Rainbow Six Extraction

Rainbow Six Extraction Dev Tracker

30 Jan


Hey @corgi1315, welcome to Discussions! I appreciate you reaching out with such a detailed description of the issue.

First of all, could you confirm that you've completed all the steps in our basic PC troubleshooting guide? This will help rule out some common issues so we can troubleshoot further.

I'd also like to gather some files to help investigate the issue. Please go ahead and create a ...

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Hey @Forsaken_Fruit and @UrielBovi

I just merged your thread with another I just saw of the same issue. Thanks for the information you have both provided. I'll add this to a report to the game team along with the video ...

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Hey @ryanfox5

Thanks for the video, and no worries about the sound. Do you know if this is able to be repeated again? And can you remember what actions you were pressing at once whilst in stealth?


Hey @crass--- 

I'm sorry to hear you're still having an issue with this. Please can you reach out via a direct message on one of the following options with images of your port forwarding attached, as well as your DX Diag and ...

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We have reported this issue to the dev team happening on various maps and it's something they are looking into at the moment. I apologise for any inconvenience it causes.


Hey @kradzka

I'm sorry to hear you are unable to hear the voices in cutscenes. Are you using a headset or speakers? Are you able to try any other kind of audio output device, even if it's a different headset or earphones, just to see if it starts working correctly to try and find where the fault may lie?


Hey @toadspizza

I'm sorry to hear it hasn't worked out for you. Do you have a multiple monitor setup? If so, can you try disconnecting the secondary ones and only using the primary monitor just to try to identify where the issue may lie.

You can also just try changing the game to windowed mode instead of full screen, or vice versa, to see if this helps.


Glad to hear that it's working on your Xbox One X at least @cyncere76.

Hope you're enjoying it 🙂

29 Jan


Hi there @dimaray. Sorry to hear you are also having this issue! Have you had a chance to run through our troubleshooting guide mentioned before? If so, could you provide me with a video of this happening so I can get this reported? Thank you!


Hi there @vad-mokus! I apologize you are experiencing crashes on PC. Have you completed our basic troubleshooting guide? I would also recommend verifying your g...

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Hey @reviasty06. Thanks for reaching out. I apologize you are unable to play without crashing. Have you had a chance to run through these troubleshooting steps? If these steps do not work, please generate your...

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Hi @wolfinstein22 and @Imon_controller ! I see you both now have Rainbow Six Extraction on your account. Please let me know if you are still unable to locate that.

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Hey @viscenti! Thanks for that update. We will be making a note that this fixed this issue for you. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.


Hi @MostafaFawaz @claud1u111! I would recommend generating your system files and reaching out to us on our ...

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Hi @dj_dawa84! Apologies you are unable to level up to level 30. Could you provide me with a video showing you are no longer gaining XP? It would be incredibly beneficial to our investigation. I would so recommend reinstalling your game just to make sure all files have been installed correctly. Thank you in advance!


Hi there @xcerou! I'm sorry you are unable to connect to the Rainbow Six Extraction servers. You mentioned you have tried all of the troubleshooting from before, was that troubleshooting from this article? If not, please complete any steps you may have previously tried. You should also try ...

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Thank you for that information, @palina92! I am going to be passing that information on to the investigating team. We appreciate you bringing this to our attention. If we have any updates, you can find them in the News and Announcements section.


Hey @imfeezy! I'm sorry to hear you cannot redownload your game. Are you getting any error messages? Please try these two troubleshooting guides to see if they allow you to download your game: PC Basic and PC Connect. If these still do not allow you to download, please generate ...

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Hi @GNatt185, @TmartinG01 and @llRade. I apologize it is taking longer than expected to get a response back on your cases. We are...

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