Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

04 Oct

    Ubi-Ciel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @Mastada2006 and welcome to the Ubisoft Discussions!

I'm sorry to hear that your influence dropped in Anno 1800. As I can see you mentioned the use of mods, it is possible that the situation is caused by the use of it. Since we cannot pinpoint the issue or escalate it, I recommend removing the mod you're using.

    Ubi-Ciel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @hundreAd1800,

Could you share as much information as you can regarding the situation with us, please?

    Ubi-Ciel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @blendmode,

Thanks for sharing those screenshots with us! So we can better understand the situation and share it to our dev team, could you share more images/information regarding this issue? Also, are you using mods for the game?

    Ubi-Ciel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys,

I can confirm that this issue is currently under investigation by the dev team. To help with their investigation, though, they will need the following:

  • Your saves.
  • Your DxDiag.
  • Any pointers as to when the issue appears, whether it happens right after loading the game or after certain actions.
  • If it reappears after loading a save.

To share these with us, I recommend ...

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    Ubi-Ciel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @Vasylberg,

I understand you couldn't see the Great Eastern in Anno 1800. As @Macs1209, this is because you need to complete an Archibald quest in order to u...

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    Ubi-Ciel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @blendmode !

I understand you've noticed that the Postal Service and the Theatre don't need road connection. As explained by @Macs1209, this behaviour is ind...

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    Ubi-Ciel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @AORUS2017, and thanks for getting back to us with this video and information.

I can see that the case you opened with our colleagues over at the Ubisoft Support has been escalated. Once the dev team gets back to them, they will in return get back to you via email 😊

    Ubi-Ciel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @Wrzosek_, and thanks for getting back to us with this information.

The video you shared is private, so we are unable to watch it and forward it to the dev team for investigation. Could you please unlist it to make it available to us?

    Ubi-Ciel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @Yanarix and welcome to the Ubisoft Discussions!

I understand you're unable to activate mail in Anno 1800. Could you please let us know if you've changed your buildings' styles and if you have any mods installed? If so, could you list which ones? Also, since the latest update came out, have you performed a full reinstallation of the game? If not, please reinstall bothΒ ...

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    Ubi-Ciel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys!

I can confirm that this issue is indeed under investigation by the dev team, should they need any more information to help them, I will get back to you all 😊

    Ubi-Ciel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @hundreAd1800,

I can confirm that this is working as intended, but I will forward your feedback to the dedicated team 😊

    Ubi-Ciel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys and thanks for getting back to us with more information 😊

The dev team got back to us asking for the following details in order to expand their investigation:

  • What is the CPU/GPU models and RAM being used?
  • What are the screen model/s being used?
  • Is the game modded?
  • What is the size of the saves?

03 Oct

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you very much for taking the time to share this with us @TomD , as well as for the screenshots, we appreciate it!

I've passed all of the details of this on to the team so they can look into this, as it is a little bit extreme being able to level up in this way so quickly!

Should we hear anything more on this, we'll keep you in the loop here.

Thank you!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the responses guys, I've raised this to the team.

In the meantime - have any of you sent us your system files as requested?

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @blendmode

Thanks for reaching out.

It does appear that this is working as it should be, but if you could capture any video / screenshot examples, we'd be more than happy to run this by the team to confirm!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there guys,

Thanks for your reports on this!

This has indeed been raised to the team who are currently investigating, as you shouldn't receive penalties for lifestyle needs.

When we hear more on this, we'll keep you in the loop!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for getting back to us with this @Synchronos357!

The team have since been able to establish a fix for this which will be released in a future update.

We can't confirm the exact date of this update just yet, but when more information is available, we'll let you know.

Thank you for you assistance in reporting and investigating this!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for reporting this to us @Tr0u64d1x !

I've gone ahead and forwarded this to the team.

Should we hear anything further, we'll let you know!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for getting back to us @hundreAd1800 and for the save.

I've passed all of this information onto the game team to investigate.

Should we need more details, we'll let you know!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for this @Asterix201252!

Just checking in @blendmode to see if you're able to see this information under Lifestyle Needs?