7DTD is not a PVP centric game. The extent of support for pvp on the developer side went about as far as, when they implemented a friendly fire feature, extending that feature to being able to kill strangers/other players normally.
Nothing about the game is balanced or designed around PVP and likely never will be, as PVP is not a focus of the devs nor a particularly planned feature- It's just that the community made a request to extend friendly fire to be able to kill anyone, and it was a simple enough change that could also benefit PVE on some levels.
Nevertheless, there's a small but seemingly healthy subset of PVP players, and mods and server extensions to flesh out the PVP experience for those interested.
The game is, as Sylen said, built for 8 people; This hasn't really stopped PVP centric servers from upping to 20+ players.
But from what I've seen/heard, most/all of the PVP servers have insane loot and exp gain rate or downright s...
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