7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

04 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
At the end of the day, It's not a realistic survival game. It's a Survival Sandbox game. That means that You have some pretty hefty responsibility to define the rules of play that you engage with in order to have a good time- If you just sit in the sandbox and expect the sand to jump into the shape of a castle, or a dragon, or whatever, You're gonna have a bad time.

Death is meaningless- Unless you enforce a play rule of total loss or permadeath as Mithrandir says. Trader quests are repetetive IF you allow yourself to just run them over and over repetitiously; Some users simply never speak to a trader at all, others like myself limit them to one a day at most.

It's your sandbox. You wield a great deal of power to align the rules in a way that you have fun with. They won't just align themselves for you, it's not a linear story game where all the rules are spelled out and set up ahead of time and you just walk down the linear path to glory.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think they already made some changes to the mountain lion anims since then.

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Dragon_Dude1: 10 years later and the game still runs worse than GTA5 in 8k 560Hz on my samsung smart fridge

There's your problem right there. You should only have at most one of them installed on your smart fridge at a time.


    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Q: Is the current A21 version of the game as well as recollections of A20 and A19 a good representation of the 1.0 update?

A: No. Listing off features and characteristics of current and past versions that are outdated since the dev team has been working towards 1.0 this past year is inaccurate. The best time to judge whether 1.0 meets your own personal expectations is once you've been able to play the experimental build and see what progress has been made.

Q: Is the UI considered to be in final form?
A: No. Despite the 1.0 tag there are plans to overhaul the UI post launch. There has been no communication from TFP claiming that they believe the current UI is consdered finished. Therefore, the 1.0 tag isn't a statement that it is.

Q: Is the game being released as 1.0 their idea of a finished game?
A: No. They have not tried in any way to pass off the game as a finished product. They have clearly stated that it needs more work but that they are a... Read more

03 May

The Fun Pimps is proud to present our 1.0 Gameplay Trailer. 7 Days to Die is an epic post-apocalyptic survival horror game set in the voxel world of Navezgane. This trailer showcases how far the game has come and how the 1.0 version looks today.

7 Days to Die will launch into 1.0 this June on Steam, with a follow up launch on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S shortly afterward in July. We will have definite release dates soon, so stay tuned! Be sure to buy the Alpha 21 version on Steam while the game remains at the Early Access Price of $24.99. When 1.0 Launches, the price will increase to $44.99

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
For existing PC owners it means literally nothing, You already own the game, You don't have to spend more, you don't have to rebuy it, there's no additional payment, and it's not pay to win.

Anyone who doesn't already own 7DTD after that date will have to buy it at the new price point.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I improved night vision months ago. White phosphorus.

02 May

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Should be the box, but I have not swapped it out yet.

I suppose that is when we will get to it. XeSS is not even on my radar, so that would make it not planned. These gfx features don't just drop in. They tend to cause a lot of issues.

01 May

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You might look into modding the spectrum of different biomes. As I recall that’s how the game does post processing color correction, so the desert looks ‘hot’, the wasteland looks bleak, etc. The last time I looked into it, I was only able to choose a different spectrum rather than adjust the colors within a predefined spectrum.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Mithrandir: I may be wrong too, but I think he meant to drop building blocks like frames. They can turn into rubble. If I'm right, it's no waiting, just dropping and wasting some frames.

Oh yeah, if you can just toss them one at a time out of your inventory then that would be even faster than hoping a tower topples in. Try both of these OP and see which works well to fill the gaps.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by James: I'm just gonna go on record and say that this is a terrible workaround. So what, people are supposed to hang around the 3 wide ditch for hours and hope zombies appear and then hope they drop a loot bag (with very little chance) and then wait even longer for the bag to turn and create rubble block. All of this just to be able to get to a trader? Edit: Maybe I'm just understanding this wrong?

I think it is more like you make towers of blocks at the edge and then remove the bottom block so that a bunch of blocks tumble and fall into the pit and turn into rubble. I don't think that loot bags even turn into rubble. I think they just despawn.

This isn't TFP's "official workaround". It's just s... Read more
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Many things are in the works. 😁

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I asked the QA guys about this and they said it has been necessary in order allow the trader compound to be near other POIs. They hope to create a better solution but in the meantime if you use the drop chance for blocks to turn to rubble you might be able to fill the hole that way.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Cor.: Remove LBR

Replace with LBD
I'd argue that those are two different things though. One is a skill system, one is a crafting progression system. One boosts your overall character capabilities as you do a variety of tasks, the other only unlocks crafting recipes.

On the topic... Hmm. I'd remove crafted vehicles. Ditch the crafted vehicles and Make it possible to select the ones on the road and swap parts between them to get a working roadster in a way similar to the old weapon crafting system; Stats vary from vehicle to vehicle, a sedan might carry more, a sportsy-car would be faster, etc.

I think vehicles would be a bit more interesting that way, and you could swap and tune up y... Read more

30 Apr

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
For the record, the last thread on this was locked. A new thread would need to (constructively) offer something new on the subject.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
What will change will be users actually looking at the pinned threads before posting! No, no..that'll never happen..

Joke aside, There's a pinned thread that covers most/all of the currently available information.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by leithj0102: Where can I craft the how at? Lmao
The Hoe has been long removed from the game; You no longer farm by crafting a hoe and tilling random dirt, instead you collect materials to build 'Farm Plot' blocks.

Locking the thread since it's from 2016 and the info within is no longer relevant to the current state of the game.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Or maybe have a dead zone of just one block wide so the gap can still be leaped.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This thread already exists, and is recent even. Please take a look around before you post.