

14 Jul

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the replies everyone and no worries if you have no further screenshots. If you see anything like this again in future though with missing textures, do try to grab a quick piccy if you can so I can pass this on to QA.

Thanks for also trying to verify your game files, I wanted to see if this issue could be a quick fix to one of the game files, but sadly that's not the case.

I will forward the images from this thread to our investigation, so thanks for providing them. Hopefully, we will be able to patch this graphical glitch in an upcoming update.

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @TheForceMajeure sorry to hear that your game refuses to launch on PC, thanks for supplying that error code.
Could you please follow each step you have yet to try in our tech troubleshooting guide? This guide contains the most common fixes for this issue and will also help rule out if it was caused by hardware, software, corrupted file, Windows settings and out-of-date drivers > ...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @cow_poke our QA team have looked at these videos and has also tested this in-game, they believe the slight difference in the run and stop animation to have actually been part of the character model animation and not an actual glitch, but we are reaching out to our dev team to take a look at this to be absolutely 100% sure, now. I will do my best to let you know the outcome.

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @domrangers32064 thanks for getting in touch with us about your missing character.

My apologies that your support case is still ongoing, I read into your case details and the case is still open and being handled by the relevant team who helps with these particular issues after your case was escalated to another team.
Occasionally some cases may take a while longer to resolve when escalation is needed or we have high contact volumes. Please be assured your case is being looked into and we hope to resolve this issue for you as soon as we are able and ...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @GSMEBB sorry to hear you are unable to connect to the game.

How far do you get in the launch process, do you at least see the title screen? Do you see any error codes pop up or particular error messages when you are unable to connect?

Please also let us know your platform when you can.

If playing on PC, you may wish to check your anti-virus or Windows Defender software is not blocking access to the game or its supporting software from connecting to the internet.


Hello @Dave091102 sorry to hear you have encountered cheaters in the game.

We currently use the Easy Anti-cheat supporting software in the game to help us locate any hackers.

If you come across any cheaters or toxic players, we would like you to report them to us in-game using the Report A Player tool >
If you happen to have video evidence of the cheating taking place, the name of the cheating player, and the time and date of the event, you can send us your video clips via our support site to forward to our Division security team > ...

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13 Jul

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @tmpn9x thank you for getting in touch with us and showing us these images. I have seen this graphical glitch before affecting different platforms as though a texture is missing so will be merging this thread with another.

Can you let me know if this graphical glitch affects certain weapons, items, or any other NPCs and where?

Can you also please try verifying your game files, in case this is caused by a corrupted game file? > ...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @GT_Hawk, thank you for getting in touch with us about your missing character and sorry to hear this.

Please note we are only able to try and recover non-Hardcore characters.

If you have already opened a case with us about this, please make sure to let us know the following information by adding a comment to your case >>


You can add a comment to your case anytime by using this link to access your cases >>  ...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Groldor thanks for getting in touch, if you have opened a case with us about this, we will try to get back to you within 48 hours where possible.

What was it you purchased from the store and was it part of any one-time Division offers for season 9? If so we are in the process of refunding customers who happened to purchase this offer.

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @MusBleedJu as you have purchased the DLC content for the wrong game, I would recommend getting in touch with us for a refund.

I can not guarantee your refund will be approved as the DLC was purchased some time ago, but we have a process for these things so it is worth getting in touch with us about it. Please make sure to attach a full uncropped picture of your purchase if you would like to contact us about this here >> Ubisoft Email/Live Chat support > ...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for your kind words @GhostMstrChief, I'm glad to hear you would like to see some more live streams planned for the game in future. We have some more content scheduled for the game and the franchise in general, here's a post about our upcoming seasons and events that might interest you >


You've been a pleasure to talk ... Read more
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello again everyone, thanks for posting in this thread about the missing final audio log, I've forwarded your comments to our QA so thanks a bunch for letting us know these details and how some of you had to repeat the Manhunt several times or complete a separate manhunt just to unlock the audio.

Our QA team asked us to gather the following information if you could help answer the following >>

  • Did the players complete a manhunt, and then go to give the keys to Kelso after, or did they complete all manhunts and then try to give all the keys at once?
  • In what order did the players complete the manhunts or what order did they kill the rogue agents?
  • Can any of the players provide a video of the issue?
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Nierra thanks for also getting in touch with us about these crashes whilst turning in the Countdown mission.

Our QA team is busy investigating this but are reaching out to players with the following questions, if you could please answer them when you have a moment >>

  • Do you encounter these issues only when playing Countdown in parties or when queueing up solo as well?
  • Do you just get disconnected from the game and receive an error, or does the game crash entirely? 

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Everyone, sorry to hear donating your weapons has accidentally also donated your favourited weapons too that is very unfortunate.

I haven't seen many reports of this occuring adnd we would need a video clip demonstrating this in effect in order to ask our Division team to look into this.

If you are playing on PC, Xbox Gamebar (Windows, Alt and G key) can record up to the last 30 seconds of gameplay, but you must first 'enable background recording' in the Gamebar settings to be able to capture this happening

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @abugazi thank you for getting back in touch with us.

This investigation was put on hold due to our QA team being unable to reproduce it when the previous Global Events were live. I have asked if this could be looked into again for the upcoming event, as the issue was never fully resolved. We will do our best to update you when the next Global Event is live as I understand one has just ended.

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @BP8rson thanks for getting in touch with us about your missing blueprints.

For any content that has been purchased or redeemed and is missing from your game, we would need to take a look at your account in order to investigate the date this redemption was made and if/when they were ever added to your account.

Please contact us on one of the following links for further help with this issue > 
Ubisoft Email/Live Chat > ...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @acika84 thanks for your reply. Can you tell us what platform you were playing on, this would help us check if there were any reported issues on that platform's server?

We have this server status website you can check here for updates at the time of your disconnection >> https://ubistatic-a.akamaihd.net/0115/tctd2/status.html: (https://ubistatic-a.akamaihd.net/0115...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Zaki2010 thanks for your reply!

I am sorry you disconnected from the game and the game did not record your progress. This will have been because the game did not have time to sync your progress in this mission when the crash and disconnect occurred. I apologize this happened to you, we can only advise connection troubleshooting to help prevent this from happening again, obviously, we are unable to restore this type of progress for players if it doesn't synchronize with our servers, so all I can do in this situation is apologize that this happened to you and for an...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Evarr thanks for getting in touch with us about your credits purchase and case.

I have checked your case details and can see you were advised to wait 24 hours and check our FAQ on this, I apologize you have not received them in-game yet.

I've now escalated your case to one of our teams that help with store and purchase issues so hopefully, we will be able to resolve this soon, to keep updated please keep checking your email inbox


Thanks to everyone in this thread for further explaining the levelling system and gear level in more detail and for providing some helpful videos.

Moving this topic to the General Discussion area due to the topic being a gameplay mechanic question rather than a bug report, thank you.