Rainbow Six Extraction

Rainbow Six Extraction Dev Tracker

01 Feb


@mendigod7 Understood. At this point, I'd recommend that you reach out to our Support Team via our Support Website, ...

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Thanks for sending across this feedback, @sharper209 - I understand it can be frustrating to lose progress and an operator after a disconnect. I've passed your feedback about this on to our internal teams.

In the meantime, I'd like to suggest running through our connectivity guide. In particular, from that article, please remember to reset your network hardware, switch to a wired connection (if possible, and if you aren't already), and check for software conflicts that might be causing interference (such as downloaders). This will help ...

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Hey there @hteiknokeelf , thanks for confirming that you've tried our troubleshooting steps.

I've gone ahead and created a support ticket on your Ubisoft Connect account - you'll find it by logging in here. Please see ...

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Hey there @xaox_eclipse , welcome to the forums! Sorry to hear you've had trouble accessing your Game Pass games on your Ubisoft Connect account.

It's best to reach out to our teams directly, as they'll be able to take a closer look at your account and determine what the issue is. When contacting us, please include your Ubisoft Connect username or email address, and your Xbox Gamertag, so the agent answering can find your account more quickly. Any of the three links below will work just fine for getting in touch.


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Hey @hjortur333 , thanks for coming back to us and letting us know that this workaround is effective. I can understand that a more robust solution would be preferable. I've merged your thread in with another about the same issue - please see my post above in response to two other players, and answer the same questions, as that'll really help with getting ...

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Thanks for these further ideas, @brun0f53 and @Agent_Ares - seems reasonable to me! I've passed these suggestions on to our teams to look into internally.

Let me know if there's any further thoughts or questions about this.


Hey @kbod8802 , thanks for coming back to us explaining what troubleshooting steps you've tried. It sounds like you've had a frustrating time, and I'd like to help further with this.

We can use a couple of system files to help diagnose the issue. Please see this support article, which describes how to create these system files. Once you've got them both prepared, please let...

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Hey there @max_flipp , thanks for reaching out. I'm sorry to hear you didn't get the expected XP gain from a Maelstrom Protocol session. I'd love to help with this!

As far as I can see, this isn't an issue that has otherwise been reported, so I'd like to investigate further. What happened when you were meant to get XP? Was there an error message? What did the game show when you were on the XP screen after your session?

With a bit more information, I'll be better able to help. Let me know if I can clarify my questions at all 🙂...

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Hey there @gemeneyeone , thanks for your posts. I'm sorry to hear you've had a frustrating experience with Extraction. I'll be happy to help you get it sorted out.

We put a patch out on January 28th which fixed a few problems connected to the integrated/dedicated GPU - this may have helped with the issue you've had of needing to disable your integrated GPU. If it hasn't, please also see ...

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Hey @benjiolary , thanks for reaching out here on the forums. I understand you can't see teammate pings - that's very unusual indeed!

Can you still see your own pings?

Just to make absolutely sure we're talking about the same thing, a ping is when you paint a target - such as a nest - with a marker that you can see through walls. Is this what you're unable to see from teammates, but they can see yours?

Do your teammates see each other's pings?

Please make sure to check our troubleshooting guide, and in particular...

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Hey @rootbeertuna , welcome to the forums! Thanks for reaching out about this, and sorry for the delay in responding. I understand you've not been able to get any games at all to launch via Ubisoft Connect - I'll be happy to help with that.

Please see our troubleshooting guide. In this case, since it is happening with every game, I'd recommend making sure Ubisoft Connect is running with administrator rights, make sure your GPU drivers and Windows install are fully updated, and check for background programs such as firewalls that might be blo...

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Hey there @mrianw , thanks for getting in touch about this. I understand you've been unable to connect using mobile internet shared via USB. My apologies for this.

We aren't always able to support mobile internet connections. This is because, in some cases, these networks are not able to support the sorts of connectivity our games require. Please see this support article, which describes how best to set up a network to allow stable connections, as well as ...

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Hey there @azure_t , thanks for this post!

Just a bit of background in addition to Ubi-SpaceCats' response for you 🙂 Previously, players with the Ubisoft Connect status set to 'Invisible' were receiving this error when trying to connect. However, this should now be ...

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Hey there @aaachu , thanks for getting in touch about this. I understand your game is ignoring your primary monitor - that's most unusual!

Can you tell me which ports you've got them both connected to? Are they both connected to your dedicated GPU's ports, or do you perhaps have one connected to the motherboard's ports?

Please also see our troubleshooting guide, which recommends updating your graphics drivers and operating system, and checking for any background programs that might interfere (such as system or graphics optimisers). Can you try these steps for me, and let me know if they help?

Hey ...

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Hey @joe_plays11 🙂

I've gone ahead and moved your posts to a new thread, since it was a different issue. If you could let me know once you've tried Ubi-Mushy's suggested troubleshooting, that'd be great - we'll be happy to help further if needed!


Hey @tapczan_ , thanks for confirming that for us. I'm sorry to hear you've had low performance. It sounds like the game is still trying to run on your integrated GPU, rather than your dedicated GPU - I'd really like to help you solve that.

You mentioned turning off the integrated GPU - how did you go about that?

We had ...

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Hey there @daisukeserizawa - thanks for letting us know you'd managed to solve the issue. I really appreciate the update!

Hi @KradzKa - sorry to hear you've not be...

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Hey @blastermaster73 , thanks for this image.

We're not blocking Steam links as far as I know - but I can indeed not see the image you've sent across. That said, I can see that our teams have already confirmed that this is indeed an issue and narrowed down when it happens, so we won't need your screenshot for the time being. If that changes, I'll let you know!

Thanks once again for this report - you've been most helpful. Let me know if you've any questions while we investigate this issue 😎...

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Hey @steeve007007 , thanks for posting, and welcome to the forums!

I'm not sure I understand the title, if I'm honest. Do you mean Extraction is crashing back to desktop? If so, please see our troubleshooting guide. In particular from that guide, please make sure you've updated your graphics drivers and operating system, you've verified the game files, and you don't have any unnecessary background programs interfering with the game. 

If I've misunderstood and something else is wrong, please elaborate on what your question or issue i...

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Thanks @saerdryl and @Hidden_Rellik for your insights there! That's most helpful 😎