

15 Jan

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @hexforger,

Thank you for taking the time to update us on your plan of action.

If you continue to have any trouble just let us know

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @hundread1800,

Thank you for sharing these screenshots showing where you have looked for this updated information.

I have reached out to the game team for clarification and will provide an update once we have further info.

In the mean time if there is anything else we can help with just let us know.

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Cr34Tor0fGODs and dongchun,

Thank you for confirming this additional information, sorry to hear that verifying your files did not help.

The saves that you encountered this issue on, can I just check when it was that you started this save? This information will greatly help us in investigating.

Many thanks

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @hundread1800,

Thank you for sharing this to help SmokedRWA.

Although we advise against using mods as we are unable to provide support for modded content it is great to hear this has helped you.

Many thanks,

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @sirharrypierce,

Thank you for taking your time out to share with us a video of this happening.

I have now shared this with the team to help the investigation.

In the mean time if we can help with anything else just let us know as we are happy to help.

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @hundread1800,

Thank you for clarifying between the screenshots.

This has now been forwarded to the team so we can get the most accurate answer for you.

In the mean time if there is anything else we can help with just let us know as we are happy to help.

28 Nov

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @darkknight50104,

Sorry to hear that you have found the game to crash when you start the game.

You advised that you have already tried some troubleshooting steps, can I check what you have already tried?

At this stage I would recommend to follow the steps in our PC troubleshooting...

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    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @nobody4207

Thank you for contacting Ubisoft Support.

I am afraid it is not possible to reset the For Honor progress on your account.

Many thanks

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @forglory1019,

Thank you for your update, it is great to hear that relinking has helped resolve this issue for you.

If ever we can help in the future just let us know and we will be more than happy to help.

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @borodatiumujik,

Sorry to hear that you encounter this error when searching for a game, you advised of our connection troubleshooting guide, can I check that you have followed all steps from that articl as they will help configure your network for the game.

Many thanks

25 Nov

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @didifecha191224,

Sorry to hear that you are having trouble with this,

Can I just check whether you have a key for this?
Are you attempting this from the launcher itself?

Many thanks

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @stylebanananeko,

Thank you for sharing your suggestion of what works for you to help Wzakos2.

@Wzakos2 can I check whether those steps have helped you get up and running?

Many thanks

22 Nov

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @boer24,

Thank you for the images you shared and your update regarding the boost.

Can I just check if you have already followed the connection troubleshooting steps Ubi-Milky provided? These steps help ensure the best possible connection.

Many thanks,

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @the_vig1lante,

Thank you for your update and patience!

In the mean time if there is anything else we can help with just let us know even if your handle changes

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @musikliferz,

Thank you for your post, I am afraid that the version native to china does not have Korean as an option.

You will have both Chinese and Russian available.

If ever there is anything else we can help with just let us know.

20 Nov

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @ingemaus74,

Sorry to hear you having trouble interacting in game due to the interaction being greyed out.

Can I check if this is an issue with everything you interact with or is it specific interactions?

Would it be at all possible to share an image with us of what you see?

Many thanks,

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @mr-t-magnum,

Thank you for your update and sorry to hear that you have been unhappy with the experience you have had.

Agents will respond directly to a case where system files are provided, this is because directly we can investigate in far greater detail and I can assure you we take reports very seriously.

Many thanks once again in the mean time

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @echolecter,

Sorry to hear that you experienced this also with a past event.

As Ubi-Milky advised, if you encounter this in the future please let us know in the same way you have so we can report it and investigate it asap.

Once again, sorry that we were unable to resolve this challenge when it was live.

I will close this thread now

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @mual12345,

Sorry to hear that you encountered this blue screen when using your new monitor.

Can I check whether you encounter the same issue at other refresh rates?

In this case it would be great to take a look at your DxDiag and ...

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16 Nov

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @trebleta,

The team have taken a look into your clips and save and came back to us with a response, confirming this is the game working as designed.

Oil does in end in Oil Plants in your save and trains always deliver more oil in time, even though they're not filling storage to max.

The team tested your save by deleting a lvl 3 Oil Harbour and rebuilding it a lvl 1. After this, trains began delivering much more Oil to Power Plants.

This confirms that the game is running as designed as it calculates how much Oil should be delivered to each co...

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