7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

23 Sep


Originally posted by Gamemeister18

I'd never been able to use mods before A19 cause I didn't have a good enough computer to even play it vanilla. Well, right around the time A19 released I got a new laptop. After dying on my vanilla file since I play permadeath I decided to try out something new and tried Darkness Falls. I haven't been able to put that mod down since. It fixes the one major issue I've always had with the game, lack of proper endgame goals.

Sidenote but related, I kinda thought of trying to get into modding since I want to be a game dev and it I thought it might be good practice. Turns out I've been too busy either playing 7D2D or focusing on getting into college lol. That and it's very daunting with literally no coding experience ATM.

College does take precedence, but in your free time you could check out the Khan Academy or something to learn some fundamentals. It doesn't really take much to crate your first little modlet and be proud of it. Good luck with your college apps.

Edit: I can't type.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not intended. Saw a similar thing weeks ago, then seemed fine. Could be a side effect of something. I do have a bug with new stripper zombie missing attacks, which may be just her or others also. I will be looking out for weird stuff, like I always do.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Head offset is generally an issue with the root positions of old art. Root position near front feet would fix that, but you might have lesser butt issues. Low priority, but could be fixed as a part of animal models getting updated someday.

Well, it does require code too and we already have a ton of other features queued up.

We will probably have more choices down the road once we get to it.


Originally posted by Gamemeister18

Yeah, I think 10 is just right. But, I like the challenge the mod provides and I have no idea how to mod myself so I can't change it back to the default but still keep the rest of the mod.

I'll never not be impressed with what the modding community keeps creating. There's a couple I would LOVE to try one day.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Handsome Arrow:
Originally posted by Shurenai: ..Tiny patch? A19 was tiny? O_o Also we're just past the 7 year mark by a month or two- When measuring years you shouldn't round up as it easily over-exaggerates the actual time span.

Heck, A18.0-A18.4 were also within the last 12 months. But 'no significant updates' apparently. GG.
Tiny in terms of progress.

All of the "progress" made is lateral, the game isn't moving forward. It's getting different, not ...
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Originally posted by Gamemeister18

Keep in mind this was in the Darkness Falls mod which always had 10 slot bars. This worked well for me in that mod so I probably won't change it up too much for vanilla. In vanilla I'd probably take out one of the guns and replace it with a healing item cause I wouldn't be speccing into every tree but DF brings back the "learn by doing" system.

1.) Axe

2.) Pick

3.) Shovel

4.) Melee 1 (sledgehammer)

5.) Melee 2 (stun baton cause I like being able to stun tougher enemies)

6.) Stealth weapon (bow/crossbow, sniper, etc)

7.) Pistol

8.) Machine gun

9.) Shotgun

10.) Harvesting tool/knife/frames

Now the DF mod is increasing their toolbelt to 15 and tbh I think that's too many. I've got 13 slots figured out (gonna add in a healing item) but I have no idea what I'll use for the last 2.

15 seems a little overkill. Why not just eternally scroll through occupied slots in the entire inventory which contain equippable items?

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Handsome Arrow:
Originally posted by Shurenai: It's almost like some parts of the game are unfinished and little more than placeholders...*Cough Water cough* Kinda like the game is in Not Finished and still an alpha. The devs focus down one thing at a time, It's senseless to try and build up every aspect of the game all at the same exact time. Get one thing how you want it, then move onto the next. By the very nature of doing things one or even a handful at a time, some things...
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Originally posted by Fragnarr

my game shows the outline for the 2 new slots but we cant use them? anyone have the same issue/know a fix?

The usual suspects. Wipe saves, wipe worlds, new game, new world, no mods etc etc..

22 Sep


Originally posted by OutcastMunkee

Hmm... Well I usually have:

  1. Bow

  2. Club

  3. Shotgun (in case of emergency)

  4. Axe

  5. Pickaxe

  6. Food

  7. Water

  8. Medical item

For the 2 additional slots? I'm thinking maybe a salvaging tool and the Tactical Assault Rifle? Only problem then is I'll lose another inventory slot to carry extra ammunition. That's 3 ammo types I'm gonna be carrying. I might not carry the extra firearm and opt for something else instead. Not sure what though... Oh, maybe a knife for harvesting meat from animals.

My slot 2 is almost always a pistol. My slot three is always my HOLY sh*t gun but that switches between 7mm weapons OR shotgun. I save the remaining ammo type for hordes and it works out pretty even with my usual settings.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Devs have zero intention of adding dual wielding, full stop. You're welcome to request it of course; Modders are welcome to try and make it themselves; But the devs have no intention of including dual wielding into the vanilla game at this time.

It's also my understanding that they won't include shields since it's an offhand weapon and would inherently require dual wielding to be included, or blocking of any sort due to how they want weapons to be mouse controlled with left/right click, and adding block would interfere with the attack/power attack setup melee weapons currently have.

With that said, If you want to get a response from devs; Or at least make it more likely for your comments to be seen by the devs, you'll be better off to post on the main forum as the devs don't peruse the steam forums much/at all: https://community.7daystodie... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Vulc:
Originally posted by BattleSquirrel7: I know more information, so letting you know as requested.

For example, the square root of 9 is 3, Asia is the largest of the continents, and oh yeah...games being in Alpha nowadays just means they are still working through various design and implementation ideas so they don't want to call it "finished".

I believe they are still working toward NPC bandits (at least I hope so), and the latest changes to the weapons and...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I mean, When they all sold everything without any specialization, people still self-limited the map because basically everyone plants a base right next to a trader, or within a short walk of the trader. It doesn't matter which trader it is or if it's specialized or not, in the end, everyone bases right by a trader- And once planted, most don't move to a new location.

You're going to plant next to a trader and you're not going to move away from it which limits your options, Specialized traders or not.

Originally posted by jc2xs

Sounds like I'm an oddball. But for some reason I've gotten used to rolling backwards with the mouse to select most of my weapons.

1. Melee weapon - typically a sledgehammer
2. Medical - bandage/first aid etc.
3. Pick
4. Wood axe
5. Shovel
6. Wrench/impact driver
7. Nailgun
8. Shotgun
9. 9mm pistol
10. Crossbow

It does seem like a more natural hand movement. Gotta keep that melee in slot 1 though so it's easy to select with your keyboard hand too.


Originally posted by tahaan

The list used to be:

  1. Bat / Club
  2. First gun (currently D. Vulture)
  3. Second gun (currently the TAR)
  4. Axe
  5. Wrench / Harvesting tool
  6. Auger
  7. Wood frames
  8. First Aid Kit

This list never changed. Only things that change is before I got a wrench and/or auger I'd have a pick and/or shovel. Also before I get guns slots nr 3 and 4 are for Bow and Torch

With 2000 hours in the game, I'm still getting used to the extra slots but I might replace the auger with a shovel and a pickaxe (Slot 6 and 7, I hate the auger that much), move the frames to slot 8, First Aid kit to Slot 0, and for slot nr 9 ... currently that seems to be the variable "whatever I'm working on right now", so often that is the nailgun or wire tool or something like that.

  1. Melee
  2. Pew Pew
  3. sh*tsh*tsh*tPEWPEWsh*tf*cksh*tOHGODPEWPEWPEW
  4. Pick
  5. Axe
  6. Shovel
  7. Wrench
  8. Frames
  9. High end Medical
  10. Bandages because bleeding is a bitch.

No longer have to leave my shovel and wrench in my inventory to get accidentally sold... again.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
'Clay Soil' is used for all crafting recipes outside the forge that require it, and can be melted into the forge to create 'Clay'

'Clay' is used to craft recipes IN the forge specifically; It has no use outside of the forge and cannot be taken out of the forge in any way- Only used in crafting recipes, one of which is 'Clay Soil'.

They are two separate items, One is only used in the forge, one is used outside of the forge.

Originally posted by AmpersandDuggs

Completely agree! I have 2 kids, and I'm working on streaming 7days on PC after playing 500+ hours on console (before the kids) It's super hard trying to do anything productive in my 2 hour sprint streaming sessions.

My standard game settings when chilling is 20 minute days, horde every night, and max XP. It's a mad rush to begin with, but it's incredibly productive. Really lights a fire under your ass.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ehm... It's a Tactical Assault Rifle, last i checked, not a Tactical Rifle. It's a machine gun. The Ak47 is also an Assault Rifle. Even if i'm wrong and it's named Tactical Rifle, it's still modeled after I think an M4A1(?) which is an assault rifle- And it fires in three round burst by default, not single shot like the actual rifles.

SMG uses 9mm ammunition, and belongs to the handgun tree because it is, comparatively to machine guns, lower damage, lower range and quieter. But more importantly it's basically a fancy handgun.

Functionally speaking, on the whole, ARs/Machine Guns are dressed up automatic rifles and use rifle ammunition. SMG's are dressed up automatic pistols and use handgun ammunition.

Game wise, Non automatic rifles belong to the Rifle tree, Automatic rifles belong to the Machine gun tree, and both handguns and SMG's belong to the handgun tree since there isn't currently a separate smg skill for them the way there is for Rifle and MG'...
    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah I saw that. Pros: Maybe Bethesda won't have to hand hold all the small studios Zenimax bought that make crappy games and delay fallout 5 and ES6, Starfield. Cons: Might see xbox exclusives and PC guys get screwed. Might see new games bundled with their bs subscriptions. Might see the end of mods (not likely as bethesda worked with xbox to get mods on there.)

Alpha 19.1 Stable is out!
Here are the full Official Release Notes and the forum bug reporting pool links.

Official Alpha 19 Release Notes[7daystodie.com]

Alpha 19.1 Bug Reporting Pool[community.7daystodie.com]

Alpha 19.1 Official Release Notes

  • Player side stepping while on ladders
  • Players falling onto ladders will be slowed until they reach a reasonable speed to attach
  • Support defining POI zones in Prefab Editor
  • Set entity rigid body drag to .25 when spawned with 0
  • Death ragdoll physics set max v...
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