Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

12 Nov

    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Charles_Wise
I did verify the files and the issue is still present.
Thank you for confirming!

I will report this to our team and also look into the second issue you reported

All the best!
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Charles_Wise
No, this is a hassle and my initial post with the screenshot is sufficiently clear! Thanks.

I appreciate where you're coming from. The image helps us understand your issue however it doesn't show how the issue is reproduced; this is the most important data we can gather, as our testing team may not face the same issue.

Let's try to gather a bit more information, then I will forward what we have to our testing team -

- Does this only happen with farms, or other buildings too?
- How long have you noticed this issue?

My suggestion would be to verify game files, that may resolve your issue: ... Read more
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by UMOarsman
I'm having the same issue as well. Is there any fix?
Hello! We don't have a fix for this issue at this time, thagozu seems to be the only player that has reported this and we have no way of reproducing it.

Would it be possible to provide an issue of the issue please? Were there any steps in particular leading up to this stage that may have caused the issue?

Thank you!
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Aladdin104
Hi everyone

I'm playing Anno 1800 in a co-op multiplayer savegame for quite some time. Since Land of Lions/Ubisoft Connect update we are experiencing the same error in multiple versions of our latest save game: we start the save game, it has completed loading and then the game freezes and a few seconds later it reads "data collection finished - continue or quit". Since continuing does not work, quitting is the only option. Restarting Anno 1800 and reloading the save game (including older versions) does not work.

The save game itself is not damaged since we were both able to load and play the save game in single player mode. Both multiplayers are in the same (private) wifi and the wifi connection works properly in different p...
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    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

I have seen this kind of crash before, it seems to be relates to the language files.

Please try the following solutions -

- Verify game files:

- Disable background apps:

- Ensure both Ubisoft Connect & Anno 1800 are trusted by your anti-virus and firewall

I hope that helps! ...
    Ubi-Swaggins on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for reaching out and sorry you have encountered this.

Can you provide us with that video you mentioned?

    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Deadmau55555
I have runned into an issue while playing Anno 1800 with the Land of Lions edition.
When I entered that specific world, all the land in that world becomes black. See attached image.

Multiple options have been tested:
Restarting game
Changing settings of graphics
switching worlds

What can I do to resolve this?

edit. screenshot is not shown. Attached the link to the image
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    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by kumo7
Apologies if these have been reported before but I have struggled to find these bugs mentioned anywhere here or on reddit.

1) Getting a propaganda quest from Dr. Hugo coincides with when you are prompted to edit a Newspaper. The bug is that the newspaper prompt ALSO IMMEDIATELY publishes a randomized newspaper right before/simultaneously with the prompt along with any potential negative effects. This creates TWO problems: 1a) the consequences of the negative affects of the newspaper article which you can in no way prevent and, 2a) the automatically published newspaper now present in your Archive which makes it a permanent consequence on your save file.

2) If you are being prompted by a newspaper publish prompt + timer AND try to ...
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    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello Misiek!

This doesn't appear to be a known issue. Are you perhaps able to provide a video or images of what you see? It may help us reproduce the issue ourselves.

Perhaps this was a one-off instance, or maybe it can easily be reproduced.

Thank you!
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

The information I have available is that the system works as MadamCurie suggests.

If however you believe it is working incorrectly, a video would be much appreciated. We can review it and work on a fix if it is not working as intended

Thank you!
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by MrScarfac
Hello i bought anno in russia and i want to play it in English but in settings there are only Russian language why?

Many Ubisoft games purchased on the Russian store will only include 1-2 language, not including English. The reason for this is because the price to purchase the game is much cheaper than the rest of the world.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Finalflash07
Hi, Thank you for your feedback.
After building more scholars I can confirm Emperor Ketema is offering 12 items as well as Ghebbi Diorama.
Hey! That's great news, thank you @Jonas_One for you help!

Regarding the "Insert Image" function on our forums, this is designed to only work from an online source, such as Imgur.

    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by LOTBH
After the last update I found Bright Sands flooded playing in campaign mode. Al buildings are there but the island itself is "flooded". It's water instead of land for the whole island.

I'm sorry you are facing this issue, that is incredibly unusual.

Would it be possible to provide a video, or images please?

In the meantime, I recommend trying verifying game files: h... Read more
    Ubi-Baron on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@kdkfk Thank you for reporting this to us.

Would you be able to provide a video of that? Are you able to load a different save slightly before first accepting the follow up?

One step that can sometimes work, is trying to nudge them or push them by running into them.

    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by WanderngSpirit
When you start Ubisoft Connect, go to the Properties Tab then go to the following in this order:

Game launch arguments section

Add command line arguments

What are the command line arguments?

I tried looking into this for you, however we don't appear to have a list stored internally or in a support article. Hopefully another community member can assist you here but if not, I'm sure there will be guides and lists online.

Thank you!
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Storellian
I had a Scholar Quest requiring me to find 3 Scrolls and show them off in the museum.

I managed to get two of them (Heimskringla and Song of Odysseus) but the third one either doesn't exist or has been mispelled.

Quest asks for Song of Ilyas.

Closest I can find is Song of Ilion.

I'd maxed out research on museum exhibits, and there is no Song of Ilyas available, and using the Song of Ilion does not complete the quest.

(Alas I did not take a sceenshot and have moved on since then)

Thank you for reporting this!

I raised it with our Anno team and they advised they are... Read more
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone!

I can see this thread has recently regained some life, let's try to solve your issues.

Here are our known crashing issues -

- Donating "A Child's Letter" - We are investigating
- Reach the New World - Investigating, we would like save files to help us
- DirectX unexpected error - A fix was previously implemented and it seems to have worked. We troubleshoot this on an individual basis.
- Windows 7 - Making sure Ubisoft Connect's overlay is enabled should stop the crashes

Hopefully this information helps! If your crash does not reflect the above and you're unsure how to proceed, let me know!

The following support article should help with most crashing issues: ... Read more
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone!

This doesn't appear to be normal behaviour, I believe this is a bug and I will report it.

Originally Posted by jans222
same for me
Originally Posted by quetsch05
same exact thing here... i hope they patch this otherwise my 100+h savegame is toast ...
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    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Clickbeetle
Here is video for the bug with another quest, but the same happens for the quest with books
Thank you very much!

Can you please confirm the name of the quest in the video? Also, have you noticed a pattern to the type of quests affected?

We're trying to learn as much as we can, to help us reproduce the issue ou... Read more
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello again!

I forwarded a suggestion to the Ubisoft Connect team for us to have a support article listing the launch arguments, it is a very good idea.

Although I don't have an ETA or any guarantees at this time, I hope to see the support article in the near future

All the best!