Change is hard but that may be an actual improvement for the infernal racket of the auger...
Change is hard but that may be an actual improvement for the infernal racket of the auger...
Look at the "core character stats" tab on your character.
If the lootstage changes then you are on the POI property.
Any pole health reduction should be balanced with a reduced zed damage buf, but I actually forgot that code was even in there until I saw in forum discussion. Things are a bit hectic around here with a lot of back and forth on a variety of bugs and balance issues.
No. Profiling requires Unity editor to attach to game. Game has to be a dev build, which makes it run quite a bit slower, so you don't want to be playing a dev build.
Profiling is also not as great as it sounds. Knowing something is slow is easy, I see lots of that whenever I profile. Trying to make it faster is the hard part.
Cities are going to be slower by their very nature. More objects/blocks/zombies. More is going to render slower. To handle more, you turn down settings to reach a reasonable FPS vs quality tradeoff.
Music loading will need a rewrite to use another method to improve performance issues, which is not happening now. Months away.
Mesh baking moving off the main thread should not make it worse, since the main thread is the most loaded thread.
Already changed that today. Upgrade, repair and harvesting all scale.
We are still testing and thinking about these changes like many parts of the game. I'm currently leaning towards two buckets. 25% (or 33%) and 100%. The 25 being the obviously flimsy/weak/small blocks that should not be stopping anything from breaking through and anyone should be able to look at and say that is not going to protect me.
Bars were intentionally excluded because they are primary window and elevated defenses. Plates would probably move back into the 100%, but we are still discussing. Changing stuff to see what happens is what game development is about and some major changes can and do happen during experimental.
CPU may show as low because task manager shows you all cores together, which will never get near 100% if you have many cores, since the game can't use them all and can not use them all equally. Many Unity task have to happen on the main thread. GPU will typically not be at 100% as the game is usually CPU bound.
I will not do what that mod does. I don't want to disable AA on the weapon cam as it looks worse. The weapon cam may be going away at some point anyway. The increased blending they use also makes ugly motion blur, which the artists and I don't like.
In every case I've looked at, lowering settings will increase FPS regardless of what your peak FPS is. Be it 60 to 120 or 10 going up to 20. It sounds like your CPU is running very slow. Have you rebooted? What other programs are you running? Disk getting hammered by some OS update, backup running or a virus?
1. Not likely as I've never seen anims being expensive.
2. No, since gravity is always trying move the player down anyway.
Originally posted by Khissi: Em... I have zero issues with my game or my server, but I tried connecting to YOUR server in response to the HELP WANTED, and that was the error I got. So... I reported it to YOU and went back to playing my game.It's not happening to others, so the assumption is that the issue is on your end. Steam has been pretty bad with delivering all of the data with a number of game updates this week as well.
Oh, and your server was only allowing 16 at the time.
Originally posted by Khissi: Constant error Prefab not found on block with name trashGround01You should verify your files, or try reading the Pinned threads in the Support section of the forum.
Yes, since burning shaft makes light between a candle and torch in brightness.
Mod LightValue was actually broken, so fixed and balanced all the LightValues.
!Help Wanted!
We are looking for a chunk error bug. We have opened one of our testservers to the public, hoping for lots of traffic, forcing this bug to show its face.
It is currently a 32 slot server, available for anyone to play on for a while, please remember we officially support 8 players in MP.
This server will NOT be available as a long term alternative to play on through the release of A20.
We might have to restart the server or world during that process.
Changelog b232&b233
Coffin/Casket open & close sounds.
Clamped item stack counts to 65535 when saved
"DecorateChunkOverlapping biome null" warning to show chunk
Improved path node penalty clamp and added log