getting hit. In 7 days to die on a live server at 30 ping I can melee and kite even with a Sledge Hammer no problems and he said I'm cheating. He tries and dies in a few seconds. *shrug* I can't really say why.Read more
Only tip I can give you is swing a melee weapon of your choice and find that "sweet" spot of the weapon hit range, then you got into a swing animation just before that sweet spot to compensate the swing animation, and when that swing almost finishes step back enough to dis...
Originally posted by kseib263: ...any suggestion pleaseRead the Pinned topic on how to report an issue, and follow the instructions. Logs from both your client and the host/server would be useful, but just yours might work. Use Pastebin.
1 The flicker is a limitation with settings due to issues with motion vectors in some of our shaders that needs research to fix.
2 Maybe someday. WIP
3 Maybe none. CPU use and main thread limitations is the main issue, not loading speed.
4 Hands use their own camera, which I would like to remove at some point, but then FOV issues.
5 All player anims have or will probably be changing.
6 Don't know
7 No plans
8 No plans
9 Don't know
10 Not likely
11 Unstable for some people
12 Don't know
13 FSR has motion vector issues as TAA does. DLSS has odd bugs making it unreliable and needs research. They don't just drop in and work.
14 No. DLSS looks good when it works.
15 Time
16 Vehicle wheel rotation speed clamping
It could still happen someday, but it is not on a roadmap or anything.