Rainbow Six Extraction

Rainbow Six Extraction Dev Tracker

27 Jan


@tacozu Thank you for clarifying. In this situation, I recommend a full reinstall of the game. In addition, make sure any available updates for the game are installed.


@shoesgfx Greetings. I'm sorry to hear about the frequent crashes while in a game menu. Thank you for providing your specs.

I recommend reviewing all the steps in our PC troubleshooting guide. While you may have already done some of these processes, this comprehensive guide is a first step so I can better assist.



Hey there

I'm sorry to hear the issue has persisted. Can I ask you to confirm the following please?

1. What difficulty are you playing on?
2. Can the issue occur throughout any game mode or map or does this occur only in specific locations?
3. How often do you experience the issue?
4. Do you have digital or physical copy of the game? Did you get the game on xbox through game pass?



Hey there.

Thanks for reporting this to us. If possible so we can determine whether this is a bug or is working as intended could you link us to a short video of this, please? Thanks



Hey there.

The issue with text to speech is strange. I don't believe this particular issue has been reported to us. If possible could you provide us with a link to a video showing your menu and the setting disabled and this still occurring for you?

The second issue you mentioned with losing controls at certain points is known to the development team and is under active investigation at the moment.




Hey there!

Did this resolve the issue for you or are you still experiencing issues? We are working on a permanent resolution to the issues with IGPU/GPU switching.


Thanks for your assistance with answering this folks.

@Artemis-37 if you have any other questions on this please let us know!



Hey there.

I can confirm that the looping coughing/choking noises is a known issue and is under active investigation. Apologies for any inconvenience caused as a result of this whilst we're working on getting this resolved.

26 Jan


Hey there folks.

I'm sorry to hear the issues with crashing at launch have persisted for some of you.

Can I also ask you to attempt each of the steps suggested by Ubi-Keo here please? If after doing so you are continuing to experience issues please let us know and we can open a support case for you to offer further assistance.




Hey there.

Thanks for raising this with us.

I can confirm that losing controls or controls being unresponsive on occasion is a known issue and is under active investigation at the moment. Apologies for any inconvenience caused whilst we're working on getting this resolved.



Thanks for confirming that for us. We'll keep an eye out for further reports of this and of course if this does happen again to you or you find a way of consistently reproducing this please let us know. Thanks!



Hey there.

This issue where controls can stop working randomly is known to the development team and is under active investigation at the moment. Apologies for any inconvenience caused whilst we're working on getting this resolved.




Hey there.

Sorry to hear the issues have persisted.

Can I also ask you to attempt each of the steps suggested by Ubi-Keo here please? If after doing so you are continuing to experience issues please let us know...

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Hey there.

Thanks for confirming that for us.

If these connection errors are still present for you can I ask you to give all of the suggested steps here a try first and ...

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Thanks for the kind words, we really appreciate it and I hope you continue to enjoy the game! Cheers!



I'm sorry to hear that the issues have persisted. Can I ask you to attempt all of the other suggested steps by Ubi-Keo on the thread here, please?

If after doing so you're still experiencing issues please let us know and we...

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Hey there.

Sorry to hear you've encountered multiple errors while playing

I cannot see a reply to your post so if there was a reply here I think it must have been deleted.

The first thing I would suggest is to attempt each step suggested here. These steps are known to resolve most of the common causes of crashing/freezing. 

If after doing so you're continuing to experience these errors co...

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Hey there.

Sorry to hear you've encountered issues with crashing.

Can I ask you to attempt all of the suggestions made by Ubi-Keo on the thread here, please? I can see you have already attempted quite a bit of troublesho...

Read more

Hey there folks

Thanks for your question and for your assistance in answering this.

I have marked your answer as the topic answer @GairPlay to assist others who might be looking for the same info in future. Cheers!



No worries. Please keep us updated on this.