7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

07 Jun

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The survival aspect dominates for me, so for me it just wouldn’t feel like 7 Days to Die without the zombies. That means I dare not get sidetracked too much with beautifying the cities and towns. However, I’ve spent quite a bit of time in the prefab editor, which is different way of spending your time working on buildings in all their detail without the zombies.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
More zombies means more stuff for the game to do, which means worse performance. That’s pretty fundamental, and it’s been the driving force limiting the zombie counts in the vanilla game. You can bump it up through modding, but meanwhile the devs have to answer to people trying to run it on the minimum system requirements. So the zombie art is being redone to be more efficient, the game makes individual zombies tough, it spawns them close to the player and concentrates them in POIs where the loot is, it deletes them if they go astray, and so on. They’re pretty much doing everything they can to get the most out of each zombie, because it turns out MOAR ZOMBEES is not the simple solution people want it to be.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ProxyJames:
Originally posted by Crater Creator:
That sounds exceptionally unlucky or else like a bug. I’d say it takes me 4 lockpicks on average with no enhancement from skills.

I don’t need any encouragement to use lockpicks. I’ll always use them if I have them, unless I just forget that I have some.
it still takes 20 seconds and with more than one player with iron picks it takes like 5 seconds to crack a safe so honestly picks are only useful for like...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ProxyJames:
Originally posted by De Espirit: Of course you can say lockpicks are useless when you already have a top shelf pickaxe and auger. Lockpicks are there as an alternative for the people that don't have points in Strength and mining.
my dude all you need is a iron pick axe and you can get that right at the start by putting one point into advanced engineering and one into miner 69er and at that lever it takes a HELL of ALOT longer to pick a lock then to just bash ...
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06 Jun

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This exists already.

And if you want more, the developer has made the game so easy to mod, a caveman can do it. There are even a number of already existing modlets that are stupid easy to install that do just this.

05 Jun

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Desolator: looks... alright I guess. But I don't see what this offers over random map gen tools that have been out for a while now.

All the new procedural doodads - sidewalks, streetlights, mailboxes, fire hydrants, and other things not shown yet - combine to make a city feel like a city. What we have in A19 now is just a patchwork ‘quilt’ of POIs by comparison. I’m not aware of any RWG tools that do what A20 is doing.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Lord Artis: 50+ ?!?! I thougt it was 5 or 6 ^^. They make cool POI´s like the skyscraper and in the next update they are missing. the caves are gone. zombies take no fall damage. pitty that so many time gone for nothing
It was 2 originally. Probably 5 or 6 until a8/9. Then 12 until about a15, and about 20 up to a18.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Lord Artis: Thanks, i hope this works ^^. How many devs work on this game?
I don't know the exact number now with the recent hiring, but it's 50+. They brought in a lot of people to work on the graphics and AI, and hired a few more for POI development.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Lord Artis: Is there a way to change the visibility of buildings in the distance that no longer exist? So that the LOD textures can only be seen much further in the distance? It pisses me off that buildings that have been torn down exist again in 50 meters as a ghost.
Not in the current version. Work is being done for Alpha 20 to update distant POI more frequently than just once.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Desolator: Crafting is already worse than the stuff you can find in the wild (T5 VS T6) and is only relevant if you really want to make an entire base yourself. I don't see why we wouldn't have the option for people to make beakers if they really want to.

I think it plays an important thematic role. It drives home that you exist in a post-apocalyptic, post-civilization world. Like the Twinkies in Zombieland, there are some things from the 'before times' that just can't be made anymore, now that (one presumes) manufacturing, supply and distribution chains have shut down and so on.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ⚜ JOST AMMAN ⚜: I was wondering if this screenshot also means that cities/towns will have more wandering zombies in A20... any thought on this?
If you check the dev videos, and their comments in the dev diary, you will get some hints about how this will work. :munchies:
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
They are very much not the same thing. Attempting to use a plain glass jar for chemistry will likely leave you with a hole in your jar or a shattered jar, and a problematic mess.

More specifically, You can't just use any old sand to make a beaker the way you can for a jar. Borosilicate glass (what beakers are made of) is made from a mixture of silica and boric oxide, while glass is typically made from sand, soda ash, and limestone.

The borosilicate glass that most(not all) beakers are made of has a very low coefficient of thermal expansion, which makes it much safer to heat, and also it is chemically resistant to many things you might experiment with as far as chemistry goes. 'Normal' glass on the other hand has a tendency to react with many things you could put in it, and would, even ifit didn't chemically react, almost certainly shatter when heated directly the way you would for chemistry purposes(IE; A bunsen burner, or in 7DTD's case, a campfire.)
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kauldric: Very cool, but, what exactly are we looking at it?
It's an intersection from the new RWG city generation.

Jost kind of left out the link to the source.

04 Jun

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Oh, I know. The players going with an Int build do not use the stun baton the same way they would use a club.

If you want both great melee dps and cool turrets then you need to invest in 2 attributes.

I get that some players would prefer if whatever attribute they pick had always the best dps and best effects and it should all be on one item to avoid the stress of thinking. I just don't want to do that. =P

For every single weapon, and yes, that includes batons and spears, someone will always pipe up that this is their favourite weapon.

That doesn't mean that these people are stupid or wrong because those are not always the optimal dps weapons - they just play in a different way, using the strengths of those weapons instead of stubbornly amplifying their weaknesses.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
From the pinned FAQ in Questions & Answers:

Q4: I want to play the latest stable build, but I don’t see it in the betas tab with the other versions.
A: The latest stable build is what users download by default instead of a beta build. Select “None” from the betas tab to download it. Note that you may have seen the same build with the same build number on the betas tab in the past, because the build that is now stable, used to be experimental.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can generate the seed (name has to be exactly the same as Hellsmoke77 says) in the map previewer to have a look at it before actually playing it.

03 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ironically, that and rabbits were discussed yesterday, but don't hold your breath.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

A20 probably not

A21 possibly so