Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

05 Jun

04 Jun


Originally posted by Blaublueter

Dont know yet. I hope that ward doesnt get a huge nerf. Most of my builds go around that. At the same time, i am hoping that ward gets a nerf because most of the time its the better choice for endgame and i do not like that we dont have more choices, so a nerf in that direction would be nice.

Many people said a ward hard cap would be nice but that would make 5 of my builds obsolete. So i hope for a "good" nerf.

Otherwise i would love to make a forge guard build but at the moment i think it is just too bad, so i look at it again after patch day.

Builds that generate very large amounts of ward are being nerfed, but there will not be a cap. A large part of the enjoyment of ARPGs for a lot of people is pushing their builds further and further, and stat/resource caps can be a bit of a kill joy in that respect. They're definitely necessary in some cases, imagine if there was no resistance cap, but we like to avoid them where we can.

01 Jun


The maps get auto generated from the walkable area. Sometimes these mistakes happen. If you leave an in game bug report it should be pretty easy to fix.


Funny enough, none of the 3 items mentioned in this thread so far are actually Kickstarter reward items.

Salt the Wound and the spell blade fire staff that I'm blanking on the name right now were both Kickstarter reward items.

Also, at least 2 of the people who got those items passed on making them.


Originally posted by theclifford

Its not fun to run dungeons in general when a single death just ends your run. That was the one thing that really bothered me with about 110 hours in, and ended up being a deal-breaker for me and my wife.

Yup, that was the main problem we landed on too.


This is something that we are addressing because it isn't fun just waiting for your friends to finish it you die.

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is false. If you actually believe it to be true, please report the specific instances of it directly. Any critical statement that was deleted was done so because it was in a manner which broke the rules in other ways. We are extremely strict about not removing criticism [of LE or EHG] because it is critical or what it is critical about. Additionally, we wouldn’t let positive comments sit if they were equally bad in those other ways.

I will also remind you that misrepresenting moderation status is also against the forum rules. It puts us in a very difficult situation of having to call out people directly and it just gets so messy.

For the main topic her...

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Originally posted by WhiteyPinks

Yup, iirc at their largest they only had about 30-35 people in the company. They're also fully remote, there is no central office or anything as far as I know.

We are about 3x that and growing right now. So we are getting close to being able to do things like that I hope.

31 May

30 May

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m closing this thread as duplicate. There is no attempt to bring new points or perspective to the conversation, and it has quickly devolved to personal attacks. If supporting existing points, please continue one of the many already existing threads.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Consistently crashing when loading the same file is a common symptom of a corrupted file. Please try running the Steam File Verification tool to check file integrity. This can be accessed by:

  • Right click the game in your Steam library and select “Properties” from the dropdown
    • Can also access by selecting the gear icon in the top right of the game details page
  • Select the “Installed Files” tab on the left
  • Select “Verify Integrity of game files”

28 May


Did you happen to use the in-game bug report system? If so we could see your logs and may have a clue what’s happening for you

27 May


Originally posted by Georgie_Leech

That is, DoT's do damage consistently, rather than in the chunks displayed visually?

Well, it's still in chunks but they happen every 0.25s and are then batched for display. The healthbar and death checks happen immediately.


The Isolation node, which is also on the path to Eternal Pyre limits you to a single projectile, but increases its size and damage.

If you want to convert Hungering Souls to fire without reducing the number of projectiles to 1, you can use the Soulfire unique relic, instead of the nodes on the tree.


Originally posted by Practical-Face-3872

What about Soul Blast from drain life when you convert drain life to poison? Soul Blast is a hit and the conversion node says it also converts Soul blast. So Soul blast should be a poison hit right? And hits can crit?

It applies stacks of poison instead. There are no sources of poison hit damage in the game.


It's an issue that we're aware of, but which is unfortunately more complex to solve than it seems. Corruption cannot be changed without also resetting the echo web, due to the role it plays in echo web generation, and we don't want to have your echo web reset when you complete someone else's Shade of Orobyss in case there were still echo rewards from it that you wanted to claim.

We are making changes to alleviate the issue for 1.1 though. The system still won't be perfect, but running other player's echoes while trying to progress corruption will feel less futile.


Originally posted by -swafe-

Just a suggestion here :) - you could make poison damage from players scale off of crit chance. It could continue being unable to crit, but maybe the DoT ticks (the ailment) tick faster the more crit stat you have. This way, it will both achieve the goal of poison ailment being unique-er that the bleed and ignite, and make poison damage more valuable in late game/more on par with the other damage types (I might be wrong, but haven't heard of many poison builds).

Poison has been the best in the game multiple times and there are still several good poison builds out there. It also already ticks way faster than it seems. We just bundle them visually so you don't see a mess of useless numbers. You could make it just scale damage with crit but that feels kinda artificial to me. Maybe a specific node or item that gives that.


Originally posted by Overthinks_Questions

What is the design purpose of having poison be purely DoT, where ever other element can do either? Oh wait, does necrotic have a DoT?

Necrotic doesn't have a widely represented ailment associated with it along the same lines as ignite or bleed but it does have dot ailments.

It's a few things but I think the simplest thing is just thematically. Like, just in real life, if someone were to spray a poisonous liquid on your arm, it wouldn't really hurt, it would just feel like water spraying on your arm. Any damage that it did would be from the physical nature of it hitting you.

On top of that, having things be different and unique give them different ways to think about the build. We already get enough feedback that ignite and bleed are too similar. If we let Poison have hit damage, it would be even more similar. The differences are what make these things interesting.

26 May


Yes. The only damage type that can't crit are dots. Poison is always a dot so poison also can't ever crit.


Are you asking about an in game key to enter a dungeon or arena?