7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

02 Jan

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by MiSFiT77:
Originally posted by Crater Creator:
I don’t actually think that’s automatically a good thing, though. I still think of this as a survival game, which means taking the hand you’re dealt and making it work. Improvise, adapt, overcome and all that. It is more interesting to me if there are some unforeseen roadblocks making it so I can’t be set in my ways, always making the same moves.

When the traders serve as the great equalizers that ‘fix’ RNG luck, as I t...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by MiSFiT77: …This is the thing. The game doesn't understand or predict my play style (or yours). So while I'm tearing places apart looking for that one item that I need for the way I play. The game doesn't think "oh this guys looking for xyz because clearly he is playing in a certain way" because the game doesn't think, it just gives me random stuff. Where as having the ability to tell the trader what exactly you are looking for could help to push the game along in the direction that you want to go in.

I don’t actually think that’s automatically a good thing, though. I still think of this as a survival game, which means taking the hand you’re dealt and making it work. Improvise, adapt, overcome and all... Read more

01 Jan

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Dark: The old hardened chest were imposing and had real wow factor, the new tiny harden chests, not so much.
Curious about this one. The secure storage chest hasn't changed since Alpha 9 at least.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The corpse entities had a large impact on performance, especially on servers where you could get a lot of them stacking up. They were removed for optimization, and gore was re-balanced.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Well, maybe… if you had to wait several days for the trader’s unseen band of scavengers to scrounge one up for you, and you paid a premium for their time.

I already feel like traders should have a small fraction of what they have now. They can have the full range from early game to late game items, but very spotty selection at any given time. This is the apocalypse, not a Walmart!

30 Dec

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There's four main issues.

One, Difficulty for the sake of difficulty isn't what most people want. Higher difficulty and risk is great- When there's a commensurate reward. Higher difficulty in 7DTD doesn't reward you; Only punishes.

Two, Most people don't like bullet sponge enemies. High difficulty in 7DTD = bullet sponges- Takes 20 hits with a club at level one to kill a zombie? Too much for most to stomach. Does it get better later in the game? Sure. After you've spent 5 minutes a piece killing 500+ zombies.

Three, The vast majority of 7DTD players prefer PVE and absolutely LOATHE the idea of PVP and having people killing them at random, Or, More worriesomely, Breaking into their base and ruining all their hard work.

And most significantly: Time taken. With 25% loot and a low experience multiplier, it takes AGES to get anywhere, And most 7DTD players are relatively casual; They have an hour or two they can put in once or twice a week- Sp... Read more

28 Dec

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by KellyR: Err, what?

When you're using the bow it automatically nocks a new arrow after every time you fire it. There's no clicking necessary.
This. When you fire an arrow, if you don't immediately change to another weapon, it will automatically reload/nock a new arrow after which one click will draw the bow back.

As GrandTickler says, You're likely attempting to draw the bow too soon- Wait for it to finish the auto-reload before trying to draw the bow.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We have a Modding sub-forum, if you want to investigate that route. :steamhappy:
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please avail yourself of our Servers sub-forum for some ideas on where to play. And here's the official discord.

27 Dec

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There are certain things you can smack with a stone axe and still get mechanical parts; Though which things I can't think of off the top of my head. Sometimes you've just got crap luck though.

Make sure you're searching every cupboard you can in residential places- If you can get a wrench you can get tons of mechanical parts.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
a19 was 40% drop rate from stumps. TFP felt it was a bit much, and dropped the rate to 20%.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
People. Yes, this has been asked before. Long-time forum users know this is well-trodden territory. But every post still needs to be constructive.

Pointing out previous discussions, and the search feature, can be helpful. Insinuations around the OP’s intelligence, fake accounts, and trolling are not. This is not a “forbidden topic,” and I remind us to treat all users respectfully.

26 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

With a 9 year old CPU, you should not have anything above medium and probably some settings on Low. My old 4790K needs medium/low settings to be playable. The 980ti at 720p should not be an issue.

Many Unity tasks have to be on the main thread and there is a fair amount of load on the graphics thread. That means those other 2 cores can not contribute to that load, which is why you typically see less that 50%. Your GPU use would not get that high, because it draws a frame and then is waiting on the main and gfx threads to finish the next frame.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Try using the console command "gfx g fps 200". That will show a graph of FPS, which may show short drops that do not appear in a single averaged FPS number.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've only been to T4s by now but I can avoid the mad rush quite reliably. Close a door to buy time and hide a few rooms over, then come back.

I know it "takes forever" compared to the M60 approach. =P

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Inside/outside a land claim?
That's the only thing I can even imagine making a difference.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

I have played maybe 100 hours of A20 and it's incredibly rare for me to get any debuffs. I think there was one time when I had 3.

And if you're playing something like insane/nightmare then you should be the one giving advice here. =P

I do make sure I have a way to run and don't use up all stamina in case I need to make use of it.

You can never get any such debuff on the first (and often 2nd) hit from enemies. That only happens when you stick around in a bad situation.

Fall traps rarely get me for some reason and if that keeps being a problem I would suggest looking at the perception attribute.