Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

28 Oct

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Nessa_Arnatulie

I'll add to that to our report on this so it can be checked too, thanks!

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Let us know if you've provided your save file through a support ticket as mentioned above by Ubi-MrM and we'll make sure to grab those and forward them on to the dev team if they haven't been already.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @anel933

Please can you check through the steps in this article and see if there's anything you haven't tried yet, as we just need to rule out any of the most common causes of issues on PC first of all.

Another good thing to try is to close Ubisoft Connect, go to your cache folder in your Ubisoft Connect directory and rename your cache folder to something like "cachebackup". Then see if you still have an issue.

If you still have issues after these steps, please can you provide your system specs too?

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @carysam

Please could you let us know if you see any error messages and what they say exactly when trying to sync?

Also, when you say "loading the save can't get any new gaming process compared with latest local save" do you mean you can load the save game, progress in the game a bit, but it just doesn't save after you exit the game?

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Humility925

Thanks for the image. I'll forward this to the game team to look into that and hopefully get it corrected 🙂

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

No worries @AORUS2017, thanks 🙂

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the images and report of this too @DocSholto. I've added them to our report about this for the dev team to look into

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

Thanks for your patience whilst this is being looked into. A fix is planned for a future update but I'm afraid I don't have a date at this time and I understand the workaround mentioned in this thread isn't ideal but hopefully it won't be much longer for this to be resolved.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @GameOfTitan

I understand, thanks. You can try just verifying the game files rather than a full reinstallation.

In Ubisoft Connect - Select "Properties" located underneath the "Play" button and then select "verify files"

If you still have an issue with it, could you upload your save files somewhere we can access them or send them to us through a support ticket / live chat ...

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    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @moeri271

We are aware of an issue where Anno 1800 will not launch with some Nvidia graphics cards on certain resolutions. 

The issue was identified for Nvidia RTX 2070 and 2080 with 1080p and 1440p resolutions in conjunction with DirectX 12.

We are currently investigating the issue but that's the only graphics cards we are aware of it happening with and a workaround is to launch the game with DirectX 11 instead, so maybe this will also help with yours.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Glad to hear that @Scott_Harrison, thanks for letting us know 🙂

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Eriksrocks

Don't worry, we know it wasn't. The last update didn't intend to address this issue and we still have an open bug investigation for this.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @JohChal

I'm sorry to hear there's a similar issue happening for you on this quest too. If you could also upload a zip file of your save file affected by this somewhere we could access it, or through a support ticket on our site ...

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    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


No worries, I'll pass on the information that you've provided here and report it as a bug and see if the team can identify it as not working as it should be too. We'll let you know if they need any additional info.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @GameOfTitan

Thanks for the images showing this and don't worry about your English at all, it's fine 🙂

Do you know when this started happening? And what you had just done before you noticed it happening?

As it may be linked to a certain patch or something you did in game that causes it, so it would be useful info for the team to know when we...

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26 Oct

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Thanks for reporting this. I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended. Do you know if others are able to do this, like have you seen videos where people have or been able to do it before playing the DLC or with other ships?

Or is anyone else able to confirm that you should be able to?

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @dotnettex

I'm sorry to hear it isn't saving the setting for the next time you play. I'll report this and ask it to be looked into and see if there's a way to manually change it in the file.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Humility925

 I can see there is an issue with the Arctic Gas versions of Pegasus and Zephyr Airships have their Upkeep Costs mixed up and this should be fixed in an upcoming patch, but I can pass on your feedback regarding this still.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for adding that @Synchronos357 🙂

Please let us know if that was all it was ...

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