The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

22 Jun

Thank you for letting us know about this - as well as the weirdness with some kind of invisible knee armor.
Hey everyone. Servers are up with no issue. Try reaching out to Ubisoft Support with screenshots and as much additional info as you can provide.
Semantics of who-said-what first and how many people is a handful aside, there should be brightness/visual settings from your display that can be altered when playing the game to compensate in some darker sections of gameplay. While I don't know of any plans to touch the game's lighting system, I can certainly take your feedback into account!
While I understand that there may still be more changes and improvements to come and that we're a good bit past launch at this point...

I'm glad to see these type of builds gaining more prominence - even if only a little bit at a time.
Originally Posted by kniVes-6-
I agree to a point but it should not mean a difference of 0.5s ttk from 150,000 - 350,000 armour. That's unfair to the player who RNGd to be tankier while sacrificing other gear. That player should have longer survivability otherwise what is the whole point of armour. For the record, like you, I play glass cannon but also trying to be devil's advocate here.
That's what I specifically say 'various feedback'. If there's an issue and something is broken, that's good to know and to perhaps pass along. But this thread has thoughts and feelings on both ends of the damage/difficulty conversation - and that is being taken into account.
This line fro the OP particularly caught my attention.

Originally Posted by Messiah_V
does it seem that the only build for pve is max weapon dmg and hard hitting?

support role compare to dmg role is inferior
If I may ask, inferior by what metric? As RichardOshea mentioned, if all you're looking for is damage, then the highest damage setup is obviously going to be superior. What is the metric that a build's usefulness is measured by - to you?
To quote my colleague; no intentional changes were made to any of the raid mechanics.

We are investigating the changed behaviour that you are reporting as a possible bug.
Regular server maintenance is going to continue to be a part of the game so we can make changes, roll out patches, and deliver fixes to the game.
Outcome is a bit of a bummer, but I'm always happy to see some science.
Originally Posted by Dyslexic-Snail
It didn't meet expectations. Can't elaborate any more than that.
...Could you please elaborate on your expectations? Was there something you felt changed between how it performed between the PTS and the Live game?
I want to quickly remind everyone to be respectful of others and their thoughts and views on the game (and various game modes). If a player doesn't participate in a particular game mode, they may have a unique insight on changes that might be made to include more players in that mode, and their ideas should not be outright refuted.
Thread closed due to inappropriate and off-OP topics.
Originally Posted by eckLub
Gating loot behind a single activity is bad no matter what the loot is or where it is gated behind.
If all loot was available from all activities, where would you spend most of your time in game? What activity would hold your attention?

21 Jun

Originally Posted by direwolf2496
When are devs going to give up their hold on the castle and allow us to rebuild it?

Personally I'd like to see it used as a "division" base of operations with the ability to be customised to your agents personality, e.g. western themed items, hi tech, even make it a micro transaction for anything other than the basic lay out. Ubi would soon make back their money
I'm not sure if the world is ready for a space pirate cowboy Division agent bachelor pad.
Thanks for the additional reports, everyone. I'll be sure to make a note of this thread to pass along.
Please try reinstalling the game and make sure your drivers are up to date (if you haven't already).This doesn't seem to be as widespread as a similar load issue previously...
If the FPS weirdness and long load times persist, please submit a ticket to Ubisoft Support and they'll do their best to help you find a solution.
Originally Posted by Goo-Goo-Man
It does.

I was about to ask... is anyone experiencing a sudden (and complete) lack of Pestilence in the DZ? Is this a thing that's happening?
Originally Posted by Estorius
What worries me - They still don't know what we want. It's like TD1 never happened. The 2 issues they took (PCvsConsole & MM for everything) should have been gained during TD1.
They use the Raid(s) as a framing device/context to talk about things like matchmaking, build diversity, and gear/RNG. What are the topics you feel they don't know about?
Hey TapeableRobin74,

I can fully appreciate the intricacies of such a situation, and I will make sure to take careful note of your feedback.

The prospect of leaving the clan with the other members is daunting, but I'm sure it would be a preferable situation to the one right now?

I hope that you all manage to work out a solution that works for everyone
Originally Posted by UNRULY-CHILD
It has been over a month since I have looted a weapon or piece of armor better than my current setup. I am beginning to wonder why I should keep playing. Very unrewarding game. This is worse than D1.
If this is the case... may I ask what your current build/setup is? In a later comment you mention that you're going through all the heroic missions - with seemingly little issue.
Where are the areas that your build might still improve? Where is the ceiling?