7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

25 Jun

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Networkclient and networkserver console commands each with latencysim and packetlosssim commands to enable latency and packet loss simulation
Screenshots are saved as tga when pressing left shift + F9
Gfx graph #, cvar, pe and stat console commands
Gfx graph fps and gfx graph dr console commands (type gfx for help, example “gfx graph fps 200”)
Chunkreset console command f parameter
Teleport to POI window, triggered by console command “tppoi”
Cloud moon glow and darkening at lower heights
Atmosphere ground plane below horizon
Sky color alpha scales outside ambient sky color
Clouds are darker at lower heights at night
Specific moon phases every 7 days
Separate moon size, color and phase when blood moon
Background cloud layer
Moon phase and color effect moon glow
Sun punch through of fog
Color spectrums blend between colors
Worldglobal ambient night values
Interior ambient light scaling
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Backfacing issue on road signs
DrugVitaminsDesc needs to be updated to reflect fatigue cure
Replanted missing ground under Rekt’s stairs
Added support to the waterwork’s fence, car removal no longer makes it collapse
Wood Black Overwritten with Wood Painted 3
OnSelfDestroyedBlock && onSelfDamagedBlock were not yet functional with block tags
Add storage pocket mod and cargo storage pocket mod to inventory crafting clothing tab
Treasure quests no longer spawn underwater
ToolsB linear color space balance
Animals are not always removed after harvest
White lines on edges of UI graphics.
Collider hinders player movement saw horse block shape
Impact particles have material color overwritten when spawned
Handheld torch no longer burns underwater
Unable to harvest animals and collide with zombie corpses
Chemstation emission light blinks in and out while moving around it
AudioManager Play using wrong origin pos fo... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Alpha 19 b1-b151
Buffs’ icons caused by an outside source, not by an item action triggered by the player, will blink for the first 3 seconds
Intersection block shapes
Added a Critical Hits journal entry
Block shapes that play nice with the new counter mounted sink mesh
Entity physics rigidbody uses the actual mass
Block model entity enables LOD fading
Trader to Trader quests at each quest tier.
Expand the LootQuantity passive to affect whole containers
Super corn can be used to craft glue
Current POI to player section of debug panel
Biome node system
Trader Hugh now specializes in firearms, gun parts, and ammo
Trader Rekt specializes in food and seeds
OptionsGfxResetRevision to allow resetting on startup
Hotzone settings for Nav Object Compass settings
Dimming of sun and moon light from high fog and moon phase
Worldglobal xml fogPower
Journal entry for stealth
New polished hardwood floors
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Random Gen Improvements Random world generation has undergone a few changes to help improve generation.

Biome generation – We have made biomes random in placement and size to allow for less predictable layouts.
Trader World Placement – Trader world placement was separated from regular wilderness POI placement so it could be made more predictable.
Player Spawns – Initial player spawns were changed to make starting out easier for new players.
POI Distribution – We have improved Random Gen in to use every POI possible in the game so players will see the breadth of content like never before. Random Worlds can now have over 500 unique POIs that can spawn!

Animation Improvements Added rigs and content created for support on new weapons and tools including: Impact Driver, Auto Shotgun, Desert Eagle, Sharpshooter Rifle, Double Barrel Shotgun (reworked model), Junk Drone, Junk Sledge, and Ratchet.
Added fall/land animations to support new fall-down syst... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

AI that fall when target above or unreachable side will also increase nearby zombie’s destroy area chance
AI partial path picking may choose lower paths if lower AI intelligence and less dumb AI will pick higher paths over time
Bear pain resistance, moved pain to an anim layer, so can still move and doubled health
Pain resistance on all animals and anim layer on boar, deer, mountain lion and wolf
Zombie Hit layer
Create Bear Swimming animations
Swim state to deer and wolf
Trader head tracking
Zombie random move speeds based on difficulty
Blood moon spawner will instead spawn a radiated vulture 50% of time if target is in a vehicle
Blood moon zombies will 50/50 teleport closer or die if target player is far away
Blood moon zombies have an increased loot drop rate after every x have spawned
Blood moon vultures always see and chase at any distance
Blood moon vultures chase vehicles at 250% speed
Vultures can now ... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
New Weapons & Items We added several new tools and weapons:

Tech level 3 – we’ve added a whole new line of weapons to give you the firepower you will need to face future special infected, bandits and more!

Desert Vulture – This .44 magnum caliber pistol packs some serious stopping power and is governed by the gunslinger skill.
Automatic shotgun – This new tech level 3 firearm sports a large drum magazine and allows use of the trigger group automatic mod to unlock full automatic weapon fire mode makes it the most devastating short range shotgun in the game. If you like to see limbless zombies and superior crown control, this is the weapon for you.
Sniper Rifle – This 762 sniper rifle has a larger magazine, fire rate, better handling and superior damage to the hunting rifle and marksman rifles.
Impact Driver – This tech level 3 tool is the fastest way to harvest mechanical items. Strip down cars and mechanical items down in seconds!
Tech level 2
... Read more
    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Note that this is not currently Stable.
Linear Color Space Lighting Alpha 19 has gotten a huge visual upgrade with the switch to Linear Color Space Lighting. We have finally achieved full PBR Physically Based Rendering and all of the art has been adjusted to look better and compatible with it. Normal maps look better, bright lights don’t wash out the scene and so much more. It’s hard to describe why it looks better you’ll have to play it to see for yourself.

The video option to adjust gamma has been changed to brightness, so it works with the new lighting. It also has a more balanced range of darker to lighter adjustment.

Lights now use a priority system, so close lights are updated rapidly to reduce visible jumps in their intensity and range.

Interactive Loading Screen We added a brand new interactive loading screen with over 20 tool-tips on how to play the game from basic to advanced. The user can cycle back and forth through them and learn how... Read more
    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct


TFP are proud to announce the Alpha 19 Streamer Weekend June 26th-June 28th. The participating streamer list and full release notes are below. Free Keys! Streamer Weekend Current Release Notes

We hope you guys will be enjoying Alpha 19 as much as we are!

Have a great weekend!

18 Jun

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ⚜Смэагол⚜ #Hot19 #Mor: Use nexus
I don't recommend that for this title at all. Nexus is only good if it's the primary platform for the game. Like Skyrim.

For 7 Days, the official forum is the best place. That's where most mods originate from. Some authors may use the Nexus for file hosting, but actual mod information and support is on the forum.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Because the modding platform hasn't been finalized yet.

Steam workshop will be available once that has been done. Which will happen once the game is closer to being finished.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
They don't want to add steam workshop until post release so that huge swathes of mods aren't forced into deprecation by changes to the underlying foundation of the game. Workshop support IS planned, but, it won't be til post release...Or late beta at the earliest.

28 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Lelo Mariin:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: You’re right that the biomes barely change. In fact, there’s only one biome map, which is used in one of four rotations. The devs know this isn’t great. It’s a band-aid while they work more on RWG.

Generating the maps takes longer than in A16 and earlier because it’s generating the entire map up front. This technique has advantages over the old method of generating chunks at runtime as you approach them.

Nitrogen ...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You’re right that the biomes barely change. In fact, there’s only one biome map, which is used in one of four rotations. The devs know this isn’t great. It’s a band-aid while they work more on RWG.

Generating the maps takes longer than in A16 and earlier because it’s generating the entire map up front. This technique has advantages over the old method of generating chunks at runtime as you approach them.

Nitrogen is cool. :steamhappy:

27 May

    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys!
We just sent out the second wave of tester invites.
We did lock the thread because as of right now we are not looking to do another round of invites.

For A20 pre-testing we will be selecting people based on how well they report bugs during A19 experimental and stable, instead of creating a thread like this one.

So if you did not get picked, really show us your bug reporting skills as soon as experimental releases.

25 May

    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Locked this thread.
Wave 2 is coming soon.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kitty: It is not balanced at all. Fix it. Or else you're probably gonna lose gamers right now. I didn't play 4 years for this and that attitude to come down on me.
Oh, and this is funny considering that the game's player base has steadily increased over the past 4 years. So much so that it hasn't left Steams top 100 selling games.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You set xp % to be boosted so your gamestage increases more than you have time to gather resources for?

The game is balanced fine for playing at default settings. So either you maxed exp to level fast and kicked yourself in the ass, or just have trouble fighting zeds.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Lowest blood moon count with two people would be...8 zombies total (4 each)? You cant fight off 8 zombies at a time with 2 people?

You must have dramatically changed other settings such as EXP gain to values way outside the norm and subsequently leveled WAY more than you should have before the horde night on day 7 in order to get demolishers on the first horde night; when normally they should be being encountered by day 21+ at the earliest under normal play. If you change settings willy nilly without knowing what might happen, the result is on your head when the game crashes down on you.

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to be in camp 'git gud' for once. There are people that play solo and do 64 horde count hordes on the highest difficulty with always run zombies. Anyone playing with default settings solo is doing 8 zombies at a time.

But you and your friend can't do half of that (4 zombies) each..? And on the lowest difficulty setting at that, in which... Read more

03 May

    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Round 1 invites have been sent to you via PM.

If you did not receive an invite, please be patient. We may have another round of invites at a later date.

30 Apr


    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
At this time, yes; The traders are the only NPC's in the game. Other NPC's, particularly hostile bandits, should be coming in the next alpha or two.