Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

03 Oct

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the reports of this guys, we appreciate it!

I've gone ahead and raised this to the game team to take a look.

We'll let you know as and when we have more information on this!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for this @hundreAd1800 - this is indeed the case and should hopefully be resolved soon.

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for raising this @hundreAd1800 !

Are you only finding this to be the case for these specific modifiers / Caribou Hunting Cabin?

Or all buildings?

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @TomaszMajewski

Thanks for reaching out - which island did you lose ownership for?

Was it just the one?

And did you lost it only after winning Silver?

Any screenshot examples you can share would also be appreciated.

Thank you!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for raising this to us @blendmode !

I've passed this onto the game team.

Should we have any updates, we'll let you know.

And if you encounter any issues with any other icons, please let us know!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys,

Thanks for reporting this to us @hundreAd1800 - I've noted this to the team.

@blendmode - have you attempted any ...

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    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you very much for reporting this to us @Tr0u64d1x !

I've passed this onto the team to investigate.

If we get any updates, we'll let you know and of course if encounter any other similar image issues, please let us know!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @Wrzosek_

Thanks for reaching out and reporting this to us!

Would it be possible to please capture a short video of this as well as share a copy of your affected save file?

We can then raise this to the team to investigate.

Thank you!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the reports and updates @hundreAd1800!

Have you seen this or any other instances of cut-off text since this?

Please keep us in the loop if it does occur again!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report @hundreAd1800!

I've passed it onto the team!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys,

Thanks for reaching out and reporting this!

Did this begin after completing construction?

Are the fireworks constantly going off? Or has the animation stalled and is just stuck around the building?

Also, is the game / building functional or does the building become unusable?

Thank you!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for bringing this to our attention guys, I've noted this to the team to look into.

When we have more information, we'll let you know here.

Much appreciated!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for raising this @hundreAd1800, I've passed it onto the team.

If we need any more details, we'll let you know!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for raising this @SerikaG, I've passed it onto the team.

Should we need any further information, we'll let you know!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for getting back to us @hundreAd1800 - I've shared this update with the team.

We don't have the exact status just yet, but should we need anything more, we'll let you know!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @gordon_chase

Thanks for reaching out.

We appreciate that the troubleshooting steps provided can be cumbersome and time consuming, however please understand that when it comes to very broad and vague issues, such as connectivity ones - these steps are key in allowing us to assist players further.

As it stands, we have no ruled out any local causes that may be preventing you from connecting / the game not loading and have no details on your system / network - as such, there is no information for the team to use to launch and investigation. This being isolated so far, also makes it tricky to investigate.

If you're able to complete the steps to no effect, please let us know and we can continue to look into this with ...

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    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there guys,

This is still under investigation with the team at the moment - as such, we cannot provide a time frame at this time.

The team have requested impacted saves though, preferably one save in a broken state and another just before the 'Another Conspiracy Unmasked' appears.

Please share them here via a link to cloud storage or send them via our Help Site.

I've also pinned this for better visibility (this is not an indication that the issue is 'resolved', rather this is to allow key information to be more visible to those who view this thread, should an update be shared, we will...

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    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there guys,

Thanks for reaching out, sorry to hear the game is crashing for you!

May we please know the specs of the PCs you're using (GPU, CPU, RAM, OS, Laptop / Desktop)?

And could you please ensure you've completed all of the steps listed in our troubleshooting guide?

Please let us know how you're getting on!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for this @blendmode - I've passed that onto the team.

If you come across anything similar elsewhere in-game, please let us know!