Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

07 Jan


It's an interesting idea, for sure, and as Asterix pointed out we had a similar system in the previous Anno game.
While there are modules for certain buildings like the Docklands, the Palace or Museums (and to a degree you can count the Silos and Tractors), this is not something we would expand to regular production buildings in a major way this late into postlaunch.

That's something that would work best when implemented during development, i.e. when the game is developed with such a system in mind.


Heyho - at least right now there are no plans to change the current system regarding DLC ownership for multiplayer.
Additionally, such a change is more than just "flipping a switch", so there's also the development effort to consider.

Should we plan any changes, we would of course announce those accordingly but for now: No plans.

06 Jan

    UbiMint on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi there @Nienna000! Welcome to the forums!

It seems this question was posted in the General Discussion part of the Anno forums, so I've moved it to Player Support for you.

Is your charcoal kiln still producing coal? If so, it is producing coal at the same time your charcoal kiln is planting so the planting may be continuous.

28 Dec


Hey @rolfingenilsen

You have posted this in the Just Dance 2022 forums. Can you clarify which game this is happening with please?

21 Dec


Hey Anno Community, one more update before the holidays:

Thank you for the reports, screenshots and descriptions of issues you have encountered since GU13. Those already greatly helped us investigate the causes for certain bugs and we updated the list of known issues in the first post. Please be aware, however, that the list is not exhaustive.

Apologies for any frustrations you're facing as a result of these issues, we will let you know as soon as we have news regarding GU 13.1

We worked hard over the last months to prepare a nice update-bundle for our community before the Holidays, but acknowledge that GU13 did not release in the state we would have liked it to release.

This is a lesson that we will include in our planning for next year and Season 4, to e.g. allocate additional time for bugfixing and polishing before a release.

Thank you for your ongoing support and Happy Holidays,
The Anno Team

15 Dec

    UbiCecce on Forums - Thread - Direct

The issue is now fixed. Thank you for your patience and happy city-building!

03 Dec


Thanks for adding this @asterix201252 !

Appreciate it and it's been noted to the team!

30 Nov


@kopig Hi there.

Thank you for posting your feedback on how Cpt. Tobias' AI currently works.

We appreciate you posting a proposed workaround for this. Your comment has been forwarded to the game team for further review. If you have any further information to add, or any questions please let us know!

29 Nov

Maybe it's time to restart development of Settlers ๐Ÿ™‚

Just to clarify: We're not working on The Settlers, never have. That game is developed by a different Ubisoft studio (as it has always been the case) and what we are doing or not doing has no impact on the projects of our colleagues in Dรผsseldorf and vice-versa.

And I think the Circus performed rather badly in the last two votings, it does not seem to be a community favourite ๐Ÿ˜‰

24 Nov


Considering the Circus theme has performed poorly in both previous community votes, it's unlikely we would add it to a future voting, should we end of doing another one ๐Ÿ™‚

We will of course let our community know in time how the future of Anno looks like - no matter if we're going to develop more content or end the postlaunch support for Anno 1800.


That thread is correct, we gave away the Open Beta reward. But as I stated above, there was also a reward for participating in the Closed Beta, and that one has not been made publicly available, to my knowledge.
We gave away the Twitch Drops of the first Season, but not the ones for Season 2 and Season 3.

There is a special ornament as well as company logos when buying the History Collection (or some of those when only getting one of the individual History Editions).

23 Nov


Overall, autumn was a more quiet period when a lot of work was put into the content for the end of the year, especially the new game mode based on the Green Game Jam.
There are still a few weeks to go till the release - but no worries, we'll have some first news on Thursday and the DevBlogs for the upcoming content will follow in the next weeks.


As Asterix said, currently there are technical constraints that prevent us from adding some kind of "active pause" to the game - certain reworks of our systems, which this would require, can't be done to the live version of the game without the risk of causing issues. However, we keep the feedback in mind for future projects, yes.

15 Nov


Hey n3mrut, at this point, as far as I'm aware, the only thing you will miss are the Twitch Drops (some smaller ornaments) of last year and this year as well as the closed beta reward.
Everything else was either unlocked for everyone later on or is connected to something you can purchase.

11 Nov


Hey ThePufosenie,

right now there are no plans to change this mechanic. You can spread the items out as long as they're connected via the pavement tiles - or create several smaller zoos across your island.


Hey Tootlehorn,

right now there are no plans to add the goods from "Tourist Season" and "The High Life" to the Docklands imports. They were (amongst others) specifically excluded for balance reasons.

10 Nov


Thanks for reaching out to us with this feedback guys, we appreciate it!

I've passed your comments onto the game team for them to look into further, thanks for the screenshot too!

Please feel free to keep the discussion going on your thoughts with the delivery system so we can keep the team in the loop!

08 Nov


@lilbrunettegirl Hey, there is currently no edition that caontains all content, no. The Year 3 Complete Edition includes all gameplay-relevant DLC (The Anarchist character and Season 1-3), but none of the Cosmetic DLC Packs. We do not include them in bundles since we feel that they are more subjective in taste, and your personal interest in using them for decorating may vary quite a lot between the individual packs.

Hope that helps ๐Ÿ™‚

03 Nov


Hey BigJim35,

while we understand the wish for a map editor, right now there are no plans to create/release such a tool. We're using several 3rd party tools for the creation of our worlds this time around, while for some older Anno titles, the tools were entirely self-developed - and could therefore be released to the public.


02 Nov


Hey, just to avoid any confusion:
In the developer video with two of our UI Designers one of them expresses the hope for more VR games or generally a stronger focus on VR in the future. Right now we do not have any plans to release a VR version or add VR support to Anno.