Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

15 Nov

    Ubi-Baron on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for contacting us.

The higher level upgrade materials should drop/be placed in Chests in higher level areas and you cannot get them in the early level zones.

If you are consistently unable to loot fabric, please provide screenshots or a short video clip demonstrating this for us to review.

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there guys!

The team are looking into issues with certain legacy titles, including Anno 1800 where Ubisoft Connect rewards haven't been unlocking properly.

Rest assured this is under investigation at the moment, sorry for the inconvenience caused!
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by pewp3wonline
Ah btw. I am the same person as pewp3w, this is just another account I had to create for anno1404 online play. The second problem is still occuring.
Hey pewp3wonline,

Thanks for letting me know!

The team are also already looking into issues regarding being unable to dive in certain locations, so please keep an eye on the forums for updates!
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Saefr35

I am posting here as a last resort, to find help to solve my problem which is annoying me considerably with Anno 1800.

My game, since I bought the Season Pass 2, doesn't run anymore. I was able to launch a game for the first time, which lasted several hours, and since two months, it has been impossible to launch the game. It freezes on the Ubisoft Connect loading screen, runs in a infinite loop of loading, without any error message or information in the logs.

I created a support ticket that couldn't help me, and I've already been able to perform a considerable number of actions, without it making any difference. In an exhaustive way :

I modified "DX12" for "DX11" in the config available in Documents/An...
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    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by TaperToe343
Oh well, I guess I'll just wait for it to be fixed
Hey there,

I've merged your thread here as it's for the same issue.

quetsch05, thank you for the screenshot!

Mr_Muscle, I don't suppose you have a link to this Forum thread or message as this will be something interesting to look into further.

Thanks guys!
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by countoftuscany1
I just downloaded loaded Anno 1800 a few days ago and it plays fine for about an hour and then it will just hang mid-game. Sometimes it's a CTD other times it freezes and the only way out is to force a PC reset. Definitely not a spec issue since I'm on a i9-10900k, 128gb RAM and geforce 3090. Also this morning I noticed I was getting massive flickering of some of the graphics mid game before it crashed. Tried all the usual things: verifying files, reinstall, changing to direct x11 etc...none of that has helped.
Hey there,

Sorry to see you're having issues!

Do you receive any specific error messages or codes when the game cra... Read more
    Ubi-Baron on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@Jubblator Thank you for reporting this to us, we're sorry top hear that's been the case.

Looks like we posted at the same time there! We are aware of this occurring with the Left Hand bound to RMB and this is something the team are looking into.

14 Nov

    ubi-smash on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Quit213, I am very sorry for the disappoint this has caused during your experience in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla. Please know that our team is currently investigating this issue on all platforms including PS5. In the meantime, we truly appreciate your patience and understanding.

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Brumiros
The amount of items depends on your progression. If you've got more than 6 (which was default before AFAIK), it already means you're gonna get the 12. Just develop more your empires, have more population
Hey Brumiros,

Thank you very much for your help with this one and letting players know before we could!

Much appreciated!
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by TitanQsilva
Ubsoft tá sempre criando dlc para o jogo anno 1800.
Mais fica aqui a minha pergunta.
Quando é que nós dara o privilegio do idioma, em portugues, e portugal?
Pois é muito decepcionante jogar com idioma que não sabemos.
Hello TitanQsilva,

Welcome to the Forums.

I'm afraid we can only offer Support via this platform in English. If you're able to translate your message we'd be happy to assist.

I've also moved your thread to the correct Anno 1800 Forum, as this was under Anno 2070, so please check as to where you're posting.

Thank you!
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Stevelke

just bought season pass 1. in connect, store and in the game it shows activated. but when i want to start the game it asks for an activationcode.

checked mail, but no code received. neither in connect.
in the store it says it should be activated automatically.

where can i find that activation code.


Hey there Stevelke,

Welcome to the Forums!

When purchasing content from Ubi Store, it should be automatically activated on your account.

Can you please provide a screenshot of when you are prompted to enter the key?

Thank you! ...
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Charles_Wise
See the difference with old world trading post:

Hey Charles_Wise,

This was checked in with the team who have confirmed that this is indeed a bug.

It is being looked into at the moment, however we don't have any updates at the moment, sorry for the inconvenience!

We'll update the thread as and when we hear more

Thank you for reporting this!
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Galdar1961

Waha Desher's chief wants to buys two frigates, but when I send those ships to his warehouse, nothing happens, and the control keys stay grey. It is possible to sell clippers and shooners, but the chief still want frigates. I thought the new update will resolve this bug, but no. I play french langage version.
Hey there Galdar1961

Thank you for reporting this, this doesn't appear to yet be a known issue.

So we can discuss this with the game team, would it be possible to provide a clip demonstrating this in-game?

Much appreciated!
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Charles_Wise
See screenshot, the text overflows to next line

Hey there Charles_Wise,

Thanks for reporting this, we'll pass this onto the team to make them aware!
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by tezines
I just purchased the ANNO 1800 complete edition from Ubisoft Connect.

My order history confirms the purchase of this game, but my game library does not show this game.

How can I solve this problem? (Order Number 1015257943)

Any help would be appreciated.
Hey there tezines,

Welcome to the Forums!

It can take up to 24hrs from the point of purchase for digital content to be delivered.

If 24hrs have passed and the game still isn't in your account, please get in touch through our ... Read more
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by jodansas
The rewards in ubisoft club are green checked as obtained, but in game i cant choose any as they appear as bloqued.

thanks for the help,in advance
best regards
Hey there,

Welcome to the Forums!

We are aware in a ... Read more
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by PouleY
Hi Ubi-Orion,

I doesn't have a video, but, i've a screenshot:

Thanks for that PouleY!

We'll pass this onto the team, however if you're able to capture a clip demonstrating those steps you've listed, this would be incredibly beneficial for the team
... Read more
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by ChrysMeth
Servus Anno Freunde,
Ich würde Euch gerne mal mein Problem bei Anno schildern (kurz und bündig)

1)Neuer Patch drauf/incl Land der Löwen (lief alles stabil)
2) Forschungsinstitut gebaut (immer noch alles gut)
3) Items die ich nicht mehr brauche gespendet (läuft auch noch alles)
4)Forschung angeworfen (30min) Ihr kennt das =)

Und plötzlich ZACK Absturz.Immer an der gleichen Stelle.
Hat das noch jemand?

Mein PC sollte das aushalten (Nicht gerade der beste aber es reicht auf High.

Graka: Radeon RX 580 Nitro+ 8GB GDDR5

AMD Ryzen 5 2600x Six Core

Ram 16

Neu installiert,updates von allem gemacht.

Kann das sein das mein Savegame was abbekommen h...
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    Ubi-Woofer on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for sharing what worked for you, MonsterMan33!

avgergamer and KXkenetics, can you please confirm whether you have customised any controls that could be causing a conflict? If not, and you're using the defaults, could you possible capture a short video clip demonstrating the issue you're encountering with using your fishing line?

    Ubi-Swaggins on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@darkstar_aut I am sorry to hear you are missing gear.

Did you perform any specific actions like swapping weapons in dual wield or using a torch prior to this happening?