7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

05 Jan

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Does it happen with Dynamic Mesh off?

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
They're all too busy playing to document stuff that can mostly be found in the XML files which can be read by any text editor.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

AMD and nVidia each have to support Vulkan in their drivers, so one could be having problems while the other does not. It may also vary by GPU model.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Game options on Windows are stored in the registry.

I have not seen the overlaps you had in your picture.

Disappearing trees is a bug with occlusion. The tree is there, but it looks like trees can get in the wrong occlusion group or multiple groups.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

We don't really do anything to support Vulkan other than enable it. Unity does what it does. The only way we improve our Vulkan support, is update Unity, which we only do when we feel a Unity version is at a stable point for us to upgrade and then lock into some bug fix version of that before we release. I've been looking at our next Unity update, with their next LTS probably in 3-4 months, but I can try 2021.2 sooner as the next LTS is just a version of it with bugs fixed.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Many of us have AMD CPUs. AMD GPUs is another story. I have a 570 and a really old 5770. I'd have a recent AMD GPU if they weren't hard to find and stupidly expensive.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Trees need optimization work, but the last programmer who tried did not find any good solutions. We have some new programmers coming on that may get tasked with it.

Occlusion needs a tree bug fix, not a hack. POI come in all shapes and sizes.

Zeds banging on nearby blocks could maybe use a delayed/combined mesh update.

Precaching works in some cases, but can be a lot of overhead itself. Animations are already loaded. Block damage is way too dynamic. Individual pathing is threaded and not expensive.

Meshes? You mean dynamic mesh (the far ones)?


There is a bug ticket for it. I will get to it at some point, but am currently working on ground collision bugs (player/zeds falling into, vehicles falling into and getting moved. Turrets falling into may also be related).

04 Jan

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Start > Run > %AppData%\7DaysToDie
You should find your generated Worlds and saves there unless you have customized the path.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

There were big changes to block entity LOD culling after that video was made, so the numbers they got are old.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes. If you want that ease of planning you may need some temp supports.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

You don't need to.

If you plan a complex piece of your structure, use frames.

Then grab your higher quality blocks, copy shape and rotation. Replace.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It’s not the worst idea, but you would spawn underground on top of the bedroll instead of on the bed. That’s why you can’t place a bedroll unless there are two blocks free vertically: so you can spawn exactly there.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In theory, if the boars have respawned then so have all the zombies and other hostile entities. Boars are tough enemies, at least in the early game, so it would stink to kill one and not get the meat as a reward. Maybe they could be zombie boars for that POI in particular (and Trader Hugh’s which also has fenced in boars).
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by brian9824: Agreed on a big why? Blocks have owners and it would be complicated to do what is being described.

What is so hard about putting down your own bedroll?

Perhaps the OP plays with their spouse or SO, and sharing a bed (even though you don’t sleep) is important for role playing purposes.

For a time, I joined a coop server hosted by a husband and wife couple I’d never met in real life. They had their bedrolls together in the same room of the base. I can’t express how much it would’ve felt like breaking an unspoken taboo to put my bedroll down right next to theirs.

It surprised me. I know, it’s just a game. I know, it’s just a block that affects spawning. So who ca... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by CrazyOdd: Not sure its still in the game, but you could use 1 bed and 1 bedroll, for spawn points.

While that idea has potential, I don’t think it’s ever been part of the (vanilla) game.

03 Jan

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Highlander:
Originally posted by d_d_c_95: i cant say for sure cause been away from game for a bit but were zombie always this gd smart? able to ( and will) traverse the maze of building over taking the straight path through some barbed wire, will find a a alternative path to me rather then walk into the empty pit i made for them , and i know ther suposed to have good noses but ive had several now track me clear across a map to my base. was there a general zombie upgrade i missed
Its been like this since 17 all the zeds went to Zombie University and all have degrees in building engineering . Once your base is breeched they all start to funnel through ...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by d_d_c_95: ive already developed a fond hatred for those gd birds. wait so does that mean they no longer smell when i have meat on me? . also i just died to what looks like a bull dog the size a gd horse inside a building WTFF!?!?!?!
Smell system was removed because it was too costly with the new AI in a17. May make a return after some optimization.

Originally posted by KerlFieser: Don't know why but since the last a20 patch (or the one before) the z'ds refuse to ...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hold up though. The OP’s test was breaking down cars to get batteries. That’s not actually looting. That’s harvesting. Do we know if loot stage affects your yield from harvesting blocks?
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I can't tell you what specs I had specifically, but, I can tell you the approximate price point in quite possibly the vaguest terms.

When I originally started playing 7DTD, way back in.. A2? A3? I had a PC that was mid-range in 1998.

I had that potato for AGES. Like, till 2011, 2012. Then I had a fairly top of the line for 2012~potato that I used until recently.

And now I have low-mid range pc made in 2021 month 11, I'd call it mid range- Roughly $1500 self built, but the GPU is a mid-range at best CPU from a few years ago, it was still working and screw GPU scalpers. GPU is a GTX 1050 TI 4gb. Not sure what CPU I have atm since speccy just shows AMD K19.

Fun fact, my ram was upgraded from DDR3... 799hz. Alllll the way to DDR4 3200hz. And my god, in combination with the new M2 drive....my PC restarts when from 30+ minutes to about 3.5 seconds tops- And 3 of those seconds are sitting at the bios screen. SOOOOO much better I dunno how I lived wi... Read more