Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

21 Nov

    Trasochi on Forums - Thread - Direct

Could you please elaborate on the attack speed for tempest strike? Do I assume right that attack speed will now actually increase attack speed?

New Tempest Strike will scale with attack speed the same way that other melee attack scale with it. There will also be plenty of opportunities to increase attack speed on its skill tree.


Originally posted by NuNeStukai

It’s a pity that the developers chose the side of inadequate "click-to-move" fans, whose arguments are simply nonsense, they are the main reason that the genre does not evolve, ARPGs become more ACTION-RPGs when it is possible to move with WASD, with click-to-movie combat remains clumsy, inconvenient and ridiculous:

It's interesting, I will now be using that video to illustrate my point next time this comes up.


Originally posted by VictusBcb

Mhm, and even the block effectiveness ain't the worst after getting those juicy suffixes <3.

Yea, after the 2xT7 on point suffixes, it kinda doesn't matter what the prefixes are.


Originally posted by JustRetributor

Oh, look at Mr. Know-it-all here, acting like googling something is beneath them. I guess they must be some kind of genius to have all the answers stored away in their little brain. News flash, buddy, the rest of us mere mortals need a little help from our friend Google once in a while. But hey, I'm sure you're just too busy being a master of every mechanic in existence while the rest of us struggle to put information into action. Must be nice to be so superior. No wonder your comment score is a big fat 0.

The person who I'm talking to is someone I've had a lot of interactions with. I'm quite certain they didn't take it like that.

20 Nov

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

Is a low rolled version of BiS gear still considered BiS gear?


Originally posted by Majestic_Turnover972

Then I, like many other players, will under no circumstances buy this game. Shame on you

I'm sorry that we aren't making a game that you are interested in.

I feel no shame for this design decision.


We recently had a discussion on this and have plans to re-implement this albeit in a slightly different manner. Hoping to have that implementation in for 1.0 though it's a bit of a stretch goal. We haven't forgotten those that liked that ramped up difficulty.


Originally posted by xDaveedx

Is it though? If you mean "ground effect=bad" with easy to learn sure, but isn't the hard to master part typically attributed to skill-based gameplay, not your ability to find this information by googling it?

Until I read this dmg deals a percentage of your life per tick here on reddit I just assumed the damage over time just hurt a lot and %less dmg over time taken would help. Does it help though or is it a fixed amount of hp that's removed akin to "true dmg" from other games that can't be mitigated?

I also thought it was a bug that it went through ward before reading about it here.

I'm curious, does research by googling qualify as "hard to master" for you?

I mean, you don't have to google this to figure it out though. Googling it is the fastest way to learn it but that's only half of the mastery. Putting that information into action is the primary step in the mastery of the mechanic.

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, we considered that. It would require us to completely change how all items are functionally structured. It’s a non-starter.


Originally posted by Pepperkelleher

Thanks again for your response, I didnt meant the screenshot to be taken as a hostile action, or a promise or anything. But it is an insight into your decision.

I totally support you guys for keeping WASD out of the game at the moment.

Your customers, or at least most of them, are not prepared to admit there is a better way, and like you say, it would give an advantage to WASD players and force everyone to move to that.

Yea, you're good. I'm just about to step into a meeting but I don't think it's a better control scheme for the game. I think it gives you the opportunity to do maneuvers that would otherwise be impossible.

As a kid extreme example, take resident evil 1 vs 4. 4 has the "better" controls. But REmake would have been way worse if they had "upgraded" the controls.


Originally posted by xDaveedx

Maybe it would make sense to use some unique visual effect for these ground effects to get some consistency into it and communicate that this is different from regular dmg?

The 2 cases I know are the necrotic circles in arena and the blood DoTs in the Emperor of Corpses fight. Probably some other arena hazards aswell?

I guess you could remove the Emperor of Corpses one and just explain sonewhere once that arena hazards work like that. That would add consistency to it and make sense in my eyes.

For most players it's dangerous and good to not stand in. Some advanced strategies can be employed when you learn advanced information. I think this is the definition of easy to learn, hard to master.


Originally posted by Pepperkelleher

I'm screen capturing this. Thank you for admitting that it is in fact a superior control scheme. Will be helpful to show all the purists that say "why would you even want that? You don't have enough fingers then".

Now, it would be nice if all arpgs designed moving forward, were designed with the idea to give players a better control scheme from the get go and those that want to play old school could always use the inferior setting.

Go ahead, I don't think it proves what you want it to prove though.


Originally posted by Rip_in_Peppa_Pig

Hey thanks for the info, it looks like i was wrong and it is based on current health.

Whenever i tested it id always stop at around 20-30% hp so i never noticed the drop off. Then whenever i googled it everyone seem to say it was bugged so i just assumed that was the case.

Do you have any news on the slow loading of zones in the campaign? whenever i play with a friend 30-40% of the time is spent waiting at a loading screen or remaking our party when it bugs out (noticed the rust lands/sewer area was the spot where it bugged out the most).

All I can really say is that we're working on it.


Originally posted by Rip_in_Peppa_Pig

There are a few things i really hope are fixed by launch.

I really hope they fix specific ground dot effects ignoring ward and damaging health. Its been an issue for awhile now like in that arena with the two necrotic circles or the necrotic dragon boss. I was wrong, it is based on percent health.

also the loading screens during the campaign while playing in a party are a bit crazy. They take way too long due to only one person being able to load in first and often bugs, requiring the party to remake.

I really hope they fix specific ground dot effects ignoring ward and damaging health. Its been an issue for awhile now like in that arena with the two necrotic circles or the necrotic dragon boss.

This isn't actually a bug, that's just how that ability works. It deals percent current hp damage so it can never actually kill you.

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is a hotfix designed to fix very specific pressing bugs and does not reflect even a tiny piece of all the things we have been working on.

Full offline mode is still coming with 1.0.

In case you missed it, here is a screenshot of what the selection UI will look like when launching the game.
image (1gg3)

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you read the whole graphic and the accompanying text, it is clear that these are examples of the sort of bonuses that will be available. They are not specific details on exactly what will be there.

In the FAQ at the bottom of that post, you’ll find all the trade info that I have included in my first reply and much, much more.

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback.

I just wanted to chime in to clear up some misconceptions before a debate gets going on it.

As it states in the item factions devblog, all equipable item types will be tradable at the bazaar, including unique and legendary items.

Also, the chance to get LP on an item is not just one number like that, it depends on:

  • The area level you are in
  • The legendary potential level of that specific item
  • and at 1.0, corruption will start to slightly affect the chance too.

One of the primary functions of the legendary system is to give low power unique items a way to find new power in the end ...

Read more

Originally posted by xDaveedx

oh god I can't count to 30 anymore, help

If it makes you feel any better I used a calculator after your post to make sure.