

30 Nov

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @xxmichixx21 , welcome to the Discussions forum! Sorry to hear you've had trouble getting invited by your friend, that's really odd. Let's see about getting this sorted for you.

What you've described sounds like a connectivity issue. Even though it seems like you are fully online, some processes need more access than others. With that in mind, can you run through the ...

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    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @JYRY , thanks for asking about this! I'm not immediately sure what might be causing this - as far as I can tell, we've not made any changes which would lead to your medals disappearing.

I'd like to investigate this further. Can you go through the activities you've done and see if you can spot any specific medals which seem like you should have them? Screenshots showing that the medals are missing would be very helpful. Here's our screenshots guide to help with that, and the resulting images can be added to a response here in t...

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    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Dylnar112 , welcome to the forums! Great to hear you've gone for Club Access, but really unfortunate that it doesn't seem to be on your account.

Please note that purchases can take up to 24 hours to arrive. Usually it happens sooner. I'd certainly have expected you to have access by now, five days after your post, but if not, please reach out to our support specialists directly - they'll be able to have a closer look at your account and the transaction to see what's happened.


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    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Over_Tomatoed , thanks very much for your post - I appreciate you reaching out!

We've got a support article describing how to use custom skins over here, just to make sure you're doing this in the way we'd recommend. If it still doesn't work, can you tell me what happens when you try to use your skin you've created? How far in the ...

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    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @AndyStennett , thanks for coming back to us and sharing your further troubleshooting.

At present, from here on the forums, we won't be able to assist further. The reason for this is that our next steps would be to use your system files you've sent across on the support case to investigate further, and this is something we can't do in this public space. However, one of our support specialists will get back to you as soon as possible, on your support ticket, with next steps.

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @Turbogoko , thanks very much for this report! Many thanks also to ...

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Hey @HobbitStomper and @Asterix201252 , thanks very much for sending over your thoughts about skyscrapers and mail! I've gone ahead and highlighted this thread to our ...

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    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @HobbitStomper and @Asterix201252 , thanks very much for sending over your thoughts about skyscrapers and mail! I've gone ahead and highlighted this thread to our ...

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    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @LootSoldat , thanks very much for reaching out about this. My sincerest apologies for the frustration over this questline. I can see our team has several investigations open, and are working to get this resolved.

For the specific scenario of the Queen not turning up, though, I can see we'd verified that as fixed back in 2021, so it's really unfortunate to hear that you've run into this issue. Can you make sure you've done the troubleshooting guide for me? In particular from the guide, please make sure you are running the game with admin...

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26 Nov

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @AlpineBrisket , thanks for this report, and for providing a video! That's very unusual, I'd have expected this to be consistent across all vendors as well. I've gone ahead and reported this internally now.

Let me know if you come across any other issues.

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for your reports of this same issue, @AlpineBrisket - I appreciate it! I understand you've seen these same disconnections.

Can you tell me when you took these screenshots?
Also, have you yourself faced any disconnections?

I'd like to pass this information along internally to help with our investigation, alongside your screenshots. Thanks again for reaching out with these!

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @AlpineBrisket , thanks for sharing this insight - I really appreciate it. I can see our team is continuing to investigate this on our end internally. We're not far enough along with that yet to have any updates to share, but I'm confident our team is doing what they can to get this looked into.

Sorry for the frustration in the meantime!

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for that further insight, @Malediktus90 - I've passed that on!

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Ianpontes , welcome to the forums - thanks for sending this video across!

I've had a look around internally, and I haven't immediately been able to find any other reports of this issue, so I'd really like to make sure we're investigating this. Can you give me more information about what I'm seeing in the video? I've played a bunch of Division 2, but not enough that I'm able to recognise what actions the player is taking in the video.

Once I've got some further information from you, I'll be better able to respond 🙂...

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    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Wizoatonz , thanks for your report of this issue! I understand you and your fiance didn't find Pathway Park to be marked as completed for the Daily Project - sorry about that 😞

Our teams had been tracking an issue where the Daily Project was already marked as completed, but this report from yourself seems to be another issue, so I've gone ahead and reported this to our te...

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    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @WrecK3rr , thanks for sharing this additional insight!

As far as our team has been able to work out, this is also happening erroneously in situations when materials are meant to be added. Either way, the error is indeed unusual, and I'm confident our team will be doing what they can to investigate.

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @leonardofelin , thanks for reaching out. I understand you are keen to have this sorted out.

As soon as we have further information, we'll share it here on the forums. I'd recommend keeping an eye on the News & Announcements forum, as news of any updat...

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25 Nov

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for linking to that thread to clear this up, @xcel30 - I appreciate it! 🙂

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @PnisScentedCndl , thanks for sending this across - that sure does look unusual! Can you tell me when you saw this, and if the player's model was wonky for just that moment, or additional times that you encountered them?

Can you also clarify for me what platform you were playing on?

If you happen to still have the raw footage, it'd really help us out to have a higher quality edit of it, as the one you've uploaded is very blurry - it's difficult to get a good look at what is happening with the player's model. Are you able to upload another copy to...

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23 Nov

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Heya @Spets-Naz , good to hear that @Traumahawk 's advice has lead to a solution! We've been sure to report any successful fixes from the community to our teams internally so we can investigate further from our end.