Hey Jeffy141, and everyone else in this thread. If the connection troubleshooting shared earlier in this thread doesn't help, and the other workarounds also do not help, please create a ticket with a screenshot of your...Read more
Hey RA3236, if you are experiencing this issue, please try these steps as it may be a connection issue. If that doesn't help, please create a ticket with your port forwarding.
Hey guys, if you are getting this issue currently, please try these connection steps (Xbox, PS4). If that doesn't help, please create a ticket with a screenshot of your ...Read more
Hey all, if you are experiencing this error outside of a scheduled maintenance time or service outage, please try connection troubleshooting (PC, PS4, Xbox). If you are still getting this error, please ...Read more
Hey Havoc.Wreckage! I recommend trying these steps first. If that doesn't work, it may be a connection issue, in which case these steps might help. If none of that helps, please...Read more